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What we have learnt so far

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Presentation on theme: "What we have learnt so far"— Presentation transcript:

1 What we have learnt so far
Spanish What we have learnt so far

2 what have we been learning so far? Term 1
Vamos! (lets go) Introducing yourself Getting us to Spanish Pronunciation counting up to 31 Learning to Spanish alphabets Talking about the classroom Talking about school subjects Saying what you do in lessons Talking about your teachers Giving opinions and reasons Talking about snacks

3 What have we been learning so far? Term 2
Mi familia (my family) Talking about your brothers and sisters Counting up to 100 Talking about your pets Talking about your appearance and character Talking about your eyes and hair Talking about where you live Describe where you live Talking about the rooms in your home Describing your bedroom Talking about activities you do in your bed room

4 What have we been learning so far? Term 3
el tiempo libre (free time) Say what you do in your free time Tell the time Talking about sports Saying what you like to do Saying what you are going to do Saying what your town is like Asking about places in town Making and responding to invitations Asking about the weather Saying what you do in town

5 recommended website

6 The basics term 1 What is your name = Como te llamas
My name is ohemaa = me llamo ohemaa How are you = Como estas I am great = estoy fenomenal How old are you = cuantos anos teins I am 12 years old = tengo doce anos When is your birthday = cuando es tu cumpleanious My birthday is the 17 of December = mi cumpleaniou es el dicisiete de deciembre Where do you live = donde vives I live in Peckham = vivo en Peckham What do you have in your school bag = que tiens en tu mochila= I have a pen, two exercise books and a ruler = tengo un boligrafo,uno libro, dos cuandernos y una See you later = hasta luago

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