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SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT MODULE 8. Required by Specification City/Caltrans Level 1 schedule – simple Less than $1 million, less than 100 working days Advanced.

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Presentation on theme: "SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT MODULE 8. Required by Specification City/Caltrans Level 1 schedule – simple Less than $1 million, less than 100 working days Advanced."— Presentation transcript:


2 Required by Specification City/Caltrans Level 1 schedule – simple Less than $1 million, less than 100 working days Advanced notice of changes (15 days notice) Level 2 schedule – standard Less than $1 million, 100 or more working days $1 to $5 million, or over $5 million and less than 100 working days Use and submit computer software, training Duration activities less than 20 working days Correct rejected schedules, resubmit within 7 days, 7 day review Level 3 schedule – complex Total bid over $5 million and 100 or more working days Time impact analysis, other terms

3 Required by Specification (City/Caltrans) Receipt of a baseline schedule Time-scaled network diagram (bar chart) Critical Path Method Schedule Updated schedule monthly Adjustments to schedule as work moves forward Withholding of schedule payments, if necessary

4 Scheduling by the contractor Contract Scope of Work Establishing Major Milestones Start/End dates Correct number of working days Critical Path Items Activity Relationships Each activity should have a start/finish, no open ended activites Resource Allocation Makes sense

5 Project Scheduling basics Establishing objectives Determining available resources Sequencing activities Identifying precedence relationships Determining activity times & costs Estimating material & worker requirements Determining critical activities Use of a Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS)

6 How do you manage a schedule? Prior to construction Think about the work yourself. How would you build it? Talk about the approach with the contractor Pre-bid - Emphasize that all contract requirements are met Baseline submission Review the document (full size, color) Revised/resubmitted or approved Schedule Updates Monitor, status the project, correct, adjust

7 Requirements of the CM Team Systematic approach to review, approve and monitor Baseline schedule How will contractor build the project? Does the plan with all other provisions of contract? Finish date/working days Permit dates Does it make sense? Check schedule updates Monitor - Is contractor maintaining his progress? Maintain – Are any adjustments necessary? Enforce – Communicate, document and act. Is he falling behind?

8 Preconstruction/Scheduling Meeting Review the schedule from the contractor Talk about the approach with the contractor Does his approach make sense Does it comply with the contract Emphasize that all contract requirements are met

9 Baseline Analysis Establish and approve baseline schedule Progress of critical path activities Time critical submittals Track long lead- time items Identify milestones established in the contract Shut-down Switch-overs Special constraints or conditions Weather, shut-downs, threats to environment, permits Adjacent contracts on-going, cooperative clause

10 Baseline submission – CM Team’s role Review Revised/resubmit or Approve Are all contract terms satisfied?

11 Baseline (Spec) 1. Planned/actual start & completion date of each activity… Submittals, plans Material procurement, milestones Interface with other Departments and outside entities Erection and removal shoring, traffic handling, test periods Final cleanup 2. Order proposed to prosecute the work 3. Logical links between the time-scaled work activities 4. All controlling activities (critical activities) 5. Legible description of each activity 6. At least 1 predecessor and 1 successor to each activity 7. Duration of at least 1 working day for each activity 8. Start milestone date as the Contract approval date


13 1. Submittals / Milestones 1. Start / Finish Dates

14 2. Sequence


16 3. Correct Logic

17 4. Critical Path (Red)

18 Critical Path Identifies critical path Longest path in network Shortest time project can be completed Any delay on critical activities will delay project Activities on the critical path have zero (0) float How is this calculated Done by detailed analysis, usually by computer (interdependencies) Some contract provisions require electronic submission Primavera P6 or Microsoft Project

19 5. Activity Descriptions

20 6. Activity Durations

21 5. Start Milestone and Contract Approval NTP

22 Example 1 – City Sewer Project

23 1. Start / Finish 3. Links 4. Critical Path 5. Descriptions 7. Durations 8. Milestones 2. Order 6. Pred/Succ

24 Schedule Update Monitor the progress – diaries, photos, logs Status the project – log dates of critical activities Correct – notify contractor Behind schedule Failure to work on critical activities Adjust Request recovery schedule (by letter) Contractor initiated corrections Longer work hours Additional crews Different equipment/means

25 Baseline Schedule

26 Update June 5th

27 Questions for Reviewer Completion date? Are you on schedule? Are you within budget? Probability of completing by...? What are the “Critical” activities? Have they changed? Is duration of critical activity changing? Enough resources? Will project finish on time? Early? Late?

28 Tracking progress Use “Weekly Statement of Working Days,” to track the status of contract time to the contractor. Weather Shut-downs Suspensions Added days via CCO

29 References Caltrans Construction Manual Chapter 5 Contract Administration Section 4 Disputes Construction Management Association of America Construction Management Standards of Practice

30 Questions?

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