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Coming Together for a Common Purpose District Educator Shamora Gilliam EDU620: Meeting Individual Student Needs with Technology Dr. Williams June 6, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Coming Together for a Common Purpose District Educator Shamora Gilliam EDU620: Meeting Individual Student Needs with Technology Dr. Williams June 6, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming Together for a Common Purpose District Educator Shamora Gilliam EDU620: Meeting Individual Student Needs with Technology Dr. Williams June 6, 2016

2 To capture the audiences attention to visit this station, this colorful poster will be on display Station 1: Universal Design for Learning (UDL

3 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) There are 3 concepts that make up Universal Design for Learning:  Multiple Means of Representation  Multiple Means of Action and Expression  Multiple means of engagement

4 Demonstrating UDL in action a source of technology will be included that supports UDL. The CSS Zen Garden Incorporating technology Universal Design for Learning

5 Mission, Belief, and Goals for the school district or community center as it pertains to technology. Technology and UDL for All Learners

6  Postsecondary Workforce Readiness  Hands on work experience  Career Management  Career Assessment  Business Law  Office Applications  Basic Typing  Principles of Technology Course Offerings

7 21 st Century Outcomes  Health Literacy  21 st Century Creativity and Innovation Skills  ICT Literacy  Initiative and Self-Direction Station 3: 21 st Century Skills Acquisition and Employability

8 Carver, L. B. (2016). Teacher Perception of Barriers and Benefits in K-12 Technology Usage. Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology - TOJET, 15(1), 110-116. Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. Retrieved from Masters, G. (2010). Teaching and learning: School improvement framework. Brisbane: State of Queensland (Department of Education and Training)/Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (n.d). UDL Guidelines – Version 2.0: Examples and Resources. Retrieved from Sládek, P., Miléř, T., & Benárová, R. (2011). How to increase students’ interest in science and technology. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 12(INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 2010), 168-174. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.02.024 References

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