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Steven L. Goldman, DPM, MBA President, American Board of Podiatric Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Steven L. Goldman, DPM, MBA President, American Board of Podiatric Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steven L. Goldman, DPM, MBA President, American Board of Podiatric Medicine

2 This PowerPoint is intended to familiarize the candidate with the navigation features in the certification case presentation format. The sample provided shows the relevant screen areas, media panel, zoom function, dialogue boxes and scroll bar(s) that the candidate will encounter. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with these for smooth navigation through your examination.

3 Several screens will appear initially, welcoming the candidate to the examination. Proceed through all screens promptly by clicking on “Next” as shown. An inadvertent delay may result in your being timed out of the examination before the actual examination begins.

4 Simply follow and respond to the prompts where indicated in order to begin the examination.

5 Cases are presented in the format shown. The opening screen contains the initial presentation in the left panel and any pertinent media in the right panel. Media may be text, clinical photos, imaging studies, etc.

6 The examination timer appears in the upper right of the screen above the media panel. It counts down to indicate the overall time remaining for the examination. Cases are not timed individually.

7 The Case Tracker indicates the case the candidate is currently working on. The examination consists of 8 cases.

8 The Question Tracker indicates the question within each case that you are working on. The number of questions presented per case vary based upon the needs of the case.

9 Opening Statement: All questions begin with an opening statement in this section, from which to proceed through the case. Cases will often have associated media in the right panel.

10 Question and Array of Responses: Candidates will be presented with a question and an array of responses from which to choose. The number of choices the candidate must make will be indicated for each question. Information in the media panel may be required to assist in making choices.

11 Clicking on a choice will highlight it and assign a check mark to the left of it. Clicking on it a second time will remove the check mark. (The choices shown are for navigational purposes only).

12 You must click on the “submit choices” tab to record your selections.

13 Once done the “Submission(s) recorded” banner will appear as shown.

14 If you provide LESS choices than required and attempt to submit them, or move to the next tab the dialogue box shown will appear. You cannot move on until you make the required number of selections.

15 Conversely, if you attempt to provide MORE than the required number of responses you will receive the notice shown.

16 When new media is presented the question asked will indicate “See media panel”. New and previously shown media is organized in tabs, as shown, and can always be accessed for review by clicking on the relevant tab.

17 Candidates may review, but not alter, prior submitted and recorded choices (responses) to each question by clicking on the box shown and subsequently selecting the relevant tab. In that way candidates can always review prior responses and media before choosing responses for the question they are currently viewing.

18 After clicking on “Prior Question Responses” the dialogue box shown will appear, showing both the prior question asked and the candidate’s responses to the question. Clicking on “Close” at the lower right will close the dialogue box.

19 For a given question some associated media have “Zoom In/Zoom Out” capability. This is typically present if the “expanded” version of the associated media would exceed the available viewing space in the media panel.

20 Media with the “zoom” function may be enlarged or reduced as required. If, through the enlargement part, or all, of the media becomes hidden from view, scroll bars, either vertical, horizontal, or both, will appear so that the candidate can view all areas of the media. REMEMBER TO USE THE SCROLL BAR(S) IF THEY APPEAR!

21 When the candidate completes the final question of a case a dialogue box will appear advising the candidate of this and directing the candidate to click “Yes” to continue to the next case.

22 At the conclusion of the examination (when the candidate completes all 8 cases) the screen shown will appear.

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