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Transportation Master Plan Randy Scherzer Mike Kelly.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Master Plan Randy Scherzer Mike Kelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Master Plan Randy Scherzer Mike Kelly

2 Purpose of the TMP  Action Item of the County Strategic Plan  Ensure the transportation system is designed to meet the needs of the current population and to attract people to live and work here  Address short, medium and long-term multi-modal transportation needs of Grey County  Develop a strong, sustainable, multi-modal transportation system for the future  Prioritizes critical pieces of infrastructure  Integrate with neighbouring transportation systems 2

3 TMP Recommendations  RFP approved by Council to hire a consultant  RFP identifies the items to be addressed as part of the TMP  Consultant has done what has been asked of them as per the RFP  Many different options and recommendations to consider as outlined in the draft TMP 3

4 TMP Recommendations  TMP Contains Recommendations and Options for:  Active Transportation  Transit  Community Traffic  Road Rationalization  Bridge Rationalization  Connecting Links  Goods Movement 4

5 TMP Recommendations  Given current resources – can’t tackle everything – need direction from Council on what recommendations to move forward with and to prioritize which recommendations should be implemented first 5

6 Moving Forward, Priority Action Items  Road Rationalization/Goods Movement  Postpone for at least 2 years the recommended transfers until further data/information is collected (e.g. Asset Management Plans have been completed)  Further investigate moving forward with the Road transfers where there are ‘even’ trades to create immediate efficiencies in the County Road Network  Use the Road Rationalization to create a Functional Classification (i.e. Road Hierarchy) and develop appropriate standards/policies based on hierarchy 6

7  Network Improvements: 7 Grey Road 11 for 10 th Concession Grey Road 25 for Bentinck-Sullivan Townline Moving Forward, Priority Action Items

8  Network Improvements: 8 Grey Road 14 for Southgate Sideroad 11 Grey Road 9 for Concession 12 Moving Forward, Priority Action Items

9  Bridge Rationalization  Develop Bridge Classification Criteria based on principles of when a bridge should be replaced or closed  Postpone any consideration of transfers until there is more data/information (e.g. Asset Management Plans have been completed)  Develop criteria to transfer bridges in the future 9 Moving Forward, Priority Action Items

10 Transit  Continue to move forward with recommendations contained in the Rural Transit Study Active Transportation  Develop an updated Paved Shoulder Policy/Program - strategically locate paved shoulders based on policies/standards with better alignment with Tourism Cycling Routes, etc. (meetings have already commenced)  Explore opportunities to improve trail user experience (e.g. parking facilities, signage, etc.) Connecting Links  Develop connecting link principles and connecting link agreements Community Traffic Measures  Develop principles/policies for assessing Community Traffic Calming Measures Other Implementation Strategies  Incorporate the Policy Recommendations with respect to Harbours, Airports and Rail Corridors into the County Official Plan 10 Moving Forward, Priority Action Items

11 Road Rationalization/Goods Movement – postpone transfers, except for ‘even’ trades, develop standards/policies based on functional classification/hierarchy Bridge Rationalization – develop bridge classification criteria/principles, develop transfer criteria, postpone any transfers Transit – continue moving forward with Rural Transit Study recommendations Active Transportation - Develop a strategic Paved Shoulder Policy/Program, explore opportunities to improve trail user experience Connecting Links – Develop connecting link principles and connecting link agreements Community Traffic Measure - Develop principles/policies for assessing Community Traffic Calming Measures Other Strategies - Incorporate the Policy Recommendations with respect to Harbours, Airports and Rail Corridors into the County Official Plan 11 Summary of Recommended Priority Action Items

12 Next Steps 12  Implement Further Engagement Strategy  Local Municipal Information Session – March 6 th  Public Meeting – March 6 th, 6pm to 8pm, Council Chambers  Comment Period Deadline?  Summarize comments received and present final Priority Action Plan for Council’s consideration  Begin Implementing Priority Action Plan based on direction from Council

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