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-1- Danaos Technical Application Technical Support Department Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "-1- Danaos Technical Application Technical Support Department Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 -1- Danaos Technical Application Technical Support Department Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016

2 -2- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Scope of this modification is to provide an easy way to the user to monitor important overdue issues for the vessels. The user defines the periodicity that he/she will receive alerts for these information via Alert/ Email. Danaos Routines

3 -3- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Application Properties No: : "Jobs Calendar Planning“ section link with “Jobs Card Input” panel Yes: "Jobs Calendar Planning“ section link with “Jobs Planning Selection“ procedure

4 -4- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Identifiers Library Ability to export Identifiers in Excel format

5 -5- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Job Card multiple attachments

6 -6- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Vessel Inactive System “Not Active” Systems can not longer be linked with Vessel Locations

7 -7- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Vessel Inactive Jobs User is able to mark a job as Inactive for a particular vessel/location/system/subsystem number

8 -8- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Vessel Inactive Jobs Once a job is set as Inactive then it is visible only in History reports (appearing in red letters) and not at the PMS status, so it will not be appeared as overdue

9 -9- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Vessel Subsystems Serial Numbers Serial number is shown at the vessel multiplicities, in order for each subsystem to be unique

10 -10- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 That modification is done according to the NOx Technical Code which demands the recording of all changes, including components and engine settings, which may influence NOx emission of the engine. Job Record Reason

11 -11- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Modify Jobs Periodicity- Jobs Library System re-calculates automatically the plan after any change applied in jobs periodicity

12 -12- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Alternate Hourly Periodicity When a job has main periodicity based on running hours and the alternate periodicity is based on calendar, then if the alternate periodicity is expired before the main periodicity, that job will be considered as overdue based on the alternate periodicity. That jobs will be red colored at the reports.

13 -13- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Job Postponement Vessel requests to postpone a Job(s) and Office has the option to Approves or Cancel Records have been created in order to trace the history of each case. When option NO is activated, program allows only one Approval for Job Postponement per Job If job is not done until approved postponed date, then job will be displayed as overdue until the next update

14 -14- Piraeus 2/6/2016 User Meeting 2016 Job Postponement Maximum Postponement period is calculated based on Jobs periodicity Onboard User is able to enter the reason of Job postponement

15 -15- Piraeus 2/6/2016 User Meeting 2016 Job Postponement Office Approval / Cancellation procedure

16 -16- Piraeus 2/6/2016 User Meeting 2016 Job Postponement Postponed Jobs appeared with orange color in Jobs Plan. Postponed Due Date is displayed with green color

17 -17- Piraeus 2/6/2016 User Meeting 2016 Job Postponement Rules  Jobs with Hourly Periodicity [Program control it and not allow other]: max +15% postponement (system converts to average days for the last 3-months & average RHs/ per month)  Jobs with Calendar periodicity [Program to control it and not allow other]: a)max + 5 months for jobs having periodicity ≥ 36-months b)max + 3 months for jobs having periodicity >=12-35 months d)max + 1 months for jobs having periodicity >=2-3month e)max +10-days for <=1-month c)max + 2 months for jobs with periodicity >=4-11 months

18 -18- Piraeus 2/6/2016 User Meeting 2016 Job Postponement Option YES at Application Properties allows Job(s) Postponements without rules and multiple requests

19 -19- Piraeus 2/6/2016 User Meeting 2016 Unpostponable Jobs Ability to set job(s) as Unpostponable

20 -20- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Overdue Repairs Report Overdue Repairs Short Output Overdue Repairs Long Output

21 -21- Piraeus 02/06/2016 User Meeting 2016 Overdue Vettings – Technical Control Panel This modification provides the ability to the user to monitor a matrix for the overdue vettings of each vessel/per Fleet.

22 -22- Piraeus 2/6/2016 User Meeting 2016 Forms Panel  “Signed By” button: Ability to sign a Form when it will arrives in Office

23 -23- Piraeus 2/6/2016 User Meeting 2016 Forms Panel  “Signed By History” button: Ability to monitor the informed persons per Form

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