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Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment High School Department Chair Meeting November 6, 2012 HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment High School Department Chair Meeting November 6, 2012 HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment High School Department Chair Meeting November 6, 2012 HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1

2 Presenter Information Marisa Hartling Secondary ELA/R Curriculum Manager Christi Keelen Secondary ELA/R Curriculum Specialist 2

3 Informational Items Professional Development Opportunities – STAAR Workshops- Reading Comprehension 11/14/12 and 12/1/12 – Reading and Writing Conference- Region IV – WITS Secondary Saturday Series – IRA Conference- 4/19/2013 San Antonio, Texas – NCTE- 11/15/2012 Las Vegas, Nevada Istation FAQ 3

4 Curriculum Information STAAR Update- Victoria Young STAAR EOC Cumulative Score Teacher Perception- Reading and Writing STAAR Hot Spots 4

5 STAAR EOC Cumulative Score 5 Does each student graduate?

6 STAAR EOC Cumulative Score 6

7 Teacher Perception Based on average rankings at your table, which genre does the group feel is the easiest and which is the hardest genre to teach? How do these rankings compare with the student data? What are the instructional implications for your classroom? For your campus? 7

8 STAAR Hot Spots Examine the 7 hot spots/adjustments for Reading. Why do you think students struggled in these areas? Which of these adjustments do you feel will be the hardest to implement? Why? Discuss with your table. Examine the 8 hot spots/adjustments for Writing. Why do you think students struggled in these areas? Which of the adjustments do you feel will be the hardest to implement? Why? Discuss with your table. 8

9 Final Word- Write Like This 9

10 Conclusion Questions Contact Information: Christi Keelen Jennifer Datray 10

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