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A bold pitch template. About me Professor, Educator, Mentor, Angel Investor Technology Geek at heart; started career as operating systems programmer 36.

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Presentation on theme: "A bold pitch template. About me Professor, Educator, Mentor, Angel Investor Technology Geek at heart; started career as operating systems programmer 36."— Presentation transcript:

1 A bold pitch template

2 About me Professor, Educator, Mentor, Angel Investor Technology Geek at heart; started career as operating systems programmer 36 years ago. Been there, done that: geek, head geek, corporate executive, tech transfer office, technology commercialization, tech startup founder/CEO, fitness franchise, China, fitness club owner, smart homes, management, executive training company, consultancy, science park, PE firm, backdoor listings, VC-backed ventures, executive trainer, researcher, PhD.

3 HELLO! Get excitement Get attention Tell them why you’re excited about this opportunity. And why you’re the right person/team at the right time at the right place to take this opportunity forward.

4 Elevator Pitch Don’t do a blah blah blah pitch like “Improve profitability of businesses by using their own data to optimize pricing decisions, reducing time taken for decision making and ensuring their decisions are revenue maximising. “ Be Bold. Be Brief. Be Clear. BBC. You need them to have this reaction: TELL ME MORE! 65% of the world’s hotels do not use demand planning intelligence to plan their marketing activities. Why not when doing so will increase their average occupancy by 1/3? Because the softwares are expensive! We are here to disrupt this.

5 This will be a good time to put in some bold quotes from your target customer base as a form of validation.

6 Did you know… ∎ Here you list the problem and the financial impact to the target segment ∎ Include why they have not solved this problem yet ∎ Conclude with an opportunity statement/question to tease their interest

7 Describe succinctly what your solution offers, and how it solves the problem described earlier. Solution

8 The Competitors Include how you are positioned against competitors.

9 Market Opportunity Include market sizing – TAM, SAM, Target Market and Beach Head

10 Do a screen shot of your MVP Place your screenshot here ANDROID App

11 Describe your Go-to-market

12 Risks

13 Describe your business model Install/Connect API Our product suggests ‘optimized’ pricing Manager can accept. Auto updates for all channels Dashboard displays historical trends and added value

14 Your target market in the world? Singapore

15 Timeline

16 UNIT ECONOMICS CAC, LTV, Churn, ARPU, MAU, DAU Number Number users/customers/partners $$$ Unit revenue, cost, etc. $$ Potential revenue …

17 Investment Required $$$ for ∎ MVP ∎ Staff (?) Company Valuation$$$ to last for how long?


19 Summary Huge potential Market Scale-able modelPotential for Vertical & Horizontal expansion

20 THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at …

21 Place your screenshot here Pop MVP iPHONE App

22 Place your screenshot here Wireframe MVPs TABLET App

23 Place your screenshot here Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates. DESKTOP PROJECT

24 SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes. This means that you can: ● Resize them without losing quality. ● Change line color, width and style. Isn’t that nice? :) Examples:

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