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Allows you to search by author, title and subject Has prompts to help if you get the first 2-3 letters of the search term Allows you to easily search.

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2 Allows you to search by author, title and subject Has prompts to help if you get the first 2-3 letters of the search term Allows you to easily search for series Allows you to browse “the shelf” to find similar books Lets you hover over titles to get quick details Lets you create your own lists

3 Click the “book dude” icon to begin your quest! Click on LGHS Media Catalog to begin.

4 This feature lets you see the Top 10 books checked out in your school’s media center This feature lets you see the Media Center’s newest books!

5 Start Your Search You may search by author, subject or title Type in your search term here

6 Start Your Search Typing in the first couple of letters of the word will pull down a list of words starting with those letters.

7 Start Your Search All books available will come up. A red or green “star burst” in the upper right-hand corner shows if the book is checked out or is on the shelf.

8 Finding Out More About a Book Status of the book and create your own list feature. This feature lets you browse the shelf around the title you have selected. This is all the information about the title, including awards the book might have won and book reviews.

9 Deeper Into Your Quest Click on Subject to explore different subjects within your search. This feature allows you to create your own book list for research or pleasure reading.

10 Deeper Into Your Quest Lets you see the books around the book you have selected. This feature is great for research and finding similar books quickly.

11 Now For Live Tour Go see Destiny!

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