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Resuscitation in special circumstances workshop Hypovolaemia Version: Jun 2016.

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1 Resuscitation in special circumstances workshop Hypovolaemia Version: Jun 2016

2 At the end of this workshop you should be able to: understand the treatment of the patient with cardiac arrest caused by hypovolaemia know the likely causes and signs of life-threatening hypovolaemia understand the need to control haemorrhage and infuse fluids know the different actions needed in addition to standard ALS Learning outcomes

3 Case study Clinical setting and history A 75-year-old man has had a partial gastrectomy for a large bleeding gastric ulcer. Two hours after arriving back on the surgical ward his abdomen is grossly distended. Clinical course – ABCDE A : clear B : RR 30 min -1, SpO 2 unrecordable on 4 L min -1 oxygen via a Hudson mask C : P 140 min -1 sinus tachycardia - femoral pulses just palpable, BP 60/40 mmHg, CRT 4 s D : GCS 12 (E3, V4, M5), pupils equal and reactive to light E : very pale What action will you take?

4 Case study (continued) Clinical course – he loses consciousness and becomes apnoeic – the ECG monitor displays sinus tachycardia – there are no palpable pulses What will you do now?

5 Case study (continued) Clinical course – he loses consciousness and becomes apnoeic – the ECG monitor displays sinus tachycardia – there are no palpable pulses Specific considerations?

6 Any questions?

7 Advanced Life Support Course Slide set All rights reserved © Australian Resuscitation Council (June 2016)

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