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Baboon Weight (kg)44 Height (m)0.8 ColourBrown, Black HabitatSavannah, Woodland DietOmnivore PredatorsHumans, Leopards, Cheetahs Life Span (yrs)25 Walks.

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Presentation on theme: "Baboon Weight (kg)44 Height (m)0.8 ColourBrown, Black HabitatSavannah, Woodland DietOmnivore PredatorsHumans, Leopards, Cheetahs Life Span (yrs)25 Walks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baboon Weight (kg)44 Height (m)0.8 ColourBrown, Black HabitatSavannah, Woodland DietOmnivore PredatorsHumans, Leopards, Cheetahs Life Span (yrs)25 Walks on4 legs FeaturesLong tail Endangered?No Buffalo Weight (kg)800 Height (m)1.5 ColourBlack, Grey HabitatAll DietHerbivore PredatorsHumans, Lions Life Span (yrs)20 Walks on4 legs FeaturesLarge curved horns Endangered?Yes

2 Cheetah Weight (kg)55 Height (m)0.8 ColourBlack, Orange, White HabitatPlains DietCarnivore PredatorsEagles, Humans, Hyenas, Lions Life Span (yrs)20 Walks on4 legs FeaturesSpotted fur Endangered?Yes Crocodile Weight (kg)900 Height (m)0.5 ColourBrown. Green, Grey HabitatRivers, Wetland DietCarnivore PredatorsHumans Life Span (yrs)80 Walks on4 legs FeaturesArmoured skin Endangered?Yes

3 Elephant Weight (kg)6350 Height (m)3 ColourGrey HabitatForest, Savannas and Flood Plains DietHerbivore PredatorsLions, Humans, Hyenas Life Span (yrs)70 Walks on4 legs FeaturesLong Trunk Endangered?Yes Flamingo Weight (kg)4 Height (m)1.3 ColourBlack, Pink, White HabitatLakes DietOmnivore PredatorsEagles, Marabou Storks, Vultures Life Span (yrs)30 Walks on2 legs FeaturesSleeps standing on one leg Endangered?No

4 Giraffe Weight (kg)1270 Height (m)5 ColourBlack, Brown, White HabitatAll DietHerbivore PredatorsHumans Life Span (yrs)25 Walks on4 legs FeaturesLong neck and tongue Endangered?Yes Hippopotamus Weight (kg)3629 Height (m)4.2 ColourGrey HabitatRivers, Wetland DietHerbivore PredatorsCrocodiles, Humans, Lions Life Span (yrs)50 Walks on4 legs FeaturesEyes on the top of head Endangered?No

5 Hyena Weight (kg)86 Height (m)0.9 ColourBlack, Brown, Fawn HabitatGrassland, Savannah, Woodland DietOmnivore PredatorsHumans Life Span (yrs)25 Walks on4 legs FeaturesLaughing call Endangered?Threatened Impala Weight (kg)75 Height (m)1 ColourBlack, Brown, White HabitatSavannah DietHerbivore PredatorsLions, Leopards, Cheetahs, Hyenas Life Span (yrs)12 Walks on4 legs FeaturesLong curved horns Endangered?Yes

6 Jackal Weight (kg)16 Height (m)0.6 ColourBlack, Brown, White HabitatSavannah DietOmnivore PredatorsEagles, Hyenas, Leopards Life Span (yrs)25 Walks on4 legs FeaturesLarge ears and eyes Endangered?No Lion Weight (kg)230 Height (m)1.2 ColourBlack, Brown, Fawn HabitatGrassland, Savannah, Woodland DietCarnivore PredatorsHumans Life Span (yrs)15 Walks on4 legs FeaturesMane around neck of the male Endangered?Threatened

7 Meerkat Weight (kg)1 Height (m)0.3 ColourBlack, Brown HabitatSavannah DietOmnivore PredatorsEagles, Jackals, Snakes Life Span (yrs)14 Walks on4 legs FeaturesScout on hind legs Endangered?No Ostrich Weight (kg)160 Height (m)2.7 ColourBlack, Brown, Pink, White HabitatSavannah DietOmnivore PredatorsCheetahs, Leopards, Lions, Hyenas Life Span (yrs)40 Walks on2 legs FeaturesLong neck and legs Endangered?No

8 Pelican Weight (kg)13 Height (m)1.8 ColourBlack, Pink, White HabitatLakes DietCarnivore PredatorsCoyotes, Lions, Humans Life Span (yrs)40 Walks on2 legs FeaturesPouch hanging from underside of beak Endangered?No Penguin Weight (kg)2 Height (m)0.7 ColourBlack, Pink, White HabitatCoastal DietCarnivore PredatorsFur seal Life Span (yrs)10 Walks on2 legs FeaturesPink around the eyes Endangered?No

9 Rhinoceros Weight (kg)1814 Height (m)1.5 ColourGrey HabitatGrassland, Savannah DietHerbivore PredatorsHumans Life Span (yrs)40 Walks on4 legs FeaturesHard thick skin Endangered?Yes Rock Hyrax Weight (kg)5 Height (m)0.5 ColourBrown, Grey HabitatAll DietOmnivore PredatorsEagles, Leopards, Pythons, Sevals Life Span (yrs)12 Walks on4 legs FeaturesNo tail Endangered?No

10 Warthog Weight (kg)113 Height (m)0.8 ColourBlack, Grey, Orange HabitatSavannah DietHerbivore PredatorsLeopards, Lions Life Span (yrs)15 Walks on4 legs FeaturesStrong, curved tusks on face Endangered?No Wild-Dog Weight (kg)26 Height (m)1.1 ColourBlack, Brown, Red, White, Yellow HabitatPlains, Woodlands DietCarnivore PredatorsHumans Life Span (yrs)11 Walks on4 legs FeaturesWhite tip to tail Endangered?Yes

11 Wolf Weight (kg)36 Height (m)0.9 ColourBlack, Brown, Grey, White HabitatAll DietCarnivore PredatorsHumans Life Span (yrs)10 Walks on4 legs FeaturesLoud howling Endangered?Threatened Zebra Weight (kg)250 Height (m)1.4 ColourBlack, White HabitatAll DietHerbivore PredatorsCheetahs, Hyenas, Leopards, Lions Life Span (yrs)40 Walks on4 legs FeaturesStriped coat Endangered?No

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