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Integrating Math & Music Patricia DeSomma Arkansas State Univerisity

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1 Integrating Math & Music Patricia DeSomma Arkansas State Univerisity

2 What Does Integrating Math & Music Mean?  Using Music to help students grasp Mathematical skills.  Matching beats to mathematic problems  Songs that teach mathematic skills

3 Where did this idea come from and how does it work? Where Did This Idea Come From?  The idea of integrating Music with other areas of learning has been dated as far back as Ancient Greek.  There is no record of the creator of this idea. How Does It Work?  The brain is separated into two hemispheres, the right and the left.  The left is in charge or rational thought and logical sequencing  The right side takes deals with creativity.  By integrating Music with Math you are using both sides

4 Benefits of Incorporating Math & Music In the Classroom  Improved performance on standardized tests  Enhanced learning for students: At- risk, Gifted and Talented, and Special Education  Preparation for Middle School curriculum In the Real World  Teaches students how to make sense of problems rather than memorizing small parts.  Encourage collaboration and teamwork  Students will be used to setting challenging goals for themselves -credit to improve-math-skills/

5 Examples of Math & Music being incorporated  YouTube Music Videos  Clapping Hands While Reciting Facts  Listening to Music While Doing Math Homework

6 The Negative  Some students can be distracted by the use of music in the classroom.  ELL may not understand the lyrics.  Not all music is appropriate

7 Multiplication Rap Video

8 Integrating Music & Other Subjects  Language Arts  How?  Dfgsdfg  Sdfgdfg  Science  How?  Asdf  asdf  History  How?  Asdfas  Asdfasfd  Speciality Subjects  P.E.  Asdfsadf  Asdfdsa  Art  Asdfa  asdf

9 Room Activity  Watch Video  Do Dance With Students

10 Open Discussion  Question & Answer  Introduction of Math Professor  Math Professor Question & Answer

11 Recap  What does “Integrated Music in the Math Class” mean?  Using Music to help students grasp Mathematical skills.  Where did the concept come from?  There is no record of who founded the idea.  There has been artifacts found that date this idea as far back as Ancient Greece.  How does it work?  By integrated Music with Math, the students are using both sides of their brain to process this information.  Benefits in the Classroom  Improved performance on standardized tests  Enhanced learning for students: At-risk, Gifted and Talented, and Special Education  Benefits in the real world  Teaches students how to make sense of problems rather than memorizing small parts.  Encourage collaboration and teamwork  The Negative Side  Some students can be distracted by the use of music in the classroom.  ELL may not understand the lyrics

12 Reference Page  03/29/how-to-use-music-to- improve-math-skills/  Mrs. Blake’s Music Class

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