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George H.W. Bush Republican 1988-1992 Democratically controlled Congress.

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1 George H.W. Bush Republican 1988-1992 Democratically controlled Congress

2 Political Ad No new taxes Our Mission: 1000 points of light


4 Long Government Service WWII Pilot U.S. House of Representatives ’66- ’70 from Texas Ambassador to the United Nations ‘71-’73 Ambassador to China ‘74-’75 Director of the C.I.A. ‘76-’77 Vice President under Reagan ‘81-’89 President ‘88-92

5 Saw the end of Cold War 1989: Fall of Berlin Wall 1991: Dissolution of the Soviet Union

6 Persian Gulf War August 2, 1990 - February 28, 1991 1- “Operation Desert Storm” 2- “Operation Desert Shield” - protect Saudi Arabia’s OIL Pushed Iraq out of Kuwait (U.N. authorized- led by U.S.) Saddam Hussein led Iraq Iraq invades Kuwait after demanding $30 billion to cover the cost of Iran-Iraq war. U.S. imposes economic sanctions- then invades Takes 10 days to liberate Kuwait and protect oil

7 The Economy under this President national debt 3 times larger than in 1980 Had to raise taxes to reduce debt. 1992 Unemployment7.5 Debt or Surplus?Debt

8 Promises Campaign PromisesPromises He Kept “Read my lips, No new taxes” Raised taxes to reduce debt Created 30 million jobs in next 8 years Created a few jobs Balance budget by 1992No balanced budget Be the “Environmental” president Passed Clean Air Act

9 Major Events Tiananmen Square Protest 1989 in Beijing, People’s Republic of China Vice President was ridiculed – Dan Quayle

10 Accomplishments at HomeAccomplishments Abroad Americans with Disabilities Act. 7/26/1990 No discrimination based on disability Invasion of Panama and overthrow of their government Savings and loan industry collapsed. Bailed out Banks with $100 million taxpayer money Re-unification of Germany 1990. Clean Air Act - limits to air pollution (smog), toxic emissions, acid rain Persian Gulf War - pushed Iraq out of Kuwait. NAFTA (North American Fair Trade Agreement) Free trade between U.S. Canada and Mexico (signed by Clinton)

11 How he is viewed today Successful in foreign affairs but not in American affairs Americans have a better feeling about him today than when he left office.

12 How did he change the country Helped to end mistrust between super powers.

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