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George H.W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton Review Questions and Study Guide.

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1 George H.W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton Review Questions and Study Guide

2 1. What was the focus of George H.W. Bush’s campaign for president in 1988? Bush focused on his experience as Vice President, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Congressman from Texas, ambassador to the United Nations, and a war hero.

3 2. What promises did Bush make after receiving the Republican nomination? Bush promised to continue Reagan’s conservative policies, uphold traditional values, and famously said “Read my lips- no new taxes.”

4 3. Who did Bush defeat in the 1988 presidential election? Michael Dukakis, Governor of Massachusetts, was defeated by Bush. He was characterized as too liberal, unpatriotic, and soft on crime.

5 4. What problems did the Savings and Loan crisis present for the Bush administration? Critics blamed deregulation of the banks for their increasingly risky loans that led to their failure. Banks that previously could only lend money for mortgages (buying homes) could now invest in real estate deals and stocks/bonds.

6 4. What problems did the Savings and Loan crisis present for the Bush administration? Reagan and Bush, as conservatives, supported deregulation of the Savings and Loan banks and reduced the size of the government agency that was supposed to regulate (keep banks from making bad investments or breaking the law- loaning more than they could).

7 5. What were the effects of the Savings and Loan crisis for the economy and government? Over 1,000 banks failed- forcing the government to reimburse insured depositors (pay back money they had put in the bank). The government spent $200 billion to keep more banks from failing. After, interest rates were raised and loans were harder to get, contributing to slow economy.

8 5. What were the effects of the Savings and Loan crisis for the economy and government?

9 6. In what way did George H.W. Bush help to continue the civil rights movement? Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in July 1990. The law ensured that people with disabilities would have the same opportunities in employment as well as equal access to public places and transportation.

10 7. What was the first phase in the fall of the Soviet Union beginning in 1989? In November 1989, the East German communist government was forced from power, its borders were opened- including the gates of the Berlin Wall. Thousands gathered to celebrate and destroy parts of the wall.

11 7. What was the first phase in the fall of the Soviet Union beginning in 1989? “Velvet Revolutions” (bloodless) spread across Eastern Europe as communist governments fell in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania and Yugoslavia.

12 8. What year marked the turning point that was the end of the Cold War? The Cold War ended in 1991 after a failed coup (communist military leaders tried to remove Mikel Gorbachev from power). Thousands of Russians, led by Boris Yeltsin, demanded the release of Gorbachev. After his release, Gorbachev announced the end of the USSR.

13 9. What are two ways to interpret the end of the Cold War? Conservatives would argue that Reagan’s arms buildup and hard line against the Soviets forced them to spend too much on their military- leading to the necessary reforms that led to revolution. Others would argue that the Soviet system’s flaws and reforms had little to do with Reagan.

14 10. How did the Persian Gulf War begin? The War began when Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, invaded neighboring Kuwait in August of 1990. Iraq accused Kuwait of stealing oil by slant drilling across their border. Relations were strained because Iraq owed Kuwait millions for their support during the Iran-Iraq War.

15 11. Why did the United Nations intervene? Bush pushed for UN intervention because of the strategic interest in stable oil prices in the region. The United States was allied with neighboring Saudi Arabia, and worried an Iraqi invasion of that country would further increase oil prices. And the UN wanted to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi forces.

16 12. What were the defining characteristics of Operation Desert Storm? U.S. led airstrikes quickly destroyed Iraqi targets- air bases, bridges, and air defense systems- many with laser-guided “smart bombs” Ground forces were then sent in, thousands of Iraqis surrendered and 25,000 died (compared to only 148 Americans killed). Kuwait liberated in two months.

17 12. What were the defining characteristics of Operation Desert Storm?


19 13. Why did George H.W. Bush lose the 1992 presidential election despite his high approval ratings following the Persian Gulf War (X4)? A recession occurs at the end of the Cold War (1990-1991) and the slow recovery and Savings and Loan Crisis hurt Bush’s popularity.

20 13. Why did George H.W. Bush lose the 1992 presidential election despite his high approval ratings following the Persian Gulf War (X4)? To reduce the deficit, Bush breaks his election promise and pushes for higher taxes- angering many conservatives.

21 13. Why did George H.W. Bush lose the 1992 presidential election despite his high approval ratings following the Persian Gulf War (X4)? Bill Clinton runs as a “new democrat,” attempting to appeal to conservatives who may otherwise vote for Bush- by agreeing that government is inefficient and needs some reform. He also criticizes Bush on the weak economy.

22 13. Why did George H.W. Bush lose the 1992 presidential election despite his high approval ratings following the Persian Gulf War (X4)? Ross Perot’s third party run for president challenges the status quo with focus on the deficit and large national debt. He may have taken away votes that would have otherwise gone to Bush by focusing on these conservative issues.

23 14. Who did President Clinton appoint to head his White House Healthcare Taskforce? Clinton appointed first lady Hillary Clinton to attempt comprehensive healthcare reform and provide insurance to all Americans, mainly through their employers.

24 15. Why did Clinton’s healthcare proposals fail to win approval? Businesses and conservatives push back against the program as too costly and too socialist. Critics accuse Clinton of being to forceful and uncompromising..

25 16. What domestic polices were passed during Clinton’s presidency? To address deficit Clinton raised taxes on upper-class over Republican objections. Passed Brady Bill over NRA objections in 1993: waiting period to buy guns/background checks “assault weapon” ban part of larger crime bill. Family Medical Leave Act gave up to 12 weeks per year unpaid leave for birth/illness.

26 17. What was the Contract with America and who was the Republican leading the contract? Newt Gingrich leads congressional Republican backlash and introduces contract: a list of campaign promises to lower taxes, reform welfare, establish term-limits, balance the budget, and more…

27 18. What was the outcome of the 1994 midterm elections? Republicans win both houses of congress for the first time since 1954. Republicans gain 53 seats in the House and 7 seats in the Senate. They will push Clinton to reverse policies, cut government programs and taxes.

28 19. What is NAFTA? The North American Free Trade Agreement: signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and implemented in January 1994. The agreement reduced tariffs (taxes on imports) and other barriers to increase trade between the member nations.

29 20. What is the WTO? The World Trade Organization, formerly the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT- established after WWII). WTO establishes rules for international trade, settles disputes and loans money.

30 21. What are some advantages of free trade agreements like NAFTA? Increasing trade and cooperation between countries, cheaper products, America has influence on policy, and member countries receive more capital.

31 22. What are some disadvantages of free trade agreements like NAFTA? U.S. companies move factories to less-developed countries (outsourcing) where people and environment are treated poorly. Americans lose jobs and participating nations lose sovereignty (control over their affairs).

32 23. How did the U.S. economy perform during the 1990s? After the recession from 1990-1991, the 1990s saw the longest period of economic growth in U.S. history- stocks were up, unemployment was down & inflation was under control.

33 24. How did new technologies affect economic growth in the 1990s and beyond? Development of microprocessors allowed for smaller, cheaper computers and the computer industry led to innovation in many fields, especially after invention of the Internet. Internet increases ways to sell product, make business more efficient, and lead to other innovations that start entirely new companies.

34 25. Where are the Balkans? The Balkans are a diverse region composed of many countries in Southeastern Europe.

35 26. What one nation included most Balkan states after WWII until the end of the Cold War? Yugoslavia splits apart after end of communist rule in 1991.

36 27. What led to the Balkans crisis of the 1990s? Bosnia (previously part of Yugoslavia) has civil war between Orthodox Christian Serbs, Catholic Croatians and Bosnian Muslims. Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic arms the Serbs in Bosnia, aiding the mass murder of thousands of Muslims (ethnic cleansing).

37 28. What was the international response to the crisis in the Balkans? Clinton and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) intervene to stop ethnic cleansing from 1992 through 1993. After airstrikes and NATO peacekeeping troops sent in, a negotiated peace is reached in 1994 -Milosevic agrees to joint rule of Bosnia.

38 29. Why was Bill Clinton impeached? Clinton had a personal affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Republicans in the House impeach Clinton in Dec. 1998 for perjury (lying under oath) and obstruction of justice.

39 30. Why wasn’t Clinton removed from office? Impeachment is a two part process- first, the House of Representatives brings charges against the president. Second, the U.S. Senate must hold a trial to determine if the president broke the law (overseen by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court). A 2/3s majority must find the president guilty. On February 12, 1999, the Senate voted down both articles of impeachment, acquitting the president (finding him not guilty).

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