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Walnut Creek CERT invites you to learn your. * CERT definition definition * DCAP-BTLS definition definition * DMO definition definition * DSW definition.

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1 Walnut Creek CERT invites you to learn your

2 * CERT definition definition * DCAP-BTLS definition definition * DMO definition definition * DSW definition definition * EOC definition definition * FCC definition definition * FEMA definition definition * FRS definition definition * FTMF definition definition * GMRS definition definition * HAM definition definition * HTTA definition definition * IAP definition definition * ICS definition definition * LIES definition definition * NE definition definition * N95 definition definition * PPE definition definition * SAR definition definition * START definition definition Acronyms

3 CERT Community Emergency Response Team – trains volunteers in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster medical operations and the incident command system

4 DCAP-BTLS Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Punctures, Burns, Tenderness, Lacerations, Swelling – acronym used in what to look for in conducting a head to toe assessment

5 DMO Disaster Medical Operations – CERT DMO is based on the assumption that the number of victims could exceed the local capacity for treatment.

6 DSW Disaster service worker – volunteers in an emergency organization accredited by the Office of Emergency Services (OES). all volunteers in any disaster council or emergency organization accredited by the Office of Emergency Services.

7 EOC Emergency Operations Center – in Walnut Creek, where CERT Emergency Radio Operators (CERO) will set up operations.

8 FCC U.S. Federal Communications Commission - the Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.

9 FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency - FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.

10 FRS Family Radio Service - a private, two-way, very short-distance voice and data communications service for facilitating family and group activities.

11 FTMF Field Team Message Form – used by Walnut Creek CERT to prepare message transmission from SAR teams to Comms.

12 GMRS General Mobile Radio Service - a land-mobile FM UHF (Frequency Modulation, Ultra High Frequency) radio service designed for short- distance two-way communication. It requires a license.

13 HAM Amateur radio using designated radio frequency spectra for purposes of private recreation, non- commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self- training, and emergency communication. radio frequencyspectranon- commercial wireless

14 HTTA Head to toe assessment - a process used in DMO to determine the extent of a victim’s injury.

15 IAP Incident action plan - how to plan and execute operations during any incident.

16 ICS Incident Command System – on scene management system used by emergency responders.

17 LIES Limit, isolate, eliminate, separate – a process for storing cleaners and disinfectants so they do not react with each other.

18 NE When used in conjunction with USAR markings, it means the structure was not entered by the SAR team, i.e. No Entry made.

19 N95 Used in conjunction with mask, i.e. N95 mask. Refers to a particulate respirator meeting N95 standards.

20 PPE Personal protective equipment – includes but not limited to: – Helmet – Work & exam gloves – Vest – Goggles – N95 mask

21 SAR Search and rescue

22 START Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment – a process of performing triage in a emergency or disaster environment.

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