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English 11 Writing SOL Graduation Requirement Involves (2) different parts.

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1 English 11 Writing SOL Graduation Requirement Involves (2) different parts

2 PART I: The Writing Prompt Persuasive (you are trying to argue a point) Should be a minimum of an introduction and 3-4 paragraphs The purpose is to show that you can write, in an understandable manner, and prove a point while doing so Sounds easy enough?

3 The Rubric The people reading your writing prompt will be using a rubric Being familiar with the rubric will benefit you because you will know what they are looking for and how they will be scoring you

4 The Rubric Composing/Written Expression: (Counts Twice) ◦ Central Idea (do you have one main idea and stick to it)? ◦ Elaboration (do you give details and explain what you are talking about)? ◦ Unity (does your paper make sense all together)? ◦ Organization (does your paper make sense, have logical transitions, appear in order of events, have a beginning, middle and end)?

5 Rubric is 1-4 points 1 Point for composing looks like… ◦ Little or no control ◦ No real central idea ◦ Writing jumps from point to point ◦ No real organization ◦ Seems random ◦ No real elaboration

6 Rubric is 1-4 points 2 points for composing looks like… ◦ Inconsistent control ◦ No real central idea or not developed ◦ Paper lacks focus ◦ “Skeleton” of a narrative ◦ Reasons and attempts to persuade are not effective ◦ Opening and closing may be attempted but still not solid

7 Rubric is 1-4 points 3 points for composing looks like… Reasonable control over writing Clearly focused idea with key examples, events and details Transitions are appropriate Opening and closing shows some skill but not as sophisticated as a 4

8 Rubric is 1-4 points 4 points for composing looks like… Consistent control over their writing Unified- clear main idea Sharply focused, with examples, illustrations, reasons, events and details. Transitions connect ideas Logical, strong ideas with support Strong lead and closure

9 SOL WRITING RUBRIC Composing counts (twice) It comprises two thirds of the rubric The other 1/3 of the rubric is usage and mechanics (*more later)

10 Assignment Read/skim through all of the prompts Starting at the first bullet after the *****, ◦ State a thesis for the prompt. ◦ State assertions/evidence to support the thesis. ◦ State a counterargument. Do this for as many as you can, but try to do at least the first five. We will discuss these in groups after 30 minutes.

11 Practice Scoring with Anchor Papers What are anchor papers? Why practice scoring?

12 Prompt: What do you think is the most important skill for the average high school student to learn before graduating? Make sure you develop your idea fully and use specific examples.

13 Paper A: The average highschool student remembers hardly any factual information twenty years after he or she graduation, thus the most important skill learned in Highschool is not of factual nature; rather the skill that are most important are the work habit skills learned in highschool.

14 Paper A: Using the rubric- how would you score this paper in composing? Be prepared to discuss how the paper falls into the specific category you have chosen (1, 2, 3, or 4).

15 What score did you give Paper A? Why? Specifically refer to the rubric 1 Point for composing and written expression looks like… ◦ Little or no control ◦ No real central idea ◦ Writing jumps from point to point ◦ No real organization ◦ Seems random ◦ No real elaboration 2 points for composing looks like… Inconsistent control No real central idea or not developed Paper lacks focus “Skeleton” of a narrative Reasons and attempts to persuade are not effective Opening and closing may be attempted but still not solid

16 Paper B: I think the most important skill for students to have learned by the time they finish high school is how to use a computer. It is very important for students to learn how to use a computer because it will be a lot easier for them in college to do a research paper.

17 Paper B Continued… It is also important because most jobs want people with computer skills because they seem to get the job done faster. Most of my friends seem to have taken computer class, for example, keyboarding. I haven’t gotten the chance to do so but I plan on taking it in the 12 th grade because I think that’s one of the most important skill I need to learn before I graduate. This is my advice to any students like myself, If you have the chance to take one class in high school I will advice you to take a class that is going to have a great impact on your future somehow a computer class because most work in this country is done through computers which makes it very quick and simple.

18 What score did you give Paper B? Specifically refer to the rubric… 2 points for composing looks like… ◦ Inconsistent control ◦ No real central idea or not developed ◦ Paper lacks focus ◦ “Skeleton” of a narrative ◦ Reasons and attempts to persuade are not effective ◦ Opening and closing may be attempted but still not solid 3 points for composing looks like… Reasonable control over writing Clearly focused idea with key examples, events and details Transitions are appropriate Opening and closing shows some skill but not as sophisticated as a 4

19 Paper C Continued Time management is the most important skill for students to have learned by the time they finish high school. I think this is the most important skill because it helps you out in every way. It helps students plan out how and when to do subject assignments. This skill takes away the stress and cramming most students have. Time management becomes an issue and an awareness of “being on your own.” Students realize during high school having a part-time job, extra- curricular activities, and trying to study to make good grades are signs in being more responsible.

20 Paper C Continued This is why students use this skill, they need a set schedule. Although this skill helps you out in high school, it also helps you out after high school. Time management especially helps out in college. During college student won’t have a regular teacher like in high school, they’ll have a prefesor. They will have a profesor that doesn’t just lectures but allows the students to read on their own. Although the profesor goes over the lesson plans, the student should be ahead by a sheet of paper called a syllabus.

21 Paper C Continued And this is when dividing and planning out times is most important. College students needs to spend their time wisely. Therefore, time management is a must. Time management is not just an important skill but one of life’s common sense.

22 What score did you give Paper C? Specifically refer to the rubric… 2 points for composing looks like… ◦ Inconsistent control ◦ No real central idea or not developed ◦ Paper lacks focus ◦ “Skeleton” of a narrative ◦ Reasons and attempts to persuade are not effective ◦ Opening and closing may be attempted but still not solid 3 points for composing looks like… Reasonable control over writing Clearly focused idea with key examples, events and details Transitions are appropriate Opening and closing shows some skill but not as sophisticated as a 4

23 Paper D High school provides students with more than the opportunity to learn, it also gives students a chance to mature and develop social and study skills. One of the most important skills for student to have learned by the time they have finished highschool is time management. Good time management will enable students to do well in any higher education courses. Whether they decide to go to a two year college, a four year college, or go to a vocational school. Additionally, good time management skills will help students who go to work after highschool or college to have a strong work ethic and excellent organizational skills.

24 Paper “D” Continued For the student who decides to continue their education after highschool, good time management skills are vital. College life is busy and exciting but students who know how to manage time will be able to go to college and have fun, but they will also know when they will also know when they need to study. As a result, they will probably have more enjoyable and less stressful college career, because when everyone else is cramming for their finals, a student with good time management will only have to review.

25 Paper “D” Continued Additionally, colleges place a large amount of responsibility on their students, expecting them to take the initiative to come to class, do their homework, and study for tests. For many students who are used to the homework checks and test reviews of high school, college is a shock. Students who know how to manage their time will know not to stay out late on the night before an 8:00 a.m. class or not to repeatedly skip classes- no matter what else is going on. Good time management skills will help students organize and prioritize their time and schedule so that it is the most beneficial and constructive for them.

26 Paper D Continued For students who enter the work place before or after college, good time management skills are extremely important. In a business, it is important to make a good impression by getting things done well and on time. Good time management skills developed in high school can help a worker to do both. Whether the worker is a businessman or mechanic, time management skills are important. For the businessman (or woman) it is important to get a head start on projects so that they do their best work. The same is true of the mechanic, if he waits until the last minute to fix a care, the chances are that he is not going to do a quality job. Also, timing is important.

27 Paper D Continued Businessmen need to be to meetings on time, and they need to have all their projects, proposals etc. completed by a specified time. This applies to a mechanic as well. It is important that he has his work done by the time he said he would, or else he will have some unsatisfied customers.

28 Paper D Continued Good time management skills are among the most important skills students can take away from highschool because the benefits of having these skills are numerous. Students with good time management skills are capable of doing well in every part of their life, not just school or work- those are just two examples. If equipped with good time management sills, an individual can easily be successful as a student, worker, parent or friend.

29 What score did you give Paper D? Specifically refer to the rubric… 3 points for composing looks like… Reasonable control over writing Clearly focused idea with key examples, events and details Transitions are appropriate Opening and closing shows some skill but not as sophisticated as a 4 4 points for composing looks like… Consistent control over their writing Unified- clear main idea Sharply focused, with examples, illustrations, reasons, events and details. Transitions connect ideas Logical, strong ideas with support Strong lead and closure

30 Your Turn: Respond to the prompt while carefully considering the rubric and student samples you have just read What do you think is the most important skill for the average high school student to learn before graduating? Make sure you develop your idea fully and use specific examples. Do not write your name- use your student # instead

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