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6 th Religion Vocabulary Week 8. Marks of the Church The four special signs that point out the true Church of Jesus Christ: – one, holy, catholic and.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Religion Vocabulary Week 8. Marks of the Church The four special signs that point out the true Church of Jesus Christ: – one, holy, catholic and."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Religion Vocabulary Week 8

2 Marks of the Church The four special signs that point out the true Church of Jesus Christ: – one, holy, catholic and apostolic. We know the Catholic Church to be the Church instituted by Christ as she holds and maintains all four marks All four marks are referred to in the Nicene Creed

3 One The one true Church founded by Christ and meant to persevere for all time One speaks to the unity of the Church – Christ never talked about His “churches”!

4 Holy Holy because of who founded it (Jesus) and Who continues to guide it (the Holy Spirit) And what it does-to help make us holy by giving us the sacraments and the helps we need to grow in sanctity (holiness) And what it produces-Saints! Just because the Church is made up of sinners (us!) it does not make the church “un-holy”

5 catholic Meaning universal-the Church is for ALL Christ gave the Apostles the mandate (command) to preach the Good News to all nations (Mk 16:15) The beliefs are also universal-for all people of all times-Truth never changes!

6 Apostolic The Church can trace her tradition back to the apostles

7 Mary, Mother of God As the mother of Jesus, she is the Mother of God

8 Mass The sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross offered by the priest in the Church In the second part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we receive Jesus in holy Communion

9 Holy Matrimony One of the seven sacraments it is a sacrament of service to the Church in which one man and one woman freely commit to life as a married couple that is ordered to – Fidelity (being faithful to one another) – Fecundity (children) – Forever The 5 f’s of Holy Matrimony are: freely, faithful, for life, forever, and with the proper form (Sacrament) in the Church Catholics who desire to be married are obligated to marry in the Church* and rear their children in the faith – *unless they have received a “Dispensation of Form” by the Bishop

10 Sacramental Matter The “stuff” of the sacraments-they are the outward signs which are perceived by the senses (either material or an action) – For example The telling of one’s sins to a priest The bread and wine that become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ in the Consecration What other examples can you think of?

11 Miracle An event that defies human explanation, it occurs outside the ordinary function of the laws of nature. Only God can perform miracles – Examples- the day the sun danced in Fatima The day the sun stood still (see Joshua 10:13) The Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano The numerous healings that Jesus performed!

12 Monstrance The sacred vessel which holds the Blessed Sacrament while it is exposed on the altar or carried in a Eucharistic Procession – Saint Clare of Assisi is usually depicted holding a monstrance, do you know why?

13 Moses The greatest prophet of the Old Testament, he led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. – “Since then, there has never been such a prophet as Moses, the man whom the Lord knew face to face. What signs and wonders the Lord caused him to perform.” Deut 34:10 God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai

14 Mysteries of the Rosary The events in the lives of Jesus and Mary on which we meditate while praying the Rosary Our Lady gave the rosary to which Saint? Why is it good to pray the rosary every day? What are the three main prayers we use when praying the rosary? How many beads are on the rosary?

15 Joyful Mysteries These mysteries center on the more joyful events of Jesus’ life (although for Mary and Jesus the Presentation at the Temple was probably bittersweet) – The Annunciation (March 25) – The Visitation of Our Lady with her cousin Elizabeth – The Nativity (birth) of Our Lord (December 25 th ) – The Presentation of Our Lord at the Temple – The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple

16 Sorrowful Mysteries These mysteries remind us of how much Jesus loves us; what He was willing to suffer for our sake. He would have done all of this just for one person, you! – The agony in the Garden – The scourging at the pillar – The crowning with thorn – The carrying of the Cross – The Crucifixion

17 Glorious Mysteries These mysteries focus on Jesus’ triumphs – The Resurrection of Our Lord (Jesus Christ) – The Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven – The Descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost – The Assumption of Mary into Heaven-body and soul (Holy day of obligation-August 15 th ) – The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth How do the Ascension and Assumption differ?

18 Luminous Mysteries Also known as the mysteries of light, they were added to the mysteries of the Rosary by Pope John Paul II in 2002 They are called mysteries of light as they focus on Jesus’ public ministry and we know Jesus to be “the light of the world” – Saint John, in his Gospel uses this term “light” frequently. Can you find an example?

19 Mysteries of Light The Baptism of Our Lord in the Jordan River The Wedding Feast at Cana The Proclamation of the Kingdom The Transfiguration The Institution of the Eucharist – You need to be able to explain what each one is about

20 Mystery A truth we cannot fully understand, but we believe is true because God has revealed it to us. (this is an act of faith-to believe something we do not see) – for example- The Trinity: One God in Three Persons What other examples can you think of?

21 New Covenant The law of Jesus Christ which surpasses and fulfills the Old Covenant of God with Moses Christ is the fulfillment of God’s law What are the Two Great Commandments? – hint: (one is to God, the other to our fellow man and that love should be “as I have loved you”-I meaning Jesus!)

22 New Testament The second part of the Bible it tells us about the life, teachings, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is consider the most important section of the Bible There are 27 books in the New Testament, can you name them? In order? What is concealed in the old is revealed in the new

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