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The Redeemer Responds Exodus 2:23 -3:22 The story of Moses: God’s Deliverer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Redeemer Responds Exodus 2:23 -3:22 The story of Moses: God’s Deliverer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Redeemer Responds Exodus 2:23 -3:22 The story of Moses: God’s Deliverer

2 Question: 1.) Why were the Israelites in Egypt…? 2.) How would their slavery have affected their view of GOD’s covenant promise…?

3 1.) GOD Responds by listening to the prayers of the oppressed. Exodus 2:23 -3:10 “ I AM the GOD of your Father, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…”

4 The scriptures show Moses as a man who hid his face in the presence of the HOLY ONE, he was terrified. We, as believers in Christ will have great reverence, but we do not hide in terror….only because of the work of Christ…HE PAID THE PENALTY FOR OUR SIN…!! We are hidden IN Him, not FROM Him… What is the difference between being ‘Terrified’ by GOD and being ‘Awed’ by GOD…?

5 GOD reveals to Moses his Plan: GOD’S MOTIVE “I have observed… I have heard… I know about their sufferings…Their cry has come to Me…I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them.” GOD HEARS THE CRIES AND PRAYERS OF THE OPPRESSED …!

6 GOD’s PURPOSE GOD revealed to Moses HE would take the Israelites out of Egypt and put them in a new and desirable place. HE Would Save Them FROM something (Slavery) FOR Something (worship and witness)

7 That is exactly what happened to us by the work of JESUS CHRIST on our behalf. In Ephesians 2:1-10 Paul tells us we are saved FROM Wrath and FOR Good Works prepared only for US.

8 2.) GOD responds by revealing his character Exodus 3:11 - 15 GOD replied to him…..”I AM WHO I AM….! This is what you shall say to the Israelites.”

9 Questions: 1.) What are some areas in which you feel unqualified or unable to do what GOD has called you to do? 2.) How does GOD’s presence and his promise enable you to go on?

10 3.) GOD responds by promising redemption. EX.3:16 - 22 GOD acts through his people, and HE gives the ABILITY to accomplish his purpose.


12 Question: 1.) What are the fears that most hinder you from speaking on God’s behalf…? 2.) How can we overcome these excuses with Faith in God’s promised redemption…?

13 Christ Connection: God told Moses His name “I AM” as a revelation of His good and righteous character. Jesus is the great “I AM” who gave us an even greater revelation of God’s goodness and righteousness.

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