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JFIT Project : Strengthening Teacher Education to Achieve EFA Review of Pre-Service Teacher Training Lao PDR By Yangxia LEE Director of CEWED/Lead Research,

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Presentation on theme: "JFIT Project : Strengthening Teacher Education to Achieve EFA Review of Pre-Service Teacher Training Lao PDR By Yangxia LEE Director of CEWED/Lead Research,"— Presentation transcript:

1 JFIT Project : Strengthening Teacher Education to Achieve EFA Review of Pre-Service Teacher Training Lao PDR By Yangxia LEE Director of CEWED/Lead Research, MOE

2 Introduction The objective of the study is to: Review policies related to teachers’ education and gender equality, inclusive education, multilingual education and human rights education; Review teachers’ training curricula, materials, pedagogy and methodology to assess the gender-responsiveness, inclusiveness, integration of human rights education, multilingual education and flexibility to meet diverse needs of learners; and Identify key capacity gaps and constraints

3 Context To understand the role and function of basic education in Lao PDR, it is necessary to understand: Recent historical development; Demographic composition; and Geographical location.

4 Recent historical development Replacing earlier Kingdoms, Lao PDR became a French colony in 1893 which continued until the advent of World War II. Following the end of WW II, the colonial power returned while at the same time, a Lao Government was formed by President Kaisôn, initially in-exile in 1949, and then in the northern part of the country in the early 1950’s. The struggle for Lao independence was inter-twined with the Indo- China war which lasted until 1975. During this struggle for independence some ethnic groups sided with the foreign-supported Royalist government. As a result, the process of nation-building under the People’s Democratic Republic of Lao to unify all ethnic groups into one country began post-1975, only over the last 34 years.

5 Demographic composition According to the 2005 Population Census, the 5.6 million people of Lao PDR are distributed among 49 different ethnic groups. The major population groups are Lao (55%), Khmu (11%) and Hmong (8%). The map shows the distribution of ethnic groups across the country. Lao ethnic people live mostly on the low-lands and adjacent to the Mekong River with other ethnic groups living in mountainous regions. Nation-building means integrating many ethnic cultures, traditions and belief systems

6 Geographical location Lao PDR has often been described as a “land-locked country”. However, globalisation has led to new opportunities and Lao PDR is now conceptualised as a “land – linked county”, with Thailand needing land access to Vietnam and China. This situation has opened many opportunities for trade, not just for enterprises but for local poor and ethnic villages located along the main linking roads. Education must support poor ethnic villages to take advantage of these new economic opportunities and at the same time prevent potential social problems.

7 Contextual Implications for Teacher Training Education clearly has an important role in establishing cultural identity and nation- building. There is an established link between language and cultural identity. Education and teacher training in Lao PDR play key roles.

8 Education Policy Review The Education Law of 2007 gives expression to a provision in the Constitution that "Lao citizens have the right to receive education...” It also provides to create opportunities and favorable conditions in education for all people throughout the country, especially people in remote areas, ethnic groups, women and disadvantaged children.

9 Education Policy Review (cont.) The Children's Law states that: "All children are equal in all aspects without discrimination of any kind, in respect of sex, race, ethnic group, language, belief, religion, physical state and socio-economic status of their family". It expresses a responsibility of the State to create "child-friendly schools that are popular for children and attract them to learning". It contains provisions concerning the education of children with talent, disadvantaged children, children with disabilities, and children with HIV/AIDS (with disclosure of their HIV/AIDS status being forbidden)

10 Education Policy Review (cont.) The Women's Law states that conditions should be created to enable women to complete at least a primary education, and to receive professional training, to acquire skills and experience, and to have employment discipline so that women can have the same employment opportunities in society as men"..

11 Education Policy Review (cont.) The National Socio-Economic Development Plan identifies the accomplishment of the Education for All goals as being a key plank of the Government's education sector strategy. Lao PDR acceded to the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991, including the right to education, and the need to make primary education compulsory and available free to all. Lao PDR is also a party to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (since 1974), and to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (since 1981)

12 Education Policy Review (cont.) The Education Sector Development Framework outlines the major policy objectives for the sector until 2015: A priority for educational services in the 47 poorest districts. Introduction of Schools of Quality as the minimum standard, based on a Human Rights Approach, including right of survival and safety, right for protection, right to participate and right for development. Gender equity targets at all levels, although there is no specific identifiable gender equity strategy. Reduction of costs barriers to basic education. An inclusive focus to ensure services provided for out-of-school children due to remoteness, disability, poverty, etc. Curricula, materials and pedagogy to be gender responsive and mainstream gender into the education system.

13 Implications of policy analysis Provision of educational services in Lao PDR is for all people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, poverty or geographical location, HOWEVER Part IV (article 33) of the Education law states that Lao language and Lao characters are to be the (only) official language and characters to be used in all learning institutions. Teaching Lao language is a means for nation-building, unifying all citizens as being Lao. It is also the common trading language and the communication needed for the poor to enter the mainstream economy.

14 Center for Promotion of Education for Women-Ethnic-Disabled People This Center* was established in April 2008 to promote and advocate for educational opportunities for women, disadvantaged groups, ethnic groups and disabled people. It is developing a sector-wide policy for inclusive education. There is also a Gender and Ethnic Groups Development Plan. The Director of the CEWED reports directly to a Vice-Minister of Education. *Currently called the Centre for Promotion of Education for Women-Ethnic- Disabled People (CEWED) which is replaced the former Gender and Ethnic Minority Education Unit (GEMEU), and it is being proposed to name “Inclusive Education Center”

15 Methodology for review of curriculum, learning materials and pedagogy for teacher training Three research teams collected data during field trips to three (of eight) teacher training institutions. Luangnamtha and Saravan serve predominantly smaller population ethnic groups while Vientiane province is mostly Lao ethnicity. Questionnaires and a structured interview were used to collect data. Curricula and learning materials were examined and interviews with pedagogical staff were conducted. Prior training was provided and a practice data collection exercise was conducted at a teacher training institute in the national capital.

16 Analysis of teacher training curricula No material on students with physical or mental disabilities; Very little material on ethnic diversity; Gender is mentioned a few times but at TTC’s that have received training from the GEMEU/CEWED these lecturers are able to expand the curriculum adequately; Human Rights is not specifically included as a separate element of the curriculum, but its principles underpin the whole curriculum; The Education Law regulates that only Lao language is to be used.

17 Illustrations from revised TTC Curricula-Principle of Teaching Primary Education: 8+3 and 11+2 systems Topic 13: Gender in Classroom Groups work consists of girls, boys and Hmong & Khmu ethnic students.

18 Illustrations from revised TTC Curricula-Principle of Teaching Primary Education: 8+3 and 11+2 systems Topic 4: Teaching Activities: “Students are playing rope jumping” Topic 5: Child Centered “Students are cleaning”

19 Analysis of Learning Materials Concepts related to inclusive education are not included in current learning materials; There are no specific materials or resources in the library that relate to concepts of Human Rights Education; There are very few mainstream materials that promote gender equity; although Two TTCs that were involved in a previous ADB/AusAID funded project do have some materials and the third TTC had some materials linked to the gender training provided by GEMEU/CEWED.

20 Analysis of Learning Materials (cont.) The BEGP/LABEP project (2000 – 2007) focussed on education for ethnic groups and women; For example, 480 ethnic people, mostly female, from remote villages were recruited, trained and deployed; To support this, special materials in the form of 21 supplementary books were produced for teachers and teacher-training institutions. These materials have illustrations and content that specifically address issues of ethnic diversity and gender equity.

21 Analysis of Learning Materials (cont.) MOE has started to revise learning materials to be more responsive to the need to be more inclusive and to more explicitly reflect a Human Rights approach to education and specifically to teacher training; This revision process has begun with primary education textbooks. Existing textbooks (for both schools and teacher-training) reflect a mono-cultural and male-bias approach. Two examples of revised illustrations are here:

22 Illustrations from revised textbooks Grade 1: Moral Education – playing together

23 Illustrations from revised textbooks (cont) Grade 1: Moral Education – helping older people

24 Analysis of Pedagogical Approach Inclusiveness Lecturers try to expand the curriculum. For example, at Luangnamtha TTC, ethnic lecturers and students wear traditional clothing every Tuesday and ethnic students can write their own traditional poems and stories in literature classes; Ethnic students are encouraged to write traditional ethnic stories to use in their teaching; Very limited understanding of IE in the broader sense. Only one TTC Director, who had attended a training workshop by the GEMEU understood IE concepts; and Disabilities is not addressed.

25 Analysis of Pedagogical Approach (cont.) Gender Equity Many lecturers were trained either by LABEP or the IEC (funded by UNESCO and ADB); They understand the concepts; and Incorporate these into their teaching approach; although newer staff have not received training.

26 Staff of Teacher Training Institutions by Gender InstitutionTotal:FemaleMale Percent female LuangNamtha:49183163% Bankeun:94306468% Salavan:77403748%

27 Analysis of Pedagogical Approach (cont.) Human Rights Education There is limited understanding of the concept of Human Rights Education; Many lecturers approach their work in a manner consistent with HRE; but Do not understand how this HRE conceptual framework underpins all of teacher training.

28 Analysis of Pedagogical Approach (cont.) Multi-Lingual Education The Education law of 2007 mandates the use of only Lao language and characters for education at all levels; In Luangnamtha TTC, there is no use of ethnic language to assist explanation even though only less than 3% of the province population is Lao ethnic group. (Ethnic students are Lao second language speakers); The proportion of ethnic lecturers is very small, 8% in Luangnamtha, 4% in Ban Kheun and 2% in Saravan.

29 Recommendations More training on how to mainstream Human Rights, Gender Equity and Inclusive concepts into teacher training curriculum, materials and pedagogy; Need to integrate into the national curriculum more local content to facilitate linkages between education and real needs of various ethnic groups to improve relevancy; More information outlining the ethnic diversity of Lao PDR is needed, not just geographical distribution but beliefs, traditions etc., shown clearly through text, photos and illustrations;

30 Recommendations (cont.) To make training practical, more learning materials that reflect Inclusiveness, Gender Equity and Human Rights are required, both textbooks and library materials; Affirmative action policy to recruit more lecturers from local ethnic groups; and also more females

31 Implications for Next 5-year Plan (cont.) Broader Government of Lao PDR Priority/ Strategies: – IE Policy development – Research/survey – Ethnic/local Teacher recruitment – Teaching and Learning materials – Teaching Aids – Multigrade teaching  Urgent implication: There is need to conduct a IE training workshop for SE Curricula Developers


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