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Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 31 Health Care. Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care2 Motivation Even though you try to stay healthy, there.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 31 Health Care. Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care2 Motivation Even though you try to stay healthy, there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 31 Health Care

2 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care2 Motivation Even though you try to stay healthy, there are times when you need health care. Today, we’ll learn about the parts of the health care system.

3 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care3 Lesson overview What is the role of health care in our lives? What are the elements of the health care system? What health care do teens need? Where do you go for health care?

4 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care4 Lesson overview (cont’d) How do people pay for health care? What is public health? What role does the federal government play in health care?

5 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care5 Lesson overview (cont’d) What role do state and local health agencies play in health care? What role do nongovernmental health organizations play in health care?

6 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care6 What is the role of health care in our lives? A health care system includes All medical care available to a nation’s people How care is received and paid for Preventive care—keeping disease/injury from happening or getting worse

7 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care7 What are the elements of the health care system? Primary care physicians provide general care. Specialists handle particular kinds of patients or medical conditions.

8 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care8 What kind of health care do teens need? Teens need annual checkups for preventive care. Testing hearing and vision Checking for sports injuries Checking for scoliosis Screening for high blood pressure Screening for eating disorders and obesity

9 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care9 What kind of health care do teens need? (cont’d) Other types of health care for teens: Sports exams Immunizations Dental checkups Vision and hearing testing Eye examinations Skin care Nutrition counseling Behavioral health assessments

10 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care10 Where do you go for health care? Inpatient care Patients with serious illnesses/injuries and need to stay at facility Outpatient care Less serious conditions or procedures Clinics, private practices, group practices, and hospitals

11 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care11 How do people pay for health care? Health insurance—plan in which private companies or government programs pay for part of a person’s medical costs

12 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care12 How do people pay for health care? (cont’d) Common types of private insurance plans Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) Point of Service (POS) plans

13 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care13 What is public health? Public health—protection and promotion of health at community level Small town Large city State Nation

14 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care14 What role does the federal government play in health care? Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

15 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care15 What role does the federal government play in health care? (cont’d) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Indian Health Services (IHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Institutes of Health (NIH)

16 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care16 What role does the federal government play in health care? (cont’d) Federal health insurance programs (began in 1965) Medicare — people 65+ and younger people with medical disabilities or other conditions Medicaid — joint federal and state program that helps pay medical costs for people with limited financial resources

17 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care17 What role does the federal government play in health care? (cont’d) Other federal agencies that work to protect and enforce consumer rights: Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

18 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care18 What role do state and local health agencies play in health care? Provide basic health care to people with low incomes Monitor safety of water and sewage systems Ensure that garbage is properly handled Set sanitation standards for restaurants Offer health education programs

19 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care19 What role do nongovernmental organizations play in health care? Nongovernmental organizations rely on contributions and volunteers to provide health services. Examples: American Heart Association and the American Red Cross

20 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care20 Lesson review A health care system includes all medical care available to a nation’s people and the way the care is received and paid for. Primary care physicians provide general care. Specialists handle particular kinds of patients or conditions.

21 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care21 Lesson review (cont’d) Annual checkups for teens: hearing and vision tests; checks for sports injuries and scoliosis; checks, and screenings for high blood pressure, eating disorders, and obesity. Teens might also receive sports exams, dental checkups, eye examinations, skin care, nutrition counseling, and behavioral health assessments.

22 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care22 Lesson review (cont’d) Inpatient facilities—serious illness or injuries Outpatient facilities—less serious conditions or procedures Health care facilities: clinics, private practices, group practices, hospitals

23 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care23 Lesson review (cont’d) Health insurance plans pay part of a person’s medical costs. Private insurance plans Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) Point of Service (POS) plans

24 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care24 Lesson review (cont’d) Public health—protection/promotion of health at community level The federal government provides health- related services through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

25 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care25 Lesson review (cont’d) The federal government helps pay for health care through Medicare or Medicaid. Medicare — people 65+ and some younger people with medical disabilities or other conditions Medicaid — joint federal and state program that helps pay medical costs for people with limited financial resources

26 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care26 Lesson review (cont’d) State and local health agencies provide basic health care to people with low incomes. monitor safety of water and sewage systems.

27 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care27 Lesson review (cont’d) make sure garbage is properly handled. set standards of cleanliness for restaurant. offer health education and promotion programs.

28 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care28 Lesson review (cont’d) Nongovernmental health organizations rely mostly on contributions and volunteers. American Heart Association Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America American Cancer Society American Red Cross

29 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care29 Summary What is the role of health care in our lives? What are the elements of the health care system? What health care do teens need? Where do you go for health care?

30 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care30 Summary (cont’d) How do people pay for health care? What is public health? What role does the federal government play in health care?

31 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care31 Summary (cont’d) What role do state and local health agencies play in health care? What role do nongovernmental health organizations play in health care?

32 Be Health SmartLesson 1, Chapter 3, Health Care32 Next Done—the Health care Next—the importance of Nutrition

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