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Colonial Resistance and Rebellion Goal: Describe the Enlightenment and the rise of democratic ideas in the US. Objective: Learn the causes of colonial.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Resistance and Rebellion Goal: Describe the Enlightenment and the rise of democratic ideas in the US. Objective: Learn the causes of colonial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Resistance and Rebellion Goal: Describe the Enlightenment and the rise of democratic ideas in the US. Objective: Learn the causes of colonial resistance to British taxation Journal: Describe how a small argument would grow into a large fight.

2 Why did the British increase taxes on the Colonies? The Proclomation of 1763 – Britain stopped expansion of the Colonies west of the Appalachian Mountains Britain struggled economically as a result of the French and Indian War

3 Causes to Rebel against Britain 1.The Sugar Act – Lower taxes on Colonies sugar (molasses) with the French territories (discourage smuggling) – Put taxes on goods that were not taxed before – Put colonists on trial British judge instead of Colonists judge – Why do you think the British changed the type of judge in court?

4 2.Stamp Act – Tax on documents and printed items (wills, newpapers and playing cards) – Affected the colonists since it affected goods and services – In what way does the Stamp act affect making goods and services?

5 3.Townsend Act – Taxing of imported goods from Britain sent to the Colonies *These acts forced taxes on the British colonies and did not all them to be represented in British political affairs

6 Predict what reaction the Colonies would have towards the British based on TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION?

7 US Declaration of Independence Goal: Describe the Enlightenment and the rise of democratic ideas in the US. Objective: Describe the origins of the Declaration of Independence

8 Declaration of Independence- Document that declares America is no longer a part of England and is now independent States the American civil rights and the role of government – Origins- where ideas in Dec. of Ind. Came from Enlightenment- movement in Europe in 1600’s that invented new ideas on science and government\ John Locke- enlightened thinker that influenced Dec. of Ind. (2 ideas)

9 John Locke’s Ideas Natural Rights- life, liberty, and property (rights all human beings should have) *If government does not protect these rights, the people can fight back Social Libertarianism- right for people to pursue their own selfish ends, as long as it does not negatively effect others

10 2 nd Continental Congress- representatives from 13 colonies met in Philadelphia to decide whether or not to fight England – *Decision made to fight England Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776) – Thomas Jefferson- author, influenced by Locke (3 parts to Dec. of Ind.)

11 Thomas Jefferson’s Opening to Declaration of Independence – Opening- stated reason for revolution and American rights – *Unalienable rights- natural rights for all people – “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Copies Locke)

12 Grievances- blamed King for problems – Stated governments power came from the people, people had the right to overthrow oppressive government 3) Declares Independence- break from Eng.

13 Classwork 1.Finish Word Map Poster – Colonies 2.Revolution: Think Through History – Answer “Think Through History” A-G Questions on Pages 49-55

14 Thursday 9/8/11 1.Journal 2.Lecture – Constitution 3.Finish – Revolution: Think Through History Answer “Think Through History” A-G Questions on Pages 49-55 Evidence Guide – Constitution

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