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If you only do what you can do you will never be anything more than what you are. Master Shifu.

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Presentation on theme: "If you only do what you can do you will never be anything more than what you are. Master Shifu."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you only do what you can do you will never be anything more than what you are. Master Shifu

2 Matter and Change Chapter 1

3 Preview  How are the objects in this classroom related to the study of chemistry?  How many of your daily activities are related to chemistry in some way? Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

4 Objectives  Define chemistry.  List examples of the branches of chemistry.  Compare and contrast basic research, applied research, and technological development. Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

5 Science: knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified or tested. Chemistry: the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany these processes. Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

6 1.Organic chemistry—the study of most carbon- containing compounds 2. Inorganic chemistry—the study of non-organic substances, many of which have organic fragments bonded to metals (organometallics) 3. Physical chemistry—the study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy (this is what we will study this year) Branches of Chemistry Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

7 4. Analytical chemistry—the identification of the components and composition of materials 5. Biochemistry—the study of substances and processes occurring in living things 6. Theoretical chemistry—the use of mathematics and computers to understand the principles behind observed chemical behavior and to design and predict the properties of new compounds Branches of Chemistry (cont) Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

8  A chemical is any substance that has a definite composition.  sucrose  water  carbon dioxide Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

9 Basic Research is carried out for the sake of increasing knowledge. how and why a specific reaction occurs what the properties of a substance are the discovery of Teflon™ Applied Research is generally carried out to solve a problem. development of new refrigerants Research Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

10 Research Technological Development typically involves the production and use of products that improve our quality of life. computers catalytic converters in cars biodegradable materials Basic research, applied research, and technological development often overlap. Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

11 Top Eight Chemicals Made in the United States Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

12 Chemistry helps us understand our world. Current Events Knowing some chemistry can help you make better- informed judgments when you hear scientific claims made in the news. For example, radon gas seeping into homes is a serious concern, but not all warnings regarding radon levels in building materials are. Products Product labels often contain claims such as “new and improved” and list ingredients to make buyers think one product differs greatly from another. For example, hair shampoos are available in hundreds of varieties, but there is very little difference between most brands. Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

13 Chemistry helps us change and improve our world. Early Chemists Modern chemistry traces back to the study of alchemy. Alchemists believed they were on a search for perfection and looked for ways to turn common metals into gold. Chemists of today don’t share this outlook, but they do use many of the experimental techniques developed by the alchemists. Ch. 1.1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science

14 Chemistry helps us change and improve our world. Three growing areas of chemistry today are: 1.Computer Modeling The use of highly-advanced computer models to design molecules that have specific, desired properties. 2.Forensic Chemistry Forensic chemists analyze evidence to assist law enforcement in the solving and prevention of crimes. 3.Green Chemistry Green chemists design processes and materials with the goal of reducing environmental wastes.

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