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CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIST. MARIA MONTESSORI One of the first to develop a theory about how children learn. Learning takes place in 3 stages:  Being.

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Presentation on theme: "CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIST. MARIA MONTESSORI One of the first to develop a theory about how children learn. Learning takes place in 3 stages:  Being."— Presentation transcript:


2 MARIA MONTESSORI One of the first to develop a theory about how children learn. Learning takes place in 3 stages:  Being introduced to a concept  Processing the information  Knowing the information well enough to teach it to someone Her ideas about how children learn are built on a theory called constructivism. Constructivism is based on the idea that children learn by doing. Constructivist teachers use a variety of hands-on learning tools. Provide various activities at different learning centers.

3 ARNOLD GESELL Felt that each child develops at his or her own rate. He felt it was useless to teach a skill to a child before he or she is developmentally ready.

4 B.F. SKINNER Believed behavior is predictable. He theorized that learning can be structured by setting clear objectives and providing positive reinforcement. He was a behaviorist, who thought the teacher should be in charge. Believed children learn best by committing facts to memory through practice and repetition.

5 JEAN PIAGET Believed learning occurs as children interact with their environment. Defined four stages of cognitive development that determines the way children are capable of learning:  Sensorimotor- birth- 2 yrs. Uses senses to explore and learn.  Preoperational- 2-7 yrs. Organize information into concepts, using symbolic thinking; putting on a coat symbolizes going out.  Concrete operational-7-11 yrs. Start to realize that other people experience things differently than they do.  Formal operational-11-up. Uses reasoning and creative thinking to solve problems. Become better decision makers.

6 LEV VYGOTSKY Worked out a social development theory of learning. This theory says that socializing with adults or more capable peers helps children with words, concepts, and techniques that help them learn. Believed that intellectual development is limited to certain skills at any given age.

7 ALBERT BANDURA Known for his social learning theory. Learning is based on four-step process of watching and copying the behavior of others:  Attention- watching or listening to the new behavior.  Retention- remembering the behavior that was seen or heard.  Reproducing-doing the behavior oneself.  Motivation-wanting to continue the behavior.

8 ERIK ERIKSON Studied emotional and social development. He theorized that all human beings progress through eight stages of psychosocial development. Mastering one stage leads to a favorable outcome and progress to the next stage.

9 URIE BRONFENBRENNER Based his theory of development called “environmentalist”. He believed that interacting with others in one’s environment is crucial to development. Children experience four types of environments, each with different expectations:  Microsystem-child’s daily environment, home and school.  Mesosystem- connections between home and school.  Exosystem-an outside environment, ex. a parent’s workplace.  Macrosystem- the larger environment, ex. the country where the child lives.

10 LAWRENCE KOHLBERG Studied moral development. He believed that individuals progress through three levels of moral development as they mature:  First level occurs throughout childhood starting between the ages of 6-10. Children follow rules because they are told to.  Second level occurs in adulthood. Adults at this level abide by rules and laws because society expects it.  Third level- adults make moral choices because they truly care about how their actions will affect others.

11 ROBERT COLES Devoted his career to learning about the moral development of children. He based his theory on talking directly with inner city children and recorded their thoughts and feelings.

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