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Session Seven: Balance Total Time: 2 hours and 25 minutes.

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2 Session Seven: Balance Total Time: 2 hours and 25 minutes

3 Session Seven: Objectives 1.View anger as a natural emotion, and understand that a person’s behavior is important. 2.Be able to identify contributing factors to anger and unresolvable controversies. 3.Understand the relationship between anger, substance use & self-destructive behavior. 4.Learn approaches to anger that are based on First Nation values.

4 Session Seven: Layout  Welcome – 20 Minutes  Meal – 30 Minutes  Feelings of Anger – 10 Minutes  Nana’b’oozoo Story - 20 Minutes  Temper Gauges – 2 Minutes  Parent and Youth Breakout Sessions – 25 Minutes  Group Gathering – 5 Minutes  Anger – 10 Minutes  Video OR Speaker Discussion – 10 Minutes  Wrap-up and Discussion – 15 Minutes  Announcements and Reminders – 5 Minutes  Closing – 5 Minutes Overview of Session Seven

5 Materials □ Supply Box □ Video or Prepared Speaker on Anger □ Temper Gauges □ Anger Producters/Busters & Cups □ Camera (is suggested) □ Radio or Music Player

6 Preparation Checklist □ Ask an Elder or spiritual leader to be present at the session to say a prayer, bless the meal, and smudge. □ Tobacco and smudge pack □ You may need to copy the “Anger Producers and Anger Busters” page (found on page 16 in Activities Manual). Cut the paper into strips so there is one anger-producer or anger-buster. Mix the strips of paper in a cup for Musical Chair Madness activity. □ You also may need to cut and put together the temper gauges (found in the Activities Manual page 14). □ Write the three things that can cause anger (on the chalk board, white board, flipchart, or sheets of papers): 1.Events that happen. 2.Thoughts and feelings those events trigger. 3.(Re)Actions that result from those thoughts and feelings. □ Review and set up the video OR discuss goals of this session with the speaker.

7 Session Seven: Summary & Overview  Feelings of Anger: Discussion and Worksheet  Nana’b’oozoo Short Story: Worksheet  Dealing with Anger: Video or Speaker  Parent: Anger Management and Temper Gauges  Youth: Musical Chairs and Temper Overview of Session Seven

8 As the Families Arrive While we are waiting for all the families to arrive, take a few minutes and make a bracelet to remind you of what you learned from last session. This isn’t only for kids, parents can make a bracelet too! When your done, write down your favorite teaching from last session!

9 Welcome 20 Minutes Parent Booklets Youth Booklets

10 Meal 30 Minutes

11 Feelings of Anger  Anger is combination of three things 1.Events that happen. 2.Thoughts and feelings that trigger. 3.(Re) Actions that result from those thoughts and feelings. 10 Minutes

12 Nana’b’oozoo Story 20 Minutes

13 Temper Gauges 2 Minutes

14 Parent & Youth Breakout Sessions Total Time: 25 Minutes

15 Youth Breakout Session How to Play Musical Chair Madness… 15 Minutes

16 Youth Breakout Session Temper Gauges Activity 10 Minutes Where might your anger level be when: 1.You wake up in the morning? 2.You don’t get what you want for breakfast? 3.Your parents won’t let you wear what you want to school? 4.You aren’t allowed to visit your friend after school? 5.You do poorly on an assignment that you worked very hard on? 6.Can you think of other events we should use our temper gauges for?

17 Parent Breakout Session Anger Management Talking Circle & Temper Gauges 25 Minutes Parents are teachers in children’s lives. Stressors can be good or bad Where might your anger level be when: 1. You wake up in the morning. 2. Car breaks down on the way to work. 3. When you finally get to work, your supervisor informs you that you are behind and need to catch up because of a big deadline at the end of the day. 4. Your mother calls you and informs you that she went to the doctor and has been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. 5. You find out the results of the election of the Tribal Council and a couple of the people whose views you disagree with have been newly elected or re-elected. 6. You find out that it is going to cost over $200 to get your car fixed and they won’t be able to get to it until next week. Now where is your child’s temper gauge when: 1. They wake up in the morning. 2. They don’t get the kind of cereal they want for breakfast. 3. They don’t get to wear the shirt or pants they want to wear. 4. You tell them that they have to come home right after school. 5. They are at school and one of their friends makes fun of them because of the shirt you made them wear. 6. They get a C on the science test they thought they got an A on.

18 Parent Breakout Session 10 Minutes

19 Anger Family Activity & Discussion 20 Minutes Anger (insert video below) Script: Feeling angry is part of life; it is a test to see our strength when it comes to disappointments, frustration, or any other emotion. It goes without saying that without anger we would be weak. If someone is mad they have no balance. Having smudge ceremonies, going for walks, and crying will help. Being at peace with one self and Creator is important when we’re angry. It is important to keep calm and not get mad at others who might have commented badly about you. The best thing is to pray to the Creator and then go to the person and let them know they hurt you. This is a way of showing respect which is an essential part of life. Begin “Anger” Video

20 Wrap-up and Discussion Anger Busters  Can anyone think of ways to reduce angry feelings?  Some examples can be:  Offer tobacco  Deep breathing  Count to ten  Relax  Walk away calmly and take a time out 15 Minutes

21 Announcements and Reminders 5 Minutes

22 Closing We appreciate your participation. This program wouldn’t be possible without you!  Our next session  Problem Solving  Closing prayer by Elder  Collect paperwork if needed 5 Minutes

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