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05/09/11Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Instructional Design Document Version 4.8 1 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7.

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Presentation on theme: "05/09/11Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Instructional Design Document Version 4.8 1 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7."— Presentation transcript:

1 05/09/11Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Instructional Design Document Version 4.8 1 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

2 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Overall Instructions This is a document that explains the chosen concept to the animator. It has 5 sections, as given below: Each section starts with a ‘Instructions slide’ having a Yellow background, as shown in this slide. DO NOT EDIT the Instruction slides Blank slides are provided, so that you can edit them to add your content Add more slides by copying them if required 2 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

3 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Section 1: Basic information This section pertains to basic information about the LO: In the next slide insert the information by editing the textboxes Some examples are given as reference Please add more slides if required 3 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

4 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Information about the LO Subject: (ex. Chemistry) Sub-Domain(optional): (ex. Organic Chemistry) Course name: (ex. Chemical bonding) Concept(optional): (ex. Covalent bonding) Topic: (ex. Explaining polar and non-polar covalent bond) Education Level(UG/PG): 2-3 line description of the topic of the LO: Author/s : Mentor: 4 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

5 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Pre requisites Before using this LO, the user should know about the following: 1.List out the pre requisites by editing this. 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 5 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

6 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Learning objectives After interacting with this LO the user should be able to: 1.List out the learning objectives by editing this. 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

7 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Key words in this LO These are the keywords and their description in this LO 1.List out the keywords: and their description here 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... Please add more slides if required. 7 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

8 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 This section pertains to the details of all the objects shown in the LO: Section 2: Information regarding various elements of LO 8 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 The format of this section is as follows: Instructions slide for filling up the table of ‘element groups’ Instructions slide for filling up table of the ‘elements’ Sample visual showing both, element groups and elements Sample table filled up showing elements and element groups

9 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Elements in the LO What is an 'element' in a LO: 'Element' is the an object or group of objects, which are always presented together without further subdivision in that LO. Examples: 1)A Na atom 2)A Cl atom 2) The water molecule (H2O) is a rigid object in which the H and O atoms are typically fixed, and do not move, or rotate or vibrate with respect to each other. In such a case, the water molecule will be considered to be a single element even though it consists of 3 atoms, and two bonds. Section 2: Information regarding various elements of LO 9 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

10 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Element Groups in the LO What is an 'element group' in a LO: An 'Element group' consists of one or more elements which are usually shown together in the LO. Examples: 1)The Sodium Chloride (in example 1) under Elements is an element group because, the two elements in it are usually shown together (until the atoms have to separate) 1)Single element group eg: H2O molecule Tip: Based on the size of the animation area available in a LO, we recommend not to have more than 4 element groups in an LO. Section 2: Information regarding various elements of LO 10 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

11 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Example of element groups and elements in one screen of an LO In an animation area of an LO there can be one or more element groups. Each groups would be made up of various elements. For example, the LO below shows an experiment of superconductivity. It consists of three Element Groups: i) Experimental apparatus (which consists of the following elements – power supply, ammeter, voltmeter, sample, cryostat for cooling, and so on). ii) Graph showing results of the experiment iii) Microscopic picture showing atoms and motion of electrons in the sample Figure XXX shows the above element groups. Microscopic view Graphical representation Circuit diagram Element 2: Voltmeter Element 1: Power supply Element Group 1: Circuit diagram Element Group 2: Graphical representation Section 2: Example 11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

12 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 The table below shows list of the Element Groups in the Superconductivity experiment, shown in Figure XX on slide YY. This is caled the Master List of Element Groups. The last column of the table asks you to rank the different element groups in terms of their importance on the screen. This information will later be used by the animator to decide size, placement etc. In the superconductivity experiment, the element group Microscopic View is given a rank of 1, since the subject matter expert decided that the motion of electrons in the crystal was the most important aspect that the students should focus on. Certain element groups can be given the same rank if needed. In the next slide, you will be asked to fill the details of the element groups in of your LO in a table. Section 2: Sample Master List of Element Groups 12 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

13 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Element groups in this LO 13 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

14 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 The next step is to create one slide for each element group, which contains details such as image, function and Z of each element in the group (one element per row in the table). A sample is shown below, which contains details of the Experimental Apparatus element group from the earlier example of 'Superconductivity' LO. (Shown are details of two elements of this group) Section 2: Information regarding various elements of LO 14 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

15 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Write the name of the element group 1 The title of each column explains contains guidelines on the details required. ) 15 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

16 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.716 Write the name of the element group 1 The title of each column explains contains guidelines on the details required. )

17 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.717 Write the name of the element group 1 The title of each column explains contains guidelines on the details required. )

18 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.718 Write the name of the element group 1 The title of each column explains contains guidelines on the details required. )

19 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 This section pertains to the information about the actual action/motion in the LO : The information related to the action/motion in the LO can be presented in textual format with a few supporting visuals to explain it further. The format for this section is as follows: – A blank slide (for the image to be inserted) – A table to write the action/motion details More slides can be inserted based on the steps in the LO. ● Explain every detail that you wish to see in the animation like the speed of objects,the units while displaying values, how many decimal places, specific colour for any of the objects, and so on. ● Use black colour for the text to be displayed on screen and blue colour for the instructions for the animator (which are not to be displayed on screen). Within the explanation you are free to add user interactivity at any given point in the animation, where you feel it is appropriate and required. Details of the Interactivity guidelines are provided in the subsequent slides Section 3: Stepwise description of action 19 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

20 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 3: Stepwise description of action: Basic instructions on adding interactivity 20 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Explaining the concept in the LO is optional, and as an author you have freedom to decide the pedagogy style you want to adapt. In cases where you would like the user to interact with the LO in order to navigate, here are some instructions for including the interactivity options. There can be various types of interactivity, and they are based on the type of content you want to present. A document explaining the type of content and the interactivity types suitable for that content is given along with this template. It is titled: 'Interactivity options'. Two samples of the interactivity options are given below:

21 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 3: Stepwise description of action: Basic instructions for images 21 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 It is recommended to provide an image for the action to be created in the LO. This image will provide the important information like: suggestive placement of the element groups with the elements in them, and also the comparative sizes of these. Here are some general instructions for creating the images: Use this callout to write the instructions to the animator - Make use of the entire slide area, to create the image - Make the image as big as possible, this will help the animator to understand the details of the image. - The sample images for all the elements in this LO, which you have provided in the master lists, can be used here. - Use a circular callout, as shown here for writing the instructions to the animator. These instructions could be the detailing that you would like to have in your animaiton. For example, the colour/shape/or any other specifications. Use the tip of the call out to point at the place of animation. -Make sure you write these details in blue colour. - You can use more than one callout for denoting multiple actions. Number the call outs if you want them to be in a particular order. -If you wish to add any labels to the elements, write these in black as the animators will display these on screen. -Write as many steps as you feel are necessary to explain the concept In the next slide, the example of the Superconductivity is chosen and the interactivtiy options chosen are the action buttons to change the temperature..

22 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Image for Step 1 of Superconductivity LO: Increase the temperature and observe the motion of electrons in the Microscopic view 3: Stepwise description of action: Sample image for step 1 22 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 2. Show this Pop-up at the given position 1. Show the animation of the electrons in the MV initially at the default value as given in the instructions dont show the paths of the electrons on screen... 3. make this red spot blink at the given position.

23 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 3: Stepwise description of action: Sample table for step 1 23 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

24 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 3: Stepwise description of action: specifications of interactivity options24 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

25 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Supportive image for step 1 25 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

26 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Step 1 26 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

27 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Supportive image for step 2 27 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

28 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Step 2 28 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

29 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Supportive image for step 3 29 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

30 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Step 3 30 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

31 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Supportive image for step 4 31 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

32 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Step 4 32 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

33 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 This section pertains to creation of assessment activities for the users of this LO : Create a questionnaire in the subsequent slides You can have minimum of 5 and maximum of 8 questions in the questionnaire Provide justification to be displayed, for the correct and the incorrect answers for every question. A sample questionnaire is given below: Section 4: Assesment activities 1. At what temperature does the sample enter the superconducting state? Answers: a) 4.4K b) 4.3K c) 4.15K d) ‏ 4.10K Correct Answer: C Feedback/Justification to be displayed: If user clicks correct answer then display “Correct! Make sure you can explain the reasoning!” If user clicks incorrect answer then display “Have a look at the animation and Try again!” 33 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

34 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Question 1: Answers: 1. 2.3.4. Correct answer: Feedback/Justification to be displayed: If user clicks correct answer then display_____________ If user clicks incorrect answer then display___________ 34 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

35 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Question 2: Answers: 1. 2.3.4. Correct answer: Feedback/Justification to be displayed: If user clicks correct answer then display_____________ If user clicks incorrect answer then display___________ 35 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

36 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Question 3: Answers: 1. 2.3.4. Correct answer: Feedback/Justification to be displayed: If user clicks correct answer then display_____________ If user clicks incorrect answer then display___________ 36 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

37 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Question 4: Answers: 1. 2.3.4. Correct answer: Feedback/Justification to be displayed: If user clicks correct answer then display_____________ If user clicks incorrect answer then display___________ 37 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

38 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 Question 5: Answers: 1. 2.3.4. Correct answer: Feedback/Justification to be displayed: If user clicks correct answer then display_____________ If user clicks incorrect answer then display___________ 38 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

39 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 This section is for providing further references to the users of this LO : You can provide web links or other reading material Categorize the references in books, research papers or any other format you have Section 4: References 39 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

40 05/09/11 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7 References Website links for further reading: Books: Research papers: Other useful material: 40 Project OSCAR IDD Template 4.7

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