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Presented by: Helen Mance and Judy Mann The Subro Grapevine.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Helen Mance and Judy Mann The Subro Grapevine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Helen Mance and Judy Mann The Subro Grapevine

2  An engaged employee is a happy employee. How do you recognize and reward employees in these difficult times? Join us to learn how to motivate your staff and raise your team’s morale.  Today we will provide attendees with ideas to motivate employees through recognition and rewards. You will be prepared to take back ready-to-implement ideas to your organization.

3 “There are two things people want more than sex and money…..recognition and praise.” Mary Kay Ash, Founder, Mary Kay Cosmetics

4 Team Activity  Choose a team leader.  Generate as many recognition and reward “best practices” as possible in 10 minutes.  Share ideas with everyone.  Prizes will be awarded for “Best Idea”.

5 Recognition  Low Cost:  Hand-written note  Verbal, in-person thank you  Thank you note/email to management (cc: employee)  Note to family  Certificate, plaque, or similar award  Company newsletter or intranet  Staff meeting peer recognition  “Fish” idea  Birthday  Service Anniversary  Budgetary:  “Circle of Excellence” corporate top one percent (1%)  Trophy or plaque  Represent the company at an industry event  Lunch with an executive

6 “People want to feel what they do makes a difference.” -Frances Hesslebein, President, The Drucker Foundation “Recognition is so easy to do and so inexpensive to distribute that there is simply no excuse for not doing it.” –Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Author and Management Consultant “Good thoughts not delivered mean squat.” –Kenneth Blanchard, Author and Management Consultant Recognition Quotes

7  Low Cost:  Parking space  Valet parking  Food  Certificate, plaque, or similar award  Invite staff to home  Time off  Birthday

8  Budgetary:  Time off  Gift certificates  Meals  Dinner/night out with spouse  Event tickets  Bottle of wine, beer or champagne  Charitable contribution  Spa  Golf  Cleaning service  Gym membership  Parking pass  Mid-day movie  Budgetary  Rent “fun” car for the employee  NASP membership  NASP conference attendance  Gift basket  Company merchandise  Magazine/newspape r subscription  Dry cleaning service  Lottery ticket

9 Team Activity  Break into same teams/leaders.  Each team will have 10 minutes.  Capture ways to motivate your employees & company to obtain your recovery goals.  What do you measure?  How do you get buy-in from senior management and field staff?  What works in your organization?  How do you reward employees inside the recovery unit and within the field staff for meeting recovery goals?  Share ideas.

10 Driving for Results Goal Setting  Monthly/quarterly/annual targets  Internal and field operations  Senior management support is critical  Bonuses tied to scores  Incentives: highest # of arbitrations filed, highest recovery, 2 nd highest recovery Contests  Internal staff  Field operations  Recognition, dollars, or percentages

11  They key to success is in the motivation of your employees. A happy employee will perform at their best level. The morale of your teams will affect your outcomes.  The team approach can work well within recovery and claims departments. When a group goal is met, rewarding and recognizing the group is a powerful tool. Most employees do not want to let their group down so they will work harder to meet a group goal.  People are your greatest asset. Upper management needs to be visible and accessible. By eliminating the “Us” and “Them” attitude, there is time to talk, find solutions and implement company goals and changes. Each employee needs to know that they are equally responsible for the outcome of the company success.

12 Motivating Others/Morale  Participate in charity/fundraising events  Picnics, pot-lucks, ice cream socials, food contests (chili, mac n cheese, salsa, desserts)  Holiday cookie exchange  Secret Santa, white elephant  Corn Hole tournament or other games  Birthday fund  Team outings/retreats  “Spring” eggs

13 Motivation - continued  Spring cleaning of office space  Dress down days—pick your day  Team spirit days—college football  Holiday cubicle/office decoration  Executive-served breakfast or lunch for team  Fundraising as a team  Participation in recycling program

14  1001 Ways To Reward Employees by Bob Nelson  The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard, Ph.D. and Spencer Johnson, M.D.  A Carrot A Day by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton

15  Thank you very much for participating today!  Good luck!

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