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SAP Human Capital Management Time Recording using CATS.

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1 SAP Human Capital Management Time Recording using CATS

2 Objective  To gain understanding of the key business process of the Cross Application Time Sheet.  To gain understanding of the key terms and definitions of the Cross Application Time Sheet.  To gain understanding of the integration of CATS with other SAP modules.

3 Agenda ►CATS - Introduction CATS - Pre-Requisites CATS - When and Why CATS - Basics CATS - Process CATS - Integration CATS - Benefits CATS - User Interface CATS - Authorization

4 Introduction WHAT IS IT Better Known as CATS and formally named as Cross application time sheet. CATS is a standard tool provided by SAP and is a cross application component of the SAP R/3 System. CATS is an integrated function that is used to enter actual time data important in HR, PS, PM, CS, CO & MM –SRV CATS enable to record time data in the time sheet for Various Components on one central Screen, to collect employees working times towards other SAP System applications (target components) that receives and process Employee or labor times

5 Agenda ►CATS - Introduction CATS - Pre-Requisites ► CATS - When and Why CATS - Basics CATS - Process CATS - Integration CATS - Benefits CATS - User Interface CATS - Authorization

6 When & Why..……CATS ! When it is required to have a well equipped tool that meets every business requirements and daily information flow is becoming increasing importance particularly when it comes to collect times and activities spent on different projects,events, sales processes or simply attendance at events. When a business entity or a company has in real time to collect the time entries of each employee that could be used by Administrative assistants, Project leaders, Managers etc and each of business requirement provided by a company,Market,or Process..while other functionalities of SAPHR module like Recruitment Process, Payroll process etc. is out of scope or not required or not implemented. When it is required to check the accuracy of time entries,such as Validity period, the budget status, and the quotas available. When it is required to have a user friendly,quick,simple,efficient, in built approval and default values. When the requirement of Seamless integration with other modules comes in

7 Agenda ► CATS - Introduction CATS - Pre-Requisites ► CATS - When and Why ► CATS - Basics CATS - Process CATS - Integration CATS - Benefits CATS - User Interface CATS - Authorization

8 CATS Basics CATS = Cross-Application Time Sheet CATS uses the SAP Human Resources authorization concept CATS may be updated via transaction code CAT2 or via a company intranet Web site The Time Sheet is a self-service application which allows both internal and external employees to enter their own working times. Alternatively, data can be recorded centrally in data entry office by an administrator CATS may be used as the time transfer tool to update Human Resources with hours worked by employee

9 CATS may be used to enter one-time earnings/deductions for employees Data entered in CATS may be set to require a procedure for approval Using CATS, it is possible to capture an employee’s time across different cost centers, Project system objects like WBS or networks and service orders Update HR, CO, CS, PS and PM/CS (or a combination of any or all of these) with time worked by employee by activity CATS Basics

10 Agenda ► CATS - Introduction ► CATS - Pre-Requisites ► CATS - When and Why ► CATS - Basics CATS - Process CATS - Integration CATS - Benefits CATS - User Interface CATS - Authorization

11 CATS –Prerequisites

12 CATS Mini Master

13 Personnel Actions: Mini Master

14 Time Sheet Defaults

15 CONTENTS :  Structure of the data entry Profile  Configuration of data Entry Profile  Variants for the Data Entry Processes  Choose fields for the data entry profile Configuration of Data Entry Profiles

16 Areas Controlled by the CATS Data Entry Profiles

17 Data Entry Profiles : General Settings

18 Data Entry profile : Time Settings

19 Data Entry Profile : Person Selection

20 Data Entry Profile : Cost Accounting Variant

21 Data Entry Profiles : Default Values

22 Data Entry Profile : Data Entry Checks

23 Field Selection

24 Agenda ► CATS - Introduction ► CATS - Pre-Requisites ► CATS - When and Why ► CATS - Basics ► CATS - Process CATS - Integration CATS - Benefits CATS - User Interface CATS - Authorization

25 CATS Process

26 Contents : oTime collection ~ Using Work list or Direct Entry(Mandatory) oRelease Process (Optional) oApproval Process (Optional ) oTransfer to Target components(Mandatory) PROCESS

27 Process Flow

28 CATS Classic (CAT2) – Point of Entry Enter transaction „CAT2“

29 Entering Time Data

30 CAT2 – Time sheet Enter „ISP_PS“ the data entry profile, which Determines the layout of the data screen Enter „17053“ is the personnel number, which is unique to every employee Then click on the „Enter Times“ Button

31 Time entry sheet for Single person This is a possible CATS entry sheet:

32 Time Entry for Multiple persons

33 The Time Sheet Work list

34 CAT2 – Data Entry Click here to „Save“ the entered times

35 Processing Status of Time Sheet Data

36 Entering Data for Several Personnel Numbers

37 Approving the Time Data Approving time Data

38 Approval

39 Approval using a workflow

40 Processing Status

41 Agenda ► CATS - Introduction ► CATS - Pre-Requisites ► CATS - When and Why ► CATS - Basics ► CATS - Process ► CATS - Integration CATS - Benefits CATS - User Interface CATS - Authorization

42 CATS - INTEGRATION OVERVIEW ► CATS allows time-entries collection for further processing in SAP target modules. Therefore, one of the components listed below must be installed prior to using CATS. The time entries either can be provided individually or in combination with the target components. Inside SAP core components, nearly all modules can be filled with information through CATS. These include: ► Human Resources ( HR ): attendance, absences, and remuneration information ► Project System ( PS ): confirmation for networks ► Controlling ( CO ): internal activity allocation ► CRM: Service order confirmations(Through Middle ware Integration) ► External Services ( MM-SRV ): entry of services performed by external providers ► Plant Maintenance ( PM ): confirmation for orders) ► Customer Service ( CS, formerly Service Management): confirmation for orders


44 INTEGRATIO WITH OTHER SAP PRODUCTS CATS is also integrated with the surrounding SAP products, such as: ► Business Intelligence—Business Information Warehouse ( BW ) ► Enterprise Portal ( EP ) ► Internet Transaction Server ( ITS ) ► CATS for Service Provider ► CATS Offline thanks to the Mobile Engine


46 TIME ENTRIES to PS Using CATS Pre- Requisites : Project system Module should have been activated Project should exists and structured either with Networks /Activities or WBS elements Respective object (Networks/Activities or WBS element) should have released Activities should have been assigned with Work Centers & Activity types Cats Mini Master with Data entry profiles

47 CAT2 – Time Entry Project System Click here to search for the network activity. Having found the right network activity- select it

48 Time Entries for WBS elements

49 CAT2 – Time Entry for PS Click here to „Save“ the entered times

50 Transferring the Time Data

51 CATS –Transfer to Project System

52 Why to Transfer

53 Time Sheet Data Transfer – Project System Enter transaction „CAT5 “ Enter the personnel Number e.g. 10753, which is unique for every employee

54 Time Sheet Data Transfer – Project System Mark „Log“, this determines the records displayed By the system. Mark „Test run, this determines whether or not a test run is executed. Then click „Execute“.

55 Time Sheet Data Transfer – Project System Note the confirmed postings In the screen.

56 Connection to the Target Component

57 CATS –PS Confirmations

58 Error Handling after data transfer to PS


60 PS – CO – CATS Integration for Cost Calculation

61 Determining Actual costs

62 Determining Costs Using the Plan Activity price of an Activity Type

63 Assigning the Activity Price Using the Time Sheet

64 Determining the Activity price using an SAP Enhancement

65 CATS TIME- ENTRIES FOR CO(Internal Orders)

66 CATS- Internal Orders Pre –requisites Activation of CO Module in SAP Internal order should have been created and released in Controlling CATS Mini Master and Data entry profile should have been Created

67 Time-entries for Internal Orders

68 CATS –Internal Order Approval process Once the time sheet entries are entered in CATS they should be Released and saved. Once the time sheet is released, it routes through next process of Approval Once the times sheets are approved by the authority, they need to be transferred to Internal orders for updating the actual costs and actual hours to get updated.

69 CATS –Transfer to CO

70 Integration with CO(Internal Orders)


72 Actual Costs for internal orders There are three different ways of determining the costs: Determining costs using the plan activity price of an activity type Assigning the activity price using the time sheet Determining the activity price using an SAP enhancement


74 CATS –CRM Pre - requisites SAP CRM –ERP Integration  CRM - 1)Service Confirmation Management 2) Defined valuation types and service types that are used in confirmation items to determine different rates for billing transaction type for confirmation 3)Master Data  ERP – 1) CATS Mini master 2) Data entry profile

75 Integration with CRM CONTROLLING

76 CRM > CATS Process flow Create service confir mation Maintain and Verify quantities and Durations Maintain and Verify Accounting indicators service and Valuation types Complete and Save Service Confirmation System Transfers working time to Cross application time sheet(CATS) System settles Costs to Controlling Objects

77 Call Center Agents/Service Representatives and Field Service Engineers need to record the number of hours they have worked on a specific customer reported problem These hours can either be covered by a service contract or billable to the customer Regardless, these hours need to be reflected in the time sheet of the particular employee in SAP HR CRM Service provides the capability to upload labor hours entered by an engineer/service representative to the time sheet in HR To upload labor hours to the time sheet in SAP HR: -The Labor hours have to be entered in the service confirmation Along with this we can use the service type and Valuation type Service Type could be values like “Junior, Senior, Platinum” and Valuation Type could be “Regular Time” and “Overtime” CRM -Time sheet Integration

78 CRM -Time Sheet Integration To upload labor hours to the time sheet in SAP HR: The engineer should be identified in the partner function “Executing Service Employee" with the appropriate personnel number stored in the BP master data ► The CATS data entry profile should be set up in the CRM plug-in in SAP ERP → This profile controls the behavior of CATS when integrating data from CRM For example, if overtime hours are not allowed then the profile can be configured to raise an error It is possible to control if the labor hours are posted into the time sheet or simply posted in the CATSDB table for the purpose of recording costs This is controlled by customizing the mapping between Service Type, Valuation Type, and Attendance and Absence types Two fields are used in SAP CRM – the service type and the valuation type. You have to maintain these at item level in the CRM document. The data is then replicated in SAP R/3 and assigned to an activity type there. It is required to assign an activity type to a CRM service type and valuation type for the service item for the Costs and Billing ► Use transaction CAT2 to post data from CATSDB to the appropriate Account Assignment Object like the Internal Order

79 Integration with MM-External Service Management


81 Integration with HR Module

82 Agenda ► CATS - Introduction ► CATS - Pre-Requisites ► CATS - When and Why ► CATS - Basics ► CATS - Process ► CATS - Integration ► CATS - Benefits CATS - User Interface CATS - Authorization

83 CATS – Benefits In a nutshell, the key benefits of using CATS are: ► Single point of entry for all working time processes (less administrative paper work ) ► Release and approval process to enforce the CATS process-efficiency ► Large panel of interfaces provided for each type of employee ( sales representatives, managers, super users, end users, etc. ) ► Real-time access to the information, making reporting more accurate ► Information provided to the employee can be defaulted ► Time Sheet can be Web-enabled ► Quicker follow-up on critical projects activities; enhanced billing process thanks to weekly time collection ► Full integration with SAP products: SAP Enterprise Portal, Internet Transaction Server, Business Information Warehouse, etc.

84 Agenda ► CATS - Introduction ► CATS - Pre-Requisites ► CATS - When and Why ► CATS - Basics ► CATS - Process ► CATS - Integration ► CATS - Benefits ► CATS - User Interface CATS - Authorization

85 CATS - User Interfaces CATS – Classic CATS Notebook Web-based CATS CATSXT

86 Agenda ► CATS - Introduction ► CATS - Pre-Requisites ► CATS - When and Why ► CATS - Basics ► CATS - Process ► CATS - Integration ► CATS - Benefits ► CATS - User Interface ► CATS - Authorization

87 CATS Authorizations


89 Thank you for your participation.

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