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S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork.

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Presentation on theme: "S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork

2 SCHOLARSHIP I want to get to know who you are as a unique individual and scholar! I will be reading your letters to me over the course of this week. This will help me learn your names and get to know you better. Be creative and unique! Compose three informative paragraphs about yourself and your academic goals by answering the following questions. Remember, paragraphs are 5-8 sentences each. These are not two-chunk paragraph, but you still need to use formal and academic language, style, and format. Double Space!

3 SCHOLARSHIP Paragraph 1. Introduce yourself to me! Include info such as your age, previous elementary and middle schools, your family and/or who you live with, friends, pets, hobbies, description of your personality, and anything else you think I should know about you in one paragraph.

4 SCHOLARSHIP Paragraph 2. What has been your most significant academic experience to date? Provide details so it is clear to the reader why this was a positive or negative academic event (biggest success, harshest failure, favorite subject, least favorite subject, skill issue, behavior issue, individual work or collaborative project, pick a moment in your curricular life and bring it alive). What makes this experience so important to you? What did you learn about yourself as a result of this academic experience?

5 SCHOLARSHIP Paragraph 3. Describe what kind of English student you perceive yourself to be (reader, thinker, writer, or speaker). How do you feel about reading? Do you have favorite books? If so, what are they and why do you like these books? How do you feel about writing? Do you have a favorite type of writing? (essays, short stories, poems/songs, novels) How do you feel about speaking in front of others or in small groups? Do you have any concerns about this class? If so, what would you like me to know about you as a student?

6 Scholarship Letter Your Scholarship Letters are due tomorrow: Tuesday, August 16

7 S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork

8 PASSION In a 1-2 minute speech, tell us what you are passionate about! Remember, this is our first impression of you, so have fun with it! Bring in a visual of your passion as part of your presentation. For example, if you are passionate about soccer, bring in a soccer ball or your favorite player’s jersey. If you play piano, bring in a sound or video recording of you playing - no more than 20 seconds. You can email a video or YouTube clip to me so I can play it in class. (You may not bring in animals, sorry.)

9 PASSION Use the following questions to guide you as you begin to write your speech. You need to speak for 1-2 minutes. Consider adding more questions to answer in your speech. You may create note cards, but you may not read directly off the cards. What are you passionate about? Where did this passion come from? What makes this exciting or interesting to you? How much time do you spend participating in your passion? Are you able to live out your passion at school? Does it affect your academics? If so, how? (Be creative and have fun with your speech. It’s a way for your teacher and your class to get to know you.)

10 S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork

11 INTEGRITY As a class, we will read an article about the importance of Integrity. What is integrity? Integrity is the quality of being honest and fair. [“Integrity” Merriam- Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 29 July 2016.] Read and annotate the article completely. Highlight key words or phrases that you want to address in your response. I should see visible evidence that reading occurred in your article.

12 INTEGRITY After reading and annotating the article, respond to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. You will attach the article to the back of your response. Be sure to quote portions of the article to support your answers. 1. Summarize the central idea conveyed in your reading. 2. How was integrity compromised in this situation? 3. How did this example of a lack of integrity affect the individual? Their community? Others? 4. What is the moral lesson to be learned in this example?

13 S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork

14 REFLECTION - Part 1 Today we are going to watch a short video titled, "Cross the Line" (4 min)"Cross the Line" After watching the video, you will reflect by answering a few questions on a lined sheet of paper or index card. The questions are on the following slides. As we watch the video, be thinking about the following prompt: What does the phrase “cross the line” mean for you?

15 REFLECTION - Part 1 Respond to (reflect on, think about, answer) the following prompts: 1.What does your life look like in 10 years? (23-25 years old) (What career will you have? Where will you live? Who do you live with? Are you married? Do you have kids? Are you traveling? What do you like to do in your free time? Are you busy? What are you busy doing? What kind of income do you want/need to live this life?) There are a lot more questions you can ask yourself! These are just a few to get you started.

16 REFLECTION - Part 1 2. What do you need to do to reach your 10 year goal? Join clubs? Go to a specific college? Enter competitions? Get training? Focus? Excel in a specific subject area in school? Observe others with your same goal?

17 REFLECTION - Part 1 3. Create a 10-year plan. Now that you have a good idea of where you want to be in 10 years, make a step-by- step plan for how you need to get there. For example - if you want to be a lawyer: (this plan will actually take longer than 10 years) 1.Join the Speech and Debate Team or Mock Trial 2.Pay attention in all history classes and earn high grades 3.Get an internship with an attorney’s office to observe the work field - determine what kind of lawyer you want to be 4.Graduate high school 5.Go to a university that is known for training exceptional lawyers and high pass rates on the bar exam 6.Get to know your professors, and ask a professor to set you up with an internship 7.Pass the bar exam 8.Get a job as a lawyer - live out your passion!

18 S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork

19 INVOLVEMENT After reading and discussing the top 10 reasons to volunteer in your community, think about and respond to the following questions: 1. In your own words, explain why it is important to get involved in your community. (3-4 sentences) 2. Do you have a personal desire to help your community or get involved? Why or why not? What events in your life have shaped your opinion? (3-4 sentences) 3. Have you ever seen the difference volunteers can make? Please explain what you saw. Discuss.

20 INVOLVEMENT How to get involved at GOHS: CLUB RUSHat lunch October 3-7 Club Rush Passports: Complete any day that week at lunch Passports are due: Monday, October 10th - but you can turn it in early if you complete it earlier.

21 S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork

22 TEAMWORK To practice your teamwork skills in the classroom, we are going to participate in an activity that will require your full attention to details, rules, and your teammates. If any group does not follow the rules, they are disqualified. You must hold yourself and your team accountable for following the rules! Rocket Teamwork Activity

23 S.P.I.R.I.T. Scholarship, Passion, Integrity, Reflection, Involvement, Teamwork

24 REFLECTION - Part 2 Upon the completion and delivery of the five other parts to this assignment, answer the following prompt: 1. What have you learned about yourself as a reader, thinker, writer, and speaker? 2. Are you happy with your passion presentation? Why or why not? What can you learn from this experience as you prepare for future speaking and presenting assessments? 3. Which written response were you the most satisfied with? Why is that? Did you put in a lot of effort? Were you thoughtful or analytical? Did you do some deep soul searching? Did you extrapolate your ideas eloquently? Did you elucidate any key points by using advanced vocabulary?

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