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Benefits of HRP 1.It checks corporate plan of action 2.It offsets uncertainty and change 3.It provides scope for advancement & development of employees.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits of HRP 1.It checks corporate plan of action 2.It offsets uncertainty and change 3.It provides scope for advancement & development of employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits of HRP 1.It checks corporate plan of action 2.It offsets uncertainty and change 3.It provides scope for advancement & development of employees through T&D 4.It helps to anticipate the cost of salary enhancement, better benefits etc. 5.To foresee the need for redundancy and plan to check for alternative employment in consultation with trade unions 6.To foresee changes in values, attitude & aptitude of HR and change interpersonal techniques etc 7. to plan for physical facilities, working conditions and volume of fringe benefits like canteen, schools, hospitals, conveyance, creches, quarters etc. 8.It gives the idea of types of tests to be used and interview techniques of future HR

2 Factors affecting HRP External Factors 1. Govt Policies 2. Level of Economic Development 3. Business Environment 4. Level of Technology 5. Internal Factors Internal Factors 1. Policies & Strategies of the Company 2. HRP of the Company 3. Formal & Informal Groups 4. Job Analysis 5. Time Horizons 6. Type & Quality of Information 7. Company’s Productional Operations 8. Trade unions

3 Analyzing Organizational Objectives Plans and Programmes Demand Forecast Resource Requirements Skillwise Knowledgewise etc. Supply Forecast Present inventory of Human Resources + Additions – Losses – skillwise Knowledgewise Net Human Resources Requirements for Future – Skill – Knowledge – Values etc. Surplus of Future available HR within the organisation 1 5 4 3 2

4 Methods of Forecasting Demand Quantitative Techniques: Regression Analysis Ratio Analysis Judgmental Techniques Top – down Approach Bottom-up approach

5 Deficit 1.Recruitment 2.Training 3.Development 4.Improve 1. Redeployment 2. Retrenchment Surplus

6 Problems In HR Planning Uncertainties Inadequacies of Information systems

7 Hiring Process RecruitmentSelectionSocialization

8 Recruitment It is defined as The process of generating a pool of qualified candidates for a particular job. It is the first step in the hiring process

9 Selection It is defined as The process of making a hire or no hire decision regarding each applicant for a job It is the second step in the hiring process

10 Socialization It is defined as The process of orienting new employees to the organisation or the unit in which they will be working It is the third step in the hiring process

11 Objectives of Recruitment 1.To induct outsiders 2. To infuse fresh blood 3. Attract competent people to develop organisaitonal culture 4. To search or head hunt people whose skills fit company’s value 5. To anticipate and find people for positions that do not exist yet.

12 Sources of Recruitment Internal 1.Present/permanent employees 2.Present temporary casual employees 3.Retrenched/retired employees 4.Dependents of deceased, disabled, retired & present employees

13 Reasons for internal recruitment Technique of motivation Morale of employees can be improved Loyalty commitment Employee advancement through psychologically Cost of training can be reduced Social responsibility towards employees

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