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1.Production quantified in Llobregat Delta, Barcelona (Spain), at 8 m, using wind data from 18 years: IT-PE-100: 14W (123 kWh) HP-600W: 18W (157 kWh) 2.Interesting.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Production quantified in Llobregat Delta, Barcelona (Spain), at 8 m, using wind data from 18 years: IT-PE-100: 14W (123 kWh) HP-600W: 18W (157 kWh) 2.Interesting."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Production quantified in Llobregat Delta, Barcelona (Spain), at 8 m, using wind data from 18 years: IT-PE-100: 14W (123 kWh) HP-600W: 18W (157 kWh) 2.Interesting output in future scenarios of increasing price of energy 3.Particularly interesting where synoptic winds (generally stronger) are unlikely or large turbines are not feasible, e.g., urban/peri-urban area 4.Energy produced during sea breeze period (March 1 to Sep. 31, from 10 to 19h Local Time) ≈ 40 to 50% of total energy produced in a year 5.Sea breeze has potential for generation of wind energy using SWT 6.FAST & AeroDyn results compared with in situ measurements of power by HP-600W 7.The proposed procedure can be applied to other regions with similar or different wind regimes → it is necessary to know specifications of wind turbine and wind data HP-600W Commercial wind turbine installed in situ IT-PE-100 Open access tech. J.I. Rojas (, B. Cabrera & J. Mazón Department of Physics – Division of Aerospace Engineering Escola d’Eng. de Telecom. i Aerospacial de Castelldefels (EETAC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTECH); c/ Esteve Terradas 7, 08860, Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain Harvesting wind energy from the sea breeze in peri-urban coastal areas by means of small scale wind turbines Case study : Viladecans, Llobregat Delta, northeast of Iberian Peninsula 1. Introduction – Motivation 1. Introduction – Objectives 1.Investigate the potential of thermal winds, e.g., sea breeze (generally weak), for wind energy generation 2.Quantify power production in a given location (Delta and lower valley of the Llobregat river, near Barcelona, Spain), by two small wind turbines (SWT): IT-PE-100 & HP-600W 3.Compare power production during sea breeze period (March 1 to September 31, from 10 to 19h Local Time) with power production for a complete reference year 4.Validate FAST & AeroDyn/QBlade simulations with in situ measurements 5. Results 6. Conclusions 1.Acquisition/processing of wind data (e.g., measured in situ) 2.Modeling of IT-PE-100 and HP-600W small wind turbines (SWT) 3.Simulations with FAST & AeroDyn/QBlade to obtain power produced vs. wind speed curves 4.Computation of power produced by SWT: 1) using power curves obtained from simulations & 2) using power curves obtained from manufacturers 5.Validation of results by comparison with in situ measurements of produced power 6. Analysis of results and conclusions 2. Methodology Weibull distribution for wind speed during reference year Weibull distribution for wind speed during sea breeze period: Mar. 1 to Sep. 31, 10 to 19h LT 4. Small wind turbines SEA BREEZE: thermal wind; its intensity depends on thermal difference between land air (warm) & sea air (cold) DOMINANT wind regime from March to September in many areas of the Mediterranean coast BUT WEAK! usually overlooked by large turbines industry, focused on strong synoptic winds 3. Measured wind speed (1993 – 2010) non-available

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