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Degrees of Plagiarism in Writing Assignments 1. Buying a ready-made essay from a paper mill and submitting it under your own name, as though you wrote.

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Presentation on theme: "Degrees of Plagiarism in Writing Assignments 1. Buying a ready-made essay from a paper mill and submitting it under your own name, as though you wrote."— Presentation transcript:

1 Degrees of Plagiarism in Writing Assignments 1. Buying a ready-made essay from a paper mill and submitting it under your own name, as though you wrote it. 2. Paying someone to write an essay for you and submitting it under your own name. 3. Taking large sections of text from someone else’s essay and putting it into your own essay without acknowledging the source of that text.

2 Plagiarism (continued) 4. Taking sentences and phrases from someone else’s essay and putting it into your own essay without acknowledging the source of the sentences and phrases. 5. Submitting an essay written for a different course and handing it in as an assignment for a current course, as though you wrote that essay originally for the current course.

3 Plagiarism (continued) 6. Paraphrasing ideas from someone else’s research or writing without acknowledging it as the source of those ideas. 7. (Especially in a composition course): having someone other than you edit your essay. PS: Accidental plagiarism is difficult to distinguish from deliberate plagiarism.

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