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Presentation on theme: "CENTER FOR LITERACY TUTOR ORIENTATION/TRAINING. SESSION 1 OVERALL GOAL FOR TUTOR TRAINING Objective: To prepare volunteer instructors to provide high."— Presentation transcript:


2 SESSION 1 OVERALL GOAL FOR TUTOR TRAINING Objective: To prepare volunteer instructors to provide high quality services to CFL learners.

3 SESSION 1 OBJECTIVES Tutors will be able to:  Understand the literacy situation in Philadelphia and its economic impact.  Define CFL’s services and how they contribute to the alleviation of the literacy problem.  Identify general characteristics of adult learners.  Employ strategies for establishing rapport with adult learners.  Identify components of a lesson plan.  Develop meaningful lesson objectives.

4 MOVING ON  Demogrphics/Statistics  CFL’s Mission and Vision  Brief History of CFL  CFL’s Funding  CFL’s Other Programs/Services  Overview of the GED

5 PAPERWORK  “Job” Description/Mutual Expectations  Intake Form/Emergency Contacts/Background Check

6 COMPONENTS OF SUCCESSFUL LEARNING  Creating routine  Setting and prioritizing goals  Assessing and affirming progress  The components of a lesson plan  Creating meaningful objectives  Objective examples

7 CREATING OBJECTIVES Tutors are put into groups of two or three and given profiles of fictitious students. The profile includes a first name, TABE assessment reading and math scores, work histories, goals, and some ancillary personal information. The groups discuss their respective learners and come up with a lesson objective that correlates to one of their learner’s goals and assessment levels either in reading or math. We then come back together, share who our learners are, what the group came up with as an objective, and give each other feedback.

8 SESSION 2  Revisit Overall Objective  Review Session 1 Objectives  Session 2 Objectives: Tutors will be able to:  Select materials to use in lesson plans according to objectives  Plan activities that relate to lesson objectives

9 LOOKING AT THE TABE  Tutors are afforded an opportunity to look through the Locator and all 4 TABE(9) assessments.  We go over the 5 Reading Comprehension, Math comprehension, and Applied Math measurement categories as described in Building Skills with TABE.

10 LOOKING AT MATERIALS  We show tutors examples of popular books from the Tutor Library that students use in the program.  We give tutors about 45 minutes online in our computer lab to familiarize themselves with websites pertaining to tutor professional development, online learning sites, and workforce resource such as sites addressing career aptitudes, credentialing, and work searches.  We encourage tutors to bring or have their learners bring materials from home that may correspond to the learner’s goals or interests.

11 LESSON PLANNING: ACTIVITIES/MATERIALS We discuss the outline nature of this section of a lesson plan, what to think about when designing this part of the lesson, and give some examples. Tutors then get back into their groups and design the “Activities and Materials” part of their lesson plan according to the objective they created the week before for their fictitious students. As before, we come back together, share what we created, and discuss.

12 SESSION 3  Revisit Overall Objective  Review Objectives for Session 2  Session 3 Objectives:  Ascertain strategies for tutoring reading, writing, and math  Implement informal assessment process  Reflect upon lesson planning process and lesson plans themselves  Integrate the use of portfolios and learning logs to reflect and informally assess

13 IMPLEMENTING TEACHING CONCEPTS  Explicit or direct instruction  Modeling  Using Context  Contextualizing Instruction  The Four Components of Reading:  Phonemic Awareness  Fluency  Vocabulary  Overall Comprehension

14 FINISHING UP  Informal Assessment to gauge and build student understanding  Creating and Using Portfolios  Creating and Using Learning Logs  Homework/Independent Study  What Happens Next?

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