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ENGL 1102: Nineteenth Century Print Culture

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1 ENGL 1102: Nineteenth Century Print Culture
Poster Peer Review ENGL 1102: Nineteenth Century Print Culture

2 Display Your Work Hang up your poster on the whiteboard Write your name & your title below it (using a dry erase marker) Write the historical event to which your poster is connected

3 Prepare Your PR Materials
(Everyone should have a half sheet of stickers) For PR Step #1: Write your initials on at least two dark green stickers Write your initials on at least two yellow stickers For PR Step #2: Write your initials on at least two light green stickers Write your initials on at least two pink stickers For PR Step #3: Write your initials on at least one blue sticker For PR Step #4: Write your initials on at least one purple sticker

4 Review Elements of Design
Element Explanation Thesis/Main Point quickly and clearly conveys argument focus consistently on a single purpose presents a visual argument Supporting Points secondary text, graphics, etc. reinforce argument Navigation establishes a clear pattern for reading, using lines, colors, and other design elements Arrangement Images are close to the text that analyzes them text boxes, lines, and other design features show relationships between images and text Consistency colors, fonts, type sizes, and other design features create consistent patterns

5 Review the Project Rubric
Rhetorical Awareness Response to situation, including purpose, audience, register, and context Stance Argument, significance and implications (“so what” factor) Development of Ideas Evidence, analysis, and substance Design for Medium Features that use affordances of the genre to enhance factors such as usability and comprehensibility

6 Peer Review How-To Assign Stickers to 4 Posters
1.) Check the class roll: Who comes after you? Assign a sticker to that person’s poster according to how you would rate it per the Elements of Design (Marina, Ashley, Sarah B., Benny, Charlie, Christian, Michael, Andres, Sarah L., Alison, Jacob, Austin, Jose, Edu, Katie, Zach, Nick, Marissa, Hannah, Christina) 2.) Check the Class Roll: Who comes before you? Assign a sticker to that person’s poster according to how you would rate it per the Project Rubric (Marina, Ashley, Sarah B., Benny, Charlie, Christian, Michael, Andres, Sarah L., Alison, Jacob, Austin, Jose, Edu, Katie, Zach, Nick, Marissa, Hannah, Christina) 3.) Assign a sticker to a poster you REALLY like 4.) Assign a sticker to a poster that confuses you

7 Peer Review Code: Assigning Stickers
2.) Poster of Person Before You: Project Rubric Rhetorical Awareness, Stance, Development of Ideas, Design for Medium light green=ALL Good pink=Something isn’t right 1.) Poster of Person After You: Elements of Design Thesis/Main Point, Supporting Points, Navigation, Arrangement, Consistency dark green=ALL Good yellow=Something isn’t right 3.) Assign a sticker to a poster you REALLY like blue=I like this! I get this! 4.) Assign a sticker to a poster that confuses you purple=I don’t get this

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