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Welcome to Take Ten Take 10 Review the week’s schedule

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Take Ten Take 10 Review the week’s schedule"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Take Ten Take 10 Review the week’s schedule
Review fire drill and exit Collect fees Review CCPS Resource Guide – pages  7, 8, 9 and stress 18 Student Handbook – review schedule on page 6 and page 7 Review all forms  -  stress importance of turning in forms

2 Welcome to Earth Science
Ms. Anderson

3 RAP: Real Applications to Ponder
27th Aug the Whole World is waiting for     Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles off earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug :30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons.  The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. 

4 Getting to know your teacher!
Qualifications (Schooling) Undergraduate Graduate Post Graduate Personal Life Family My First Born/pets John Why I became a teacher

5 Quick Write List ten things that you remember about me on scrap paper.
2. Among your table pick the 10 most common answers and pick someone to report them to the class. Lets tally the results! What type of things did most people remember about me?

6 Reasons People Learn Inspired to learn (emotional connection)

7 Reasons People Learn 2. Want a good education to bring a higher quality of life in the future

8 REWARDS = funny videos

9 Jessica Daily Affirmations

10 Syllabus: Earth Science
UNIT TOPICS SOLs Introduction to Earth Science ES 1, Scientific investigation, measurements, graphs, maps Earth’s Resources ES 5, minerals, rocks, fossil record The Restless Earth ES 8 plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes Reshaping the Land ES 9 weathering, erosion Oceanography ES 11 Weather and Climate ES 12, Astronomy ES 4, stars, planets, space exploration

11 Classroom Rules Classroom Rules: No cell phones/cameras
No sitting on tables No leaving the classroom during instruction No eating or drinking unless specific activity or permission has been given. No getting out of your seat unless instructed to do so. You are responsible for picking up and returning make up work (make up work folders on back table) No cheating/plagiarism

12 Classroom Rules No disrespectful gestures or words.
Late homework will be marked 50% off per day late. Make up tests and quizzes must be done before or after school (no exceptions) Tutoring will be given after school as needed. Students must come prepared for class (may only sharpen pencil before or after bell rings) No book bags allowed in class. Writing on tables will be a referral and student will have to pay for table to be refinished.

13 Classroom Rules Students must be prepared with pencils and notebook everyday to receive a 100 for participation. Zero participation grades will be given to any student that does not come to class prepared. The lowest grade will be dropped at the end of every six weeks. Some project grades will be given partially by peer assessment. Since we’re short on space, the only thing on your table should be your notebook and pencil. (No purses or bags)

14 After those rules I bet you need some Humor


16 Comingled Recyclables

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