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Using Licensing to Shape Local Place.

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1 Using Licensing to Shape Local Place.
Councillor Judith Guthrie Executive Member Warrington Borough Council

2 We know where we want to be!
Significant regeneration scheme. Designed to close the gap between daytime and late night offer. Create an evening offer. Broaden appeal. Entertainment anchor, public open space, commercial and residential uses. Family friendly venues. Rebalancing the local economy. Attract investment. Our Economic Growth and Regeneration Programme…..Warrington means business clearly articulates around Evolving the Highstreet and states an additional focus will be the transformation of Bridge Street itself from one dominated by Vertical drinking and late night openings to a more civilised place with People living over the shops Families spending time in cafes and restaurants People eating and drinking in attractive,safe and refined venues.

3 A safe, welcoming offer with broad appeal.

4 We face some challenges
Financial cost to town estimated at £92M/yr. 80% of town centre premises open after 2AM Gap between daytime and night-time economy Limited offer and appeal-financial viability of existing businesses? Competition around terminal hour. Reputation damaging investment 86% of residents want premises to close by 3AM Risk of serious injury/vulnerability. The first figure is the cost of alcohol to Warrington per annum. Need to close the gap, integrated offer. People still dispersing as people arrive for work. Owe to the public to protect them and to use public finances in an appropriate way.

5 Opportunities for change
Town centre regeneration Focus on entertainment and public open space Bringing businesses and residents within the district centre. Council has retained control of leases Cultural quarter proving to be popular. Potential to generate economic benefit of £2M by broadening appeal. Regeneration will deliver a broader appeal based on entertainment, family dining, civil and residential uses, use of public open space. Research has shown that simple changes to operating hours and a broader appeal will benefit the economy.

6 The Role of Licensing New policy based on local needs, priorities and the proactive promotion of the licensing objectives. Clear vision and policy. Peer review by LGA, opportunity to build consensus of what licensing can deliver at a local level. Greater strategic working. Economic evidence to promote changes to business models. Licencing. Moving from reactive permissive regime to a more proactive one that promotes the licensing objectives and addresses local need. New Licensing policy sets out how we will do this. Develop a clear vision. Commissioned the help of the LGA to build consensus of what can be delivered. Working to improve our knowledge and intelligence. Addressing economic arguments. Large number of independent businesses who are struggling to generate a profit with little ability to reinvest. Tied to competing on price, drinks promotions and late hour.

7 Role of Licensing Moving enforcement interventions upstream of committee hearings. Strong operational and tactical enforcement groups Training and support for members Members now part of the solution Recommended framework of hours Greater scrutiny and challenge for applications which seek to extend hours and that fail to promote the licensing objectives. Changes of approach.

8 Conclusions Effective licensing and regulation supports responsible businesses and promotes investment and growth. We have set a clear vision and are looking to build consensus on how to deliver it. Greater emphasis on the proactive promotion of the licensing objectives at a local level. Targeted enforcement based on risk. Proportionate decision making that accepts risk. LGA want you to highlight that regulation supports growth and businesses. We are starting to tackle local issues proactively. Need to understand and accept risk in decision making.

9 Conclusions Members are part of the solution
Need for greater engagement with the trade and the public Changing cultures is possible Licensing can play a full and active role in addressing local need. It needs to be part of a strategic approach. Building consensus is key. Members have a role to play and need to be given a voice. Ability to influence Tackling well established cultures. Licensing has a clear role to play. Need to challenge what can be done. It is only one part of the solution. Change needs consensus and joint working.

10 A Place we are Proud of…….
Living, Working and Playing.

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