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Male Organ Bleaching - A Procedure to Approach with Caution By John Dugan.

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1 Male Organ Bleaching - A Procedure to Approach with Caution By John Dugan

2 Although a relative rarity, the subject of male organ bleaching does occasionally arise, especially among men who are especially concerned with male organ appearance. To many men, a red male organ is a sign of health and vitality; however, some light skinned men find the disparity between the color of their male organ and the color of the skin on the rest of their bodies odd. Those who opt to engage in male organ bleaching should be aware that this process can have a negative impact on male organ health and that many medical professionals advise against the procedure.male organ health

3 Why does coloration differ on the male organ? In some men, there is little or no difference in the skin hue of their male organ and that of their body skin. In others, however, the male organ skin may be substantially darker. Why would this be? Basically, it has to do with skin thickness and blood flow. First, the skin that covers the male organ is much thinner than the skin that covers most other parts of the body. Second, the male organ is all about blood flow – especially when it is firm, as the rapid influx and "trapping" of blood is a key part of the reproductive process. The thinness of the skin makes the quantity of blood especially visible, giving the male organ a reddish, purplish or brownish tinge that may be very different than the skin that surrounds it.

4 Although the red male organ look may sometimes appear similar to sunburn, there is no damage done to the skin by the healthy vibrant glow of a blood-filled male organ.

5 What is used for bleaching the private area? Although one often talks about "bleaching" the male organ, it is best to avoid actually using bleach. Chlorine-based bleach is a powerful, harsh whitening chemical used to help lighten and clean fabric and materials; it is not meant for use on the skin; as a matter of fact, skin exposure to chlorine bleach may result in a chemical-induced burn, which is very painful. Peroxide-based bleaches are less harsh, but they still can produce burns on the skin; using either chlorine or peroxide bleaches on the male organ will cause pain and damage. Although any kind of male organ lightening involves risks and should only be attempted after consulting a doctor, it is better to use mild, natural ingredients in the process in order to avoid skin irritation or damage to the male organ. Having a professional manage the bleaching is also recommended. Some common natural bleaching ingredients include:

6 Lemon juice or lemon juice extract. This is a popular option for skin lightening. Lemon juice is highly acidic, so the acid will help to exfoliate the skin, burning off the top layer to reveal the lighter layer underneath. However, that acidic quality can also cause burns to develop. If using lemon juice at home (as opposed to having it applied by a professional), dip a cotton ball or cotton swab in lemon juice and apply it gently to the area. Let it dry, then use a quality moisturizer to repair the damage to the skin. Some people use licorice extract in place of lemon juice. Milk. Milk is probably the gentlest exfoliating option around; the lactic acid in milk is relatively gentle on the skin. It also is the least effective.

7 As stated, if a man does want to undergo male organ bleaching, it is best to check with a doctor first and, if possible, to have a professional administer the bleach. Furthermore, proper moisturizing of the male organ is always necessary but is absolutely essential after undergoing the bleaching process. Whether for regular daily use or for post-bleaching use, a man should employ a high quality male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). The best creams not only include superior emollients such as shea butter and natural hydrators such as vitamin E (both of which are important for proper male organ skin moisturization and care) but also include a range of ingredients that provide essential care for the male organ as a whole. For example, a high quality cream should include an agent that helps maintain male organ blood flow, such as L-arginine.male organ vitamin cream

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