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StressSense: Detecting Stress in Unconstrained Acoustic Environments using Smartphones Hong Lu, Mashfiqui Rabbi, Gokul T. Chittaranjan, Denise Frauendorfer,

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Presentation on theme: "StressSense: Detecting Stress in Unconstrained Acoustic Environments using Smartphones Hong Lu, Mashfiqui Rabbi, Gokul T. Chittaranjan, Denise Frauendorfer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 StressSense: Detecting Stress in Unconstrained Acoustic Environments using Smartphones Hong Lu, Mashfiqui Rabbi, Gokul T. Chittaranjan, Denise Frauendorfer, Marianne Schmid Mast, Andrew T. Campbell, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Tanzeem Choudhury Intel Lab, Cornell University, EPFL, University of Neuchatel, Dartmouth College, Idiap and EPFL Ubicomp ‘12 2013-09-09 DJ Choi

2 2/21 Content  Introduction Motivation Related work  Friendship-Interest Propagation (FIP) Model  Experiments  Conclusion


4 4/21 Motivation  In Online Social Network (OSN) Service, Interest targeting and Friendship Prediction are important  Many models for interest targeting and friendship prediction have been proposed, which utilize limited information Interest Targeting without the consideration of friendship Friendship Prediction without the consideration of user’s interest

5 5/21 Contribution points  Proposing Friendship-Interest Propagation (FIP) model utilizing both friendship and interest information Several loss functions for flexibility Computational framework for scalability  Inspecting FIP model to real-OSN service, “Yahoo! Pulse” and verifying the model


7 7/21 Interest targeting  Guessing user’s interest based on others’ behavior and interest information  Primary utilized models for calculation Sparse coding Collaborative Filtering (CF) models  Applications Recommendation service Selective advertisement

8 8/21 Collaborative Filtering (CF) models  Definitions i and j imply an user and an item respectively  Neighborhood models Selecting users or items based on the similarity User i’s interest to the item j Similarity between user i and i’ User i’s interest toward item j

9 9/21 CF models (cont’d)  Latent factor models Factorizing a matrix into user’s latent features and item’s latent features Regression based -Taking some observable features into account  Neighborhood based latent factor models User’s latent features Item’s latent features

10 10/21 Friendship Prediction  Predicting the friends who a person may know  Primary utilized models for calculation Random Walk Spectral Algorithms Degree of user i Connection weight Unnormalized Laplacian ( L = D – S) where, D : diagonal maxtix, S : given network


12 12/21 Basic model  Coupled latent factor model of both user-user and user-item interaction  Encoding the two heterogeneous types of dyadic relationships simultaneously Interest targeting Friendship prediction

13 13/21 Model specification  FIP is based on the latent factors model  The problem of minimizing the negative log- posterior of FIP boils down to the following objectives: Loss functions Regulation Penalizing complexity

14 14/21 Loss function selection  For the flexibility check, several loss functions are used Least mean square Lazy least mean square Logistic regression Huber loss

15 15/21 Bias Correction  It is typically unobservable that an user i is not interest in item j Absence of a preference statement or a social link does not mean negative information  FIP works with bias correction For positive (observed) entries, execute a stochastic gradient algorithm For negative (observed) entries, take some samples and consider those as negative example -Missing entries represent very weak negative instances

16 16/21 Optimizations for implementation  Parallel stochastic gradient algorithm are executed [M.Zinkevich, M.Weimer, A.Smola, and L.Li, Parallelized Stochastic Gradient Descent. In NIPS’ 10]  Feature hashing is utilized to store most-needed latent factors in memory for efficient speed [K.Weinberger, A.Dasgupta, J.Langford, A.Smola, and J.Attenberg. Feature hashing for large scale multitask learning. In ICML ’09]  MapReduce Map phase: independently calculate and Reduce phase: combine the results


18 18/21 Experiment setting  Yahoo Pulse ( dataset 1.2M users 6.1M friend connections 29M interest interactions  Divides dataset into training and testing set randomly and executes cross-validation 5 times  Metrics Average Precision (AP) Average Recall (AR) Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG) -Normalized position-discounted precision score

19 19/21 Experiment result  Similarity based Item oriented Model (SIM)  Regression & Neighborhood Latent Factor Model (RLFM, LRFM respectively)


21 21/21 Conclusion  FIP model bridges collaborative filtering in recommendation system and random walk in social network analysis with a coupled latent factor model  In real social network service, recommendations based on FIP gives more precise lists

22 Discussion

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