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CPRS- Beyond the Basics. Goals Save you time by making you more efficient Make CPRS less cumbersome by using templates, favorites, and setting changes.

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Presentation on theme: "CPRS- Beyond the Basics. Goals Save you time by making you more efficient Make CPRS less cumbersome by using templates, favorites, and setting changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPRS- Beyond the Basics

2 Goals Save you time by making you more efficient Make CPRS less cumbersome by using templates, favorites, and setting changes to decrease the burden of repetitive tasks

3 Worksheets Allow for logical view of information The best way to review routine labs Can contain up to 6 items but multiple worksheets can be combined You can view other users’ favorites so you don’t have to create them all for scratch (i.e. Timothy Smith)

4 This is the default and confusing view Click here for worksheets

5 Search for other user’s Favorites here Re-arrange, add, remove Test results here Create new worksheet Group

6 A work sheet view for cbc, bmp, and blood sugars. Note that it is in the standard “fishbone” order. You can rearrange these to display in whatever order makes the most sense to you

7 Tools tab Small changes that make your life easier and can add up to significant time savings Remove pending notifications- clears all view alerts (great for getting of the 50 inpatient cbgs you get everday). If something requires a signature, then it will re-appear the following day. You can go through your view alerts, address those you need to see, and clear the rest to avoid spending large amounts of time “processing” the various results

8 How to get to the options menu

9 The remove pending notifications Button will clear all view alerts

10 Assign a default cosigner for your notes To avoid having to select one for every Note. Particularly useful on wards Choose favorited note titles And the default selected note title

11 The selected person will be automatically Chosen for the co-signer

12 The normal selection of inpatient Note titles saved to appear at the top Of the list when creating a new note. The set as default button will set the Selected note title as your default When creating new note

13 Templates etc Importing standard review of systems, physical exam, and other data helps save huge amounts of time “Pastes” the template at the cursor similar to how autotext works in powerchart so you can use multiple templates within 1 note (i.e. a template just for a particular exam or plan) Patient data objects can pull information from the chart automatically i.e. labs, vitals, patient age or gender “Note locking” with a blank space lets you sign orders without worrying about prematurely signing your notes Also allows H&Ps to be done early in the over night shift and then changed after midnight to avoid a progress note the next day

14 Right click here to edit or create new Templates. Double clicking a template while Editing a note will paste the content at The cursor. If not editing a note, it will Create a new note. Remember to hit “cancel” at the boiler- Plate text that appears when creating a New note or it will be imported too

15 Right click to select insert data object when Creating a new template. For example, this note Pulls in the tsh results automatically

16 This generic progress note template already Has my vitals, labs, standard review of systems, And physical exam already done for me. Remember to customize the templates to YOUR review of systems, exam, and personal Preferences.

17 When creating a template, you can change the type To folder here to help organize your favorites. You can Also inactivate and hide templates to save them Without cluttering your templates display The “blank space” is in all my templates to avoid accidentally signing. It is 3 or more underscores in a row

18 What happens when you try to sign A note without removing the blank Space. This is great when you are Ordering meds, labs, etc and aren’t Ready to sign the daily note too

19 1 2 1 How to change author and/or the time of the note (I.e. after midnight when admitting on nightfloat)

20 Orders Yes, you can have favorites Yes, you can copy them ever been called because the orders drop when then went to the OR?

21 How to view old orders so that you can copy them When all of your orders have dropped after going down to A procedure. Select “Auto DC release event orders”

22 Choose the set of orders you want To see. Frequently will be admission Or specialty change

23 Will display the orders that you selected. You can highlight Your old orders that were active before they all dropped and Select copy to new order rather than putting in all orders From scratch. This will probably save you an hour every time It happens.

24 How to flag/unflag orders

25 To create favorites, you need to get to the pop up/final order window

26 When you have the lab selected and the order arranged how you want it, Use “save as quick order” to save it as a favorite for later use. *Tip: time should be in the format of “now” “t+1@0330” or the displayed Setting. If you choose a specific date, it will always choose that exact Same time and date

27 How your favorites will appear. I can click down the list and order All of my morning labs (even while on rounds its so fast!)

28 You can also save radiology studies This way. Ie I have saved a portable Chest xray in the morning for SOB/cough

29 Frequently ordered meds are good To save too, especially the fluids And electrolyte meds

30 Don’t forget the medicine inpatient Option has tons of common order sets, Procedure base labs, etc

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