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Global Classrooms November Jornada #1 Russell Quinones & Rachel Hunkler.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Classrooms November Jornada #1 Russell Quinones & Rachel Hunkler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Classrooms November Jornada #1 Russell Quinones & Rachel Hunkler

2 WELCOME! Why Are We Here Today? ● Timeline ● Check in o Clarifying Position Papers & Topics, if needed ● Opening Speeches ● Resolutions & Amendments

3 On NOV 12TH we will cover... ● Dais Roles ● Conference Day Logistics ● Setting up a Mock Conference ● Rules of Procedure Clarifications If there is anything else you want us to cover, please email us by Sunday, Nov. 9th!

4 Timeline November Writing/Editing Position Papers, Opening Speeches, Continue Debating December Resolution Writing/ Professionalism, Conference Prep January Conference Prep, Finalize Position Papers & Opening Speeches Conference on January 20, 21, 22!

5 Position Paper Clarifications ● How do we effectively correct papers? ● Uh... citations? (Yes, but not formally!) o No specific requirement for GC papers. o But! Great to teach citation best-practices. o ie: MLA Format, Works Cited Page, etc. o A little Citation Machine goes a long way :)

6 Topic Check-In ● Sharing Resources ● Access to Google Drive? ● IMF Specifics ● UN Women Specifics

7 IMF Sub-Topics Conditionality When Developed Countries Tell Developing Countries What To Do Debt Relief & Loan Forgiveness When Developing Countries Have Trouble Paying Back Their Loans IMF Voting Reform When Developed Countries Have All The Voting Power Anything else you’ve been focusing on?

8 UN Women Sub-Topics Education Opportunities, leadership training, NGOs Policies Quotas, nominations, maternity leave, etc… Gender Roles How traditional viewpoints hold women back Anything else you’ve been focusing on?

9 Opening Speeches ● Given during the Speaker’s List to give your country’s position to the committee. ● Basically a summary of the position paper.

10 Opening Speeches ● How do our alumnos get on the OS list? ● Only half of the delegations will give OS. ● Don’t memorize, FAMILIARIZE! ● Both delegates will give speech, and lines can be divided as you wish.

11 Opening Speeches, Continued ● Speeches must adapt to the flow of debate. ● Disallow reading of OS during caucuses... ● Encourage students to take notes! o Agree? Disagree? Why? Why not? Alliances! ● Yield time to Chair, Points of Information, or to another delegation.

12 How to Take Notes During Speeches Notes about ___________ Does my country agree with this country’s policies? Why or why not? Would we like to write a draft resolution with this country? Other notes

13 Resolutions ● Should focus on only ONE sub-topic ● Students may NOT bring pre-written resolutions to the conference! o However, they can come with ideas for action ● Only the best two resolutions will be debated ● Teach students to think creatively AND realistically

14 Resolutions ● Sponsors: The principal authors of a resolution ● Signatories: Delegations that wish to see the resolution debated in the committee; may or may not agree with resolution **At least 20% of the committee must be a sponsor or a signatory of a draft resolution in order for it to be brought to a vote.

15 Resolutions - Preambulatory Clauses ● Describe the problem that the committee is trying to address - The “WHY” section. ● One long sentence = no periods, only commas! ● Use gerunds: o “Acknowledging, Believing, Concerned, Emphasizing, Fully Aware, Keeping in mind, Reiterating, Stressing, Welcoming” etc…

16 Resolutions - Operative Clauses ● Identify the actions and recommendations made in a resolution. The “WHAT” or the “TO DO” section. ● No periods; use semicolons instead. — ● Begins with “soft” terms: o “Adopts, Authorizes, Calls upon, Confirms, Declares, Directs, Encourages, Instructs, Recommends, Suggests, Urges” etc… o Remember the UN cannot force a country to do something, so these verbs can only be suggestions!

17 Amendments ● — Written statement that adds, deletes, or revises an operative clause in a draft resolution. Be sure to specify which clause you wish to amend! ● Can be written by ANY country, not just the sponsors ● There are two types of amendments: o Friendly Amendment – all sponsors agree, no vote needed o Unfriendly Amendment – one or more sponsors don’t agree, vote needed

18 Amendment Procedure ● Sponsors read operative clauses of Draft Resolution #1 ● Sponsors take five Points of Info ● 5-10 Minute moderated caucus to discuss the draft resolution ● 5-10 minute unmoderated caucus to write amendments ● Repeat process for Draft Resolution #2

19 Voting Procedure ● — Can vote FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAIN ● —Vote on Amendments 1, Resolution 1, Amendments 2, Resolution 2 ● —A 50% vote is needed for a Resolution to pass! ● —It’s OK if both, one, or neither of the Resolutions pass.

20 Contact Info Russell: +34 633 18 01 58 Rachel: +34 692 37 19 50 **Join the Google Drive group!!!**

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