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A new era in politics By Jake Gadz of Flae land. Growing Sprit of Equality Americans slaves demanded to be treated as equals Butlers would not answer.

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Presentation on theme: "A new era in politics By Jake Gadz of Flae land. Growing Sprit of Equality Americans slaves demanded to be treated as equals Butlers would not answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new era in politics By Jake Gadz of Flae land

2 Growing Sprit of Equality Americans slaves demanded to be treated as equals Butlers would not answer to a bell but to a name

3 Alexis De Tocqueville French man know for his observation of the American democracy Arrived in 1831 on account of the french government to observer the how the society was devolving

4 More Voters During the 1820 the more people gained the right to vote this is called SUFFRAGE The US was growing uncontrollably fast more states were joining the union and any one white over the age of 21 could vote

5 Limits on Suffrage Most American didn’t have the right to vote This include Native Americans and woman Most African an Americans couldn’t vote either racism is still active in this time period. This can be explained though the fact that all white people can vote but African Americans need to own property

6 The Disputed Election of 1824 In this election all four candidates were from the old republican party. They all had support from different regions of the country Andrew Jackson-West John Quincy Adams- New England Henry Clay -West William Crawford-South


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