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Evidence of New Technical Skills for Website. Main Project My main project is my website. I have never before made a website, so all the skills I have.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence of New Technical Skills for Website. Main Project My main project is my website. I have never before made a website, so all the skills I have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence of New Technical Skills for Website

2 Main Project My main project is my website. I have never before made a website, so all the skills I have used are new. Firstly, I have learnt how to create a website. I created an account and set up a website.

3 I was then able to modify the template of the website and change the settings to suit what I needed. I changed the background and theme, whilst deleting the original pictures/text boxes that were included in the template.

4 I then replaced the with IGCSE Biology revision blog, images, sub-headings for each unit and the Island School logo to be appropriate for my website. I also added contact and design information at the bottom

5 I was then able to add sub-pages for each of the main pages on the banner at the top of the website. I used these to link to the syllabus statement, as per the clients request.

6 I then drew diagrams, and then learnt how to scan them so I could have them on my computer to upload to the website

7 I then uploaded them, gave them a heading and surrounded with with text to explain them, as per request of the client

8 I then downloaded the Revision Tests for each of the units from the Isle I then added a subpage for the Revision test on each heading

9 I then inserted a title and image on to the page I then hyper-linked the picture to open the revision test that is a pdf to open as a webpage

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