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ENGINEERING ETHICS Gene Moriarty CmpE Dept Week 01.

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1 ENGINEERING ETHICS Gene Moriarty CmpE Dept Week 01

2  NOTES (as well as other stuff) will be provided at course website : Spring13/01/pages/notes/notes-week-1-s13.doc  Course Syllabus  TEXT : The Engineering Project: Its Nature, Ethics, and Promise (Moriarty)

3  Philosophers have long distinguished between: Being and Becoming Being and Seeming Being and Thinking Being and The Ought IS / OUGHT: what is the case? / what ought to be the case? ------ metaphysics and ethics  Engineering Ethics?

4  A power-point providing an over-view from L. Hinman. “The Moral Point of view” It asks what ought we to do, how ought we to be, why study ethics, what makes something moral, must it be universal, what good is moral theory, etc?

5  Engineering Ethics? Rules/practices/procedures we ought to follow to BE good engineers, to DO good engineering, to MAKE good products. Being, Doing, Making – the three key elements grounding the practice of engineering ethics.  Spike Lee story (“Do the Right Thing”)

6  Here is another power-point by L. Hinman: “Basic Moral Orientation.” What is your moral orientation ?  Power-point on “ ENGINEERING ETHICS – CASE STUDIES ” These studies have long been the major way engineering ethics courses were taught. We will cover some case studies and will also incorporate philosophical and historical perspectives.

7  Power-point on “Engineering Ethics in 3D” providing an over-view of CmpE080E, culminating with a quote from Albert Borgmann.  C.S. Lewis story

8  Keep in mind the contexts like the economy, the environment, etc., in terms of which our deliberations about engineering ethics will unfold.  HOMEWORK: read Introduction and Chpt 1 of EP and essays by Vesilind, Ladd, and Brooks.


10 Kickbacks A County Engineer in Virginia demanded a 25% kickback in secret payments for highway work contracts he issued. In 1967 he made such an offer to Allan Kammerer, a 32 year old civil engineer who was vice president of a young and struggling consulting firm greatly in need of the work. Kammerer discussed the offer with others in the firm, who told him it was his decision to make. Finally Kammerer agreed to the deal, citing as a main reason his concern for getting sufficient work to retain his current employees. (Martin and Schinzinger, pg 14)

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