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C HI E PSILON C ANDIDATE I NFORMATION M EETING Your School Name Your Department Name Address Your Chapter Name City, State Your Logo Here.

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Presentation on theme: "C HI E PSILON C ANDIDATE I NFORMATION M EETING Your School Name Your Department Name Address Your Chapter Name City, State Your Logo Here."— Presentation transcript:

1 C HI E PSILON C ANDIDATE I NFORMATION M EETING Your School Name Your Department Name Address Your Chapter Name City, State Your Logo Here

2 1922: Founded at the University of Illinois National President Dr. Thomas Wolff Chi Epsilon

3 Chi Epsilon History 1922: Founded at the University of Illinois National President Dr. Thomas Wolff Thank you for taking the time out from your busy schedules to learn about Chi Epsilon, the only National Honor Society for Civil Engineers. If, after leaving this initial informational meeting, you choose to pursue membership, we offer you the opportunity to evolve beyond scholastic achievement to develop the skills of character, practicality, and sociability. All traits important to the successful civil engineer. Our size has grown from one chapter with 22 charter members in 1922 to 131 active chapters with over 120,000 members. Chapter locations range from Maine to Hawaii and from Alaska to Florida. We also have recognized 2400+ Chapter Honor Members and 63 National Honor Members for having achieved prominence in their respective fields.

4 Our Vision - “By recognizing outstanding students and graduates for their scholarship, character, practical- ity and sociability, Chi Epsilon seeks to foster excellence, connectivity and engagement among those in the civil engineering community to improve our world.” National Vice President Dr. Michael Symans Chi Epsilon

5 Our Mission - National Vice President Dr. Michael Symans The mission of Chi Epsilon is to achieve its vision through its four pillars: Scholarship – recognizing excellence and achievement in academic and professional endeavors Character – upholding the integrity and responsibility of the civil engineering profession through our service Practicality – educating and encouraging our members to improve our world through innovative and impactful solutions Sociability – connecting our members while engaging the broader community

6 Who can join? - Membership Requirements: First and Foremost – SCHOLARSHIP Your scholastic standing, at a minimum, must place you in the upper one-third of the junior and senior civil engineering classes or closely related field(s) of endeavor that will lead to successful completion of the requirements for an engineering degree. Additional eligibility requirements may be imposed by each individual chapter. National Marshal Dr. Robert Barnes Chi Epsilon

7 In addition to scholarship, consideration is given to only those candidates who have demonstrated exemplary Immediate Past President Professor Randy Akiona CHARACTER SCHOLARSHIPPRACTICALITY SOCIABILITY Chi Epsilon

8 In addition to grades, consideration is given to only those candidates who have demonstrated exemplary Immediate Past President Professor Randy Akiona CHARACTER CHARACTER is that quality which inspires respect and confidence, and leads one to engage in worthwhile activities, both in college and after graduation. It is a prime requisite to success in any walk of life. This is especially true in the case of the civil engineer. PRACTICALITY PRACTICALITY is the ability to apply the basic principles of scientific knowledge to the problems which continually confront the practicing civil engineer. SOCIABILITY SOCIABILITY is the desire and the ability to join freely with others, to share in their activities and contribute to them. These are factors which lead directly to personal success and happiness. Chi Epsilon

9 Today’s Chi Epsilon Why Join Chi Epsilon? Provides R ECOGNITION of your Academic S UCCESS Offers membership in the only N ATIONAL C IVIL E NGINEERING H ONOR S OCIETY People in your field recognize your membership as a M ARK OF E XCELLENCE that identifies you as E XCEPTIONAL Allows you to build C ONFIDENCE by taking L EADERSHIP rolls in the Chapter and by interaction with D ESIGN P ROFESSIONALS Opportunities to take part in S ERVICE L EARNING projects and other S OCIAL activities Executive Director Dr. Glenn Goss Begin N ETWORKING activities that will grow and develop beyond graduation, throughout your career

10 Chi Epsilon #71 UT - Arlington For the past few minutes, you have been introduced to membership in Chi Epsilon from a national perspective. We would now like to turn the meeting over to your Chapter Officers to discuss further membership requirements. Thank you for your time and consideration of the invitation to become a member of Chi Epsilon. You can modify the RED from this slide #10 onward to add your chapter’s specific requirements to finish this presentation.

11 Chi Epsilon #71 UT - Arlington 1.Completed at least two of the following courses: CE xxxx, CE xxxx, CE xxxx, CE xxxx, 2.Be within the top academic 1/3 rd of your respective graduating class at the time of initiation and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, 3.Have at least two full semesters remaining before graduation, and 4.Demonstrate the “Four Pillars of Chi Epsilon.” General Membership Requirements

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