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Current Korean Government and Prospects of Korean Reunification International Politics Prof. Ottopolik Hwang Hye Sook.

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1 Current Korean Government and Prospects of Korean Reunification International Politics Prof. Ottopolik Hwang Hye Sook

2 Current Korean Government Elected as the 17 th president in 2008 B.A. in Business Administration, Korea University Working experience as a CEO of Hyun Dai Construction Served as the 32 nd mayor of Seoul (2002~2006) President Lee Myung Bak

3 Current Korean Government Government Policy goal Former Development Framework New Framework for Advancement  State-led development  Advancement through cooperation between the state and society  Quantitative growth  Qualitative growth  Discrepancy between the Constitution and the reality  Establishment of the rule of law  Inadequate human resources based on the equalization policy  Fostering human resources  Exclusive nationalism  Compatibility of national standards with global standards  Low-trust society  High-trust society Current president and former president Roh Moo Hyun

4 Current Korean Government Five Goals by Sector 1. A government serving the people 2. A lively market economy 3. Active welfare 4. A country rich in talent 5. A global Korea

5 Current Korean Government GNP (Grand National Party)  Conservative, Right-leaning  Free trade & Entrepreneurship  Support for large Chaebols  Neoliberal economic policies  Lower tax, social welfare spending  Strong ties with US & Japan  Stricter stance on North Korea

6 Current Korean Government Relation between Lee and Bush Administration First Korean president to be invited to Camp David Restore the strained relationship “21 st Century Strategic Alliance”  KORUS FTA “Denuclearization, Openness, 3000"  six-party talks (multilateral approach) > inter-Korean summits (bilateral approach)

7 Prospects of Reunification? Recent Event  First S. Korean tourist to be killed at Kumgang resort  Wandered into a restricted military area  Chilled North-South Korean relationship

8 Prospects of Reunification? Political Considerations  “Sunshine Policy”  June 15 th North- South Joint Declaration  North Korea’s nuclear weapon program North KoreaSouth Korea CommunistLiberal Democracy Inherited dictatorship (Kim Il Sung- Kim Jung Il) Democratic elections Government propaganda Government controlled media Freedom of speech and expression

9 Prospects of Reunification? Economic Considerations HOPES HOPES  Korean Economic Community  Tourism- Kumkangsan Tourism Region  Kaesong Industrial Region (collaborative economic region)  Inter-Korean trade North Korea South Korea GDP (PPP) $1700$2500 Population22,700,00048,600,000 The estimated amount of investment, the number of entering businesses in the GIC, the number of North Korean labor force hired The amount of investment The number of entering businesses North Korean workers to be hired Annual production amounts First Stage$900 m300100,00$2.5 b Second Stage$2.3 b700120,000$11 b Third Stage$5 b1,00080,000$ 16 b Total $8.2 b 2,000300,000 $ 29.5 b

10 Prospects of Reunification?  Challenges  Famine in North Korea  Reunification costs  Lost income in the South > income gains in the North

11 Prospects of Reunification? Social Considerations  “Homogeneous nation” Common heritage, one race, brethren  Separated families  Language and ideological barriers

12 Prospects of Reunification? What are your thoughts on Korea’s reunification? Do you see any possibilities of reunification? Why or why not?

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