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supported by a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally 14 October 2009 managing information roundtable.

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Presentation on theme: "supported by a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally 14 October 2009 managing information roundtable."— Presentation transcript:

1 supported by a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally 14 October 2009 managing information roundtable

2 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative CAA is about people, especially people whose circumstances make them vulnerable places partnership working outcomes future prospects an increased focus on local priorities a risk-based, proportionate, no surprises, approach coordinated and coherent improvement planning. assessments and reports should focus on the issues which matter most to local people.

3 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Your priorities and challenges What help do you need Who can help you How can you be supported

4 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative priorities and challenges? more for less – targeted services on reduced budgets channel management personalisation and choice external impacts – recession empowerment and inclusion equalities proactive prevention

5 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative What is toolkit? wealth of information, guidance and support communities and forums – friendly people, able to help across the country standards – the hymn book workstreams – expert panels events – tlcs, roadshows, workshops resources – case studies, presentations, methodologies and guidance, functionality – projects database to customer profiling to cost architecture and….. access to national information – ONS, surveys

6 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative working with others national initiatives other government agencies regional agencies and networks commercial organisations esd-suppliers

7 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative What does it help you do? Evidence based approach to service improvement –understand service delivery –manage data and information –understand community need and circumstance –manage improvement in performance – linking across partnerships –optimal use of resources –manage risk

8 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Local Government Business Model Business Improvement Services delivered by each organisation under legal powers & duties Processes and the resources they consume to deliver a service Customer interactions supported via channels Service outputs Customer Insight People, organisations, communities and places that are our customers Needs of customers as indicated by their circumstances Performance Management Outcomes of services in terms of change in circumstance Policy objectives in terms of levels of circumstance The LGBM defines components and their relationships in line with pan-government work. esd-toolkit publishes definitions, lists of values and mappings.

9 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative developing an organisational architecture…………. including cost architecture

10 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Managing information Developing intelligence Delivering transparency Driving business improvement Informing policy and strategy development Working with partners

11 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Local Government Business Model Business Improvement Services delivered by each organisation under legal powers & duties Processes and the resources they consume to deliver a service Customer interactions supported via channels Service outputs Customer Insight People, organisations, communities and places that are our customers Needs of customers as indicated by their circumstances Performance Management Outcomes of services in terms of change in circumstance Policy objectives in terms of levels of circumstance The LGBM defines components and their relationships in line with pan-government work. esd-toolkit publishes definitions, lists of values and mappings.

12 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Performance management Organisational Architecture Cost architecture Customer Need Structure RolesActivity Process Services Organisation/ Partner Circumstances Power/duty Contact channel NI’s EligibleProvides Cost Architecture Customer Insight

13 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Fragmented view of the Customer typically, different parts of the council (and partners) deliver services to the same customer (or customer groups) insight are not shared which is a consequence of silo based structures e.g. unemployed may require a package of support involving HB, income support training, debt advice…. creating holistic insight into customers’ needs – demands some pointed questions and answers about how the organisation is designed. analysing processes and mapping these onto current structures, represents a first step towards identifying where shortcomings lie and in pointing the way towards an improved way of working.

14 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Organisational Architecture provides the evidence of what is happening within the organisation(s) to enable mangers to make informed decisions provides the means to gather information from across the organisation(s) in a common language to provide the insight to identify opportunities to improve services and find potential savings understanding ‘partners,’ the services they provide is a critical component to signposting and to (mutually) developing service options that reflect customer needs and circumstances.

15 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative service delivery Powers and Duties – derived from legislation permitting LAs to act resources involved in service delivery include…  Common Processes – what local authorities undertake to deliver functions  Profession/Roles – knowledge and skills required to undertake a process.  Assets – buildings and equipment, anything in the asset register  Partners – other people or organisations involved in the process.  Activities – tasks carried out as part of a process.  Channels = Costs – how costs are consumed

16 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative developed based on esd-toolkit standards – the controlled lists Local Government Services List (LGSL/PSSL) Powers and Duties List which is mapped to the ‘Local Government Service List (LGSL).’ Prompt the questions – should we be doing this? Would it be better done by someone else? Common Process List breaks down everything a Local Authority does into around 50 business disciplines (developed with Chorley and the Cumbrian Councils) Local Government Channels List

17 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Controlled lists See the What are all these lists? pages and the interactive diagram to understand current lists and how they fit together.What are all these lists?interactive diagram

18 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative working on….. activities list - will allow greater understanding of the work the individuals are doing which would allow for more joining-up or shared working roles/profession list assets list partners list – LSP organisational type list

19 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative functions

20 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative organisational type Organisation Types NHSNHS Trusts PCT NHS Direct Emergency ServicesPolice Ambulance Service Fire Central GovernmentDwP CLG Highways Agency Regional Government Offices Third SectorCitizens Advice Bernardos Shelter Non Departmental Government BodiesAudit Commission National Crime Squad

21 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Common Processes – Bulky Household Refuse Life Cycle (Transaction Points) = cost Example Common Processes Democracy Pre-TransactionProviding Information Request for information Authentication RequestService Request Status update FulfilmentPayments in Operational Service Delivery Service Completion/Closure Post-FulfilmentComplement / Complaint Debt Recovery SupportResource Planning

22 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Cross Cutting Processes Many of the common processes are cross cutting in nature i.e are being performed by multiple teams e.g. o Absence o Inspection o Recruitment and Selection o Enforcement o Entitlement o Procurement o Training Learning and Development o Vacancy o Payments in (Taking payments) o Debt Recovery o Payments out o Room Facilities booking

23 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Inspection mapping Some services involved in the Common Process - Inspection o Audit and fraud prevention o Benefits admin o Building and facilities o Common Lettings and allocations o Electoral registration o Food safety o Green spaces / parks o Highways o Licensing o Sports and recreation o Town Centre Management o Waste Management

24 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Roles Accountancy Actuaries (Pensions) Administration & Secretarial Administrative Management Architecture Building Business Analysis etc, etc.

25 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Activity examples Activities associated with the Common Process – ‘Payments In’ may include –Bills adjustings –Cash processing –Cash receipts –Cheques processing –Closing accounts –Information data input –etc, etc.

26 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Assets Assets are any physical item that is used to undertake a process or activity. This includes plant and machinery, medical equipment, communication devices and computers This information will help us identify opportunities for making better use of assets

27 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Example Asset Categories Assets may be divided into types and then broken down e.g.: TypeDescription Information TechnologyPersonal Computer (Desktop) Personal Computer (Laptop) PDA Communication DeviceTelephone (fixed line) Telephone (mobile) Furniture and FittingsDesks Chairs Office EquipmentFax Photocopier

28 supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative

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