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Welcome to Year 2 Information Meetings September 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2 Information Meetings September 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2 Information Meetings September 2016

2 Meet the team Dolphins Class Mrs Fiona Coull – Year Group Leader (Mon Tues Wed) Mrs Charlotte Hawksworth-( Thursday and Friday) Sharks Class Mr James Swift Whales Class Mrs Jo Copestake

3 Daily Routine 8:45- 9:15- Early Bird: Children come in- Encourage the children to look after own belongings and come in by themselves -Time to change reading books and Handwriting and other tasks 9:15-9:45 - Guided Reading –Harbour Time 9:45-11:35 - Subject time/ Crew Challenges 11.40-12:00 - SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) 12:00-1:10 - Lunch 1:10-1:30 – Maths Marines 1:30-2:45 - Subject Time / Crew Challenges 2:45-3:15 - Assembly 3:15 - Home

4 Reading Continuing the same reading scheme as Year 1. Working through the book bands The children will all have a reading book and a reading diary. Please write in it whenever your read or if you have any concerns Your child will be read with once a week by an adult in the class It is the child’s responsibility to change their own reading book in the library. We do remind them everyday! In KS1 we have comprehension objectives that need to be met as well as being able to read words by sight Reading at home makes a huge difference even if it is 3 times a week. There will be a new Reading Challenge.


6 Library Once a week Take whatever book they want Tuesday

7 SPaG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Following the Government programme Recapping the sounds taught in Year 1 and then moving onto phase 6 Daily lessons that are multi sensory and active Children who need extra support will receive this as well as daily SPaG Some children will be required to retake the statutory Phonics test in the Summer Term. It is to test their phonic knowledge and ability to read unknown words. More information will be given to you later on in the year



10 English Building on the foundations taught in Year 1 Focus on writing good quality sentences Spelling of key words and punctuation and grammar practise will be sent in Home Learning Using phonics to spell unknown words Children will learn to write a variety of genres throughout the year linking to topics Talk for writing Purposeful writing Handwriting lessons once a week plus ‘early bird’ practise- Penpals Scheme. Pencil Grip. SPAG test 2017


12 Maths Learning numbers up to 100. Children in year 2 are expected to recognise, compare and order numbers to 100 and use place value and number facts to solve problems Maths Marines- 10/15 minute session working on number fluency- Being able to count in 10s, 5s and 2s. Learning number bonds and understanding how the number system works Problem Solving –break down into steps Shapes, measures, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fraction.




16 Foundation Subjects KS1 children are taught foundation subjects- computing, science, design and technology, art, music, history, physical education, religious education and geography We cover these subjects through our topics/Crew Challenge or as separate lessons in the afternoon We make as many links as possible to English and Maths and we try to make it exciting for the children

17 P.E P.E takes place at least once a week. This term: Dolphins –Monday, Whales – Thursday, Sharks- Friday Children need to have full P.E (including fitting Plimsolls) which can go home to wash half termly P.E. specialist working with the children throughout the year, for the first half term, on a Tuesday Earrings taken out or taped up Long hair tied back Named Water Bottle (not juice) in school everyday.

18 Outside Area Children have access to the courtyard area as well as the field and playground Links to learning in the classroom Encourage the children to complete their jobs outside

19 Forest Friends All children will have the chance to go to Forest Friends, 4 times in a year, on a Thursday. They will be going to the woods in a group of 15 children, with their class teacher and Mrs Grover. Letters / Texts will be sent home telling you when it is your child’s turn Need wellies, tracksuit bottoms and warm coat/jumper We have waterproofs in school for the children to wear when it is raining Links to our science curriculum but also provides the children with the chance learn outside the classroom

20 Home learning Home learning usually goes out on a Thursday and comes in on a Monday Sometimes they will be longer so check the ‘Due In’ date Will be a variety of open ended activities from different curriculum areas, so please feel free to adapt as necessary to your child’s ability. Please feel free to write a comment in the ‘Parent’s Comment Box’ Each time some ‘Tricky words’, Mental Maths and SPaG practise will be given.

21 Housekeeping etc Name Everything! Uniform, bags water bottle etc It is your child’s responsibility to look after their belongings and remember them at home time Clubs Trips / Visitors Family Reading -Mondays and Fridays Parent’s Evening- Wednesday 12 th October and Thursday 13 th October Rewards- Turtle Stamps/certificates, Stickers, Class treats, CREW member, Charter Champion, Captain’s Challenge, Writing publishing reward, WOW Work

22 CREW Challenges Continuing from Year 1 ‘CREW Challenges’ are the children’s independent learning time Access to all areas in Year 2: Courtyard, Communication Station, art area etc Children have 6 jobs that they need to achieve over the week. Crew Challenges happen alongside Subject time Children are supported to keep track of how well they are achieving these. These jobs are checked on a Friday.

23 Thank you for Coming Please feel free to ask questions or speak us individually

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