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INFRADEV & Council Meeting

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1 INFRADEV-4-2016 & Council Meeting
Davide Salomoni EU-T0 IT, 6/7/2016 Quest'opera è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Italia.

2 Proposal EOSCPilot (call INFRADEV-04-2016)
EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

3 INFRADEV Proposal EOSCPilot su European Open Science Cloud for Research, sottomesso il 22/6 Cosa fa: “launch of a pilot action that should demonstrate how wide availability of scientific data and data-analysis services for European researchers can be ensured through a cloud infrastructure.” Budget circa 10M€, durata 24 mesi. Contributo richiesto per l’INFN: € ,00. 33 organizzazioni fanno parte del Consorzio. STFC, CSC, MPG, EMBL, SURF, EGI, CNRS, KIT, U-Edinburgh, LIBER, TRUST-IT, Athena, JISC, PRACE, CNR, INFN, DESY, INGV, BSC, U-Gottingen, KNAW-DANS, ICOS-ERIC, GEANT, INAF, BBMRI-ERIC, ESS-ERIC, NERC, EXFELF, ECRIN, U-Manchester, PIN-Firenze, CEA, CINECA EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

4 On Brexit Da un mail di Juan Bicarregui:
Regarding the UK referendum, there are now several official statements from our Ministry saying that the UK should continue to participate in H2020.  “The referendum result has no immediate effect on those applying to or participating in Horizon UK researchers and businesses can continue to apply to the programme in the usual way. The future of UK access to European research and innovation funding will be a matter for future discussions. Government is determined to ensure that the UK continues to play a leading role in European and international research and innovation." [ And in a speech from the Science Minister yesterday: “It is business as usual for Horizon 2020" … “We remain an EU member during the 2-year renegotiation period, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this.”  …. "I would be concerned about any discrimination against UK participants and am in close touch with Commissioner Moedas on these issues.” [ EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

5 INFRADEV-4: struttura EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016
WP1: management: STFC (UK) WP2: governance: CSC (FI) WP3: policy: Athena (GR) + JISC (UK) WP4: science demonstrators: MPG (DE) + EMBL (DE/UK) WP5: service demonstrators: Surfnet (NL) + (NL) WP6: interoperability: CNRS (FR) + INFN (IT) WP7: skills and capacities: DCC (UK) + KIT (DE) WP8: community engagement: LIBER (NL) + Trust (UK) EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

6 WP4 – WP5 – WP6 WP4 Science Demonstrators will represent a range of scientific domains as early adopters of the EOSC pilot. They will provide requirements for the infrastructure and evaluate the services made available to them. An initial selection has been made, but will be augmented by further rigorously evaluated calls for demonstrators during the course of the project. WP5 Service will define a portfolio of EOSC services on which the science demonstrators will be built. The WP will define the overall architecture for the EOSC, and build a portfolio of services from existing research infrastructures and e-infrastructures. WP6 Interoperability will deal with generic interoperability requirements between infrastructures and data sources, underpinning the services of WP5. A particular focus will be standard ways of representing entities in the research process common across domains and research lifecycles. EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

7 WP4 – Science Demonstrators
Tasks: 1. Set up a programme for science demonstrators, including operating a call, selection and evaluation procedure for bids for new science demonstrators 2. Guide and evaluate an initial group of 5 demonstrators across domains. PanCancer Analysis of Whole Genomes: Led by EMBL, in sensitive genomic data for cancer patient health care. Research with Photons and Neutrons: Led by DESY, in the exploitation of data from analytical facilities. ENVRI Radiative Forcing Integration: Led by ICOS ERIC, on the integration of heterogeneous climate data sources. TextCrowd: Led by the University of Florence, on citizen science working on text based archaeological reports WLCG: Led by CERN, large-scale long-term data preservation and reuse of physics data. 3. Establish a further set of 10 demonstrators, staggered in two calls across the project. 4. Synthesise the technical requirement for all other work packages from the science demonstrators. EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

8 WP5 – Services Tasks: 1. EOSC Overall Architecture (lead: CNR)
2. EOSC Service Portfolio (lead: SURF) 3. EOSC Federated Service Management Framework, i.e. implementation of principles, policies and structured processes of the EOSC infrastructure (lead: CSC) 4. Service pilots (lead: EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

9 WP6 – Interoperability Tasks:
Unico WP in cui è presente INFN (a parte poco effort in WP1) Tasks: 1. Service and e-infrastructure gap analysis & architecture (lead: CNRS) 2. Research and Data interoperability” (lead: EMBL – ELIXIR). Subtasks: Findability Accessibility Interoperability Reusability 3. “Interoperability pilots” (lead: INFN) Service implementation /integration/validation/provisioning for Science Demonstrators across multiple e-infrastructures Participants: CNRS, STFC, EMBL, INFN, KIT, ARC, JISC, CNR, DESY, ICOS, GEANT, INAF, BGS, UMAN, PIN, CEA, CINECA EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

10 T6.3, Interoperability Pilots
Goal: set up demonstrators to show interoperability among infrastructures and to foster the adoption of the solutions according to the FAIR principles, in close collaboration with the Services and Science Demonstrator WPs. This task will also assess the maturity level of solutions for what regards TRL, openness, scalability, user community adoption and sustainability. Validation activities will involve: AAI requirements Resource brokering solutions Making EOSC local, Grid, HPC and Cloud resources accessible by multiple communities via different interfaces Data accessibility, e.g. via personal resources, scientific portals, command line interfaces Interoperability of the underlying distributed storage systems with the EOSC platform services. Transparent networking solutions Data interoperability (together with T6.2) EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

11 EGI Council, 28/6/2016 EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

12 EGI Council, 28/6/2016 (1) Lunga discussione su come gestire i “non-paying members” (attualmente Macedonia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Spain) Proposta di engagement con commercial cloud providers, mediata da ( Domande per discussione: What types of direct B2B relationships should develop with large cloud providers on behalf of EGI (either EU or non-EU ones)? Among the list of benefits identified, which ones do you think are most relevant? Do you see others that are missing? Do you have any concerns or reservation about engaging with large commercial cloud providers? In generale, la proposta è stata valutata come abbastanza incompleta. Molte iniziative simili sono portate avanti a livello nazionale, ci sono molte variabili e sono stati presentati solo potenziali benefici e nessuno svantaggio. EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

13 EGI Council, 28/6/2016 (2) Discussione su potenziale impatto di Brexit (vedi sopra su INFRADEV-4) Riassunto della partecipazione alle call H2020 di marzo (e.g. INFRASUPP, INFRAINNOV, INFRAIA, INFRADEV-03, EINFRA , etc.) Participation of EGI members into 18 proposals in the March calls, none coordinated by 3 proposals were coordinated by FR, 2 by DE, 1 by PL. Average effort required for = 0.9 FTE. DE participated into >=10 proposals, FR between 5 and 10 proposals. was often contacted to broker operational activities toward some NGIs. EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

14 EGI Council, 28/6/2016 (3) EGI-Engage PY1 report
FedCloud: 22 sites, 93 VM images registered in the AppDB Cooperation with TEISS (driven by DG-GROW) for integrated access to Copernicus data Several Proof of Concepts, some of them seem to overlap with some of the INDIGO goals, e.g. ICOS (docker container compute in EGI cloud with data from EUDAT), ELIXIR (? maybe, not very clear) and EPOS (compute portal on the cloud with community AAI). SLAs: it looks like several are already in place (actually several of them involve INFN sites such as Bari, Ferrara, Roma3). Another one is undergoing discussions with EMSO. Next EGI event: spring 2017, jointly with RDA-Europe. Call for bid open until July 22. EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

15 EGI Council, 28/6/2016 (4) Working group paralleli su domande come
what should be the role of EGI in the ECI and its pillars? why should somebody come to EGI and not go to other places? what is the role of GEANT, who is now exploring areas such as cloud computing as well? Should EGI exist in 5 years from now? Webinar on the European Cloud Initiative (Augusto) EOSC integration/consolidation of e-infra federation of existing research infra & scientific clouds development of cloud-based services for open science --> EINFRA-21 connection of ESFRIs to the EOSC EDI development and deployment of large-scale European HPC, data & network infra. Technologies that go beyond what's available today. Widening access SMEs, government as a service, standards. EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

16 EGI Council, 28/6/2016 (5) Prossime call:
EINFRA-12: integration & consolidation of e-infrastructures services EINFRA-21: service development INFRASUPP : policy -> support to RDA until at least 2020 ICT Proposers' Day - Bratislava 26-27/9/2016 discuss potential co-design opportunities for e-infras, ESFRIs and RIs for EINFRA-21 (many actors!, this is going to be quite complicated) Nuova organizzazione in DG-CNECT 5 Project Officers (non si ancora chi seguirà cosa) Differenza tra ECI e EDI?  the European Data Infrastructure is GEANT + Quantum Computing, and all the rest is EOSC. GEANT should also support industry. So it looks like a lot of emphasis is put on a role for GEANT, much beyond networking. There will be a new unit focused on HPC and Quantum computing (based in Luxembourg). EU-T0 IT DS - 6/7/2016

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