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ZeroWIN 3 rd general meeting Southampton, 5-8 July 2010.

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1 ZeroWIN 3 rd general meeting Southampton, 5-8 July 2010

2 Introduction WP 4 Participants, Timeline WP 4 – Analysis of existing System Tools and Improvement of their applicability to industrial networks Participants: PE, BIOIS, GAIKER, REC, WAMECO, WRUT, LBP

3 Introduction WP 4 Tasks Task 4.1: Collection, characterization, classification and evaluation of tools for adequate applicability at case studies Goal of Task 4.1 is the collection of available tools and methods that measure environmental and sustainability aspects within the life cycles of products and systems in order to support the quantification of impacts as well as the identification of feasible improvement measures. The collection and evaluation requires a structured approach according to the following steps: Collection of available tools and classification and characterization in regard to their functions and applications and in regard to the selection against requirements from WP6 (case studies) and in regard to the applied methods of LCA, LCC and LCWE Discuss, explain and if necessary adapt or customize application on industry clusters and possible adaptations or necessary improvements, to be ready to use for WP6 and WP7

4 Task 4.1 Second characterization step General criteria General criteria ObjectiveEconomic evaluation Environmental evaluation Social evaluation Access to these methods/toolsConditions: - Free - Cost Base: - Internet - CD/other User friendlinessGeneral conclusion (based on impressions from the evaluator, and considering aspects as logical structure of the tool, similarities to current software, attractive modelling design, etc.) Service SupportAvailability of regular updates Hotline available Individual support for special questions Handbook and examples

5 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Methodology Methodology Impacts analyzedEnvironmental ZeroWIN impacts assessed - List of methodologies provided by the tool: reference - List of impact categories by methodology - List of indicators resulting from each methodology Social ZeroWIN impacts assessed - List of methodologies provided by the tool: reference - List of impact categories by methodology - List of indicators resulting from each methodology Economic ZeroWIN impacts assessed - List of methodologies provided by the tool: reference - List of impact categories by methodology - List of indicators resulting from each methodology Scope of the method (to be detailed for each methodology available in the tool) Does the method provide midpoint results? Does the method provide end points as results? Which is the geographical scope in the normalization (whenever included)? E.g. National level normalization (to be specified), European level, worldwide...

6 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Databases Databases:To be fulfilled for each data base available in the tool Does the tool provide databases? Do the databases provide inventory data (rather than e.g. Indicators)? Databases provided Reference of the data bases included E.g. ECOINVENT, BUWAL, ETH, ELCD… General availability of the database Public/private Developed for a specific region? National data for: Germany, Canada, USA, Australia, Switzerland.. Availability of literature source supporting databases, providing aspects like the following ones: System boundaries (processes include in the inventory) Yes/no/Unknown (add any other relevant comment) Time frame of the data Yes/no/Unknown (add any other relevant comment) Region where it belongs to Yes/no/Unknown (add any other relevant comment) Technological level (old, average, cutting-edge…) Yes/no/Unknown (add any other relevant comment) Allocation procedure used Yes/no/Unknown (add any other relevant comment) Other information (specify if necessary) Yes/no/Unknown (add any other relevant comment) Completeness of the database Evaluation completed with additional database survey (see section 4.3.2)

7 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Additional software features Additional software features Does the tool provide features/support for comparisons? Does the tool provide intermediate results? Flexibility: Adaptation possibilitiesIs it possible to add new data or modify existing ones? Is it possible to add new methods or modify existing ones? Does the tool provide support for easy structuring and design of the processes (e.g. Sankey Design)? Does the tool provide features for measuring accuracy? Sensitivity analysis Weak point analysis Does the tool provide features to increase transparency? E.g. Inventory data with mayor contribution in the results, lack of characterization data for specific substances/flows, etc. Compatibility and usability of the resultsPossibility of exporting/importing data Compatibility with other Office programmes (compatibility details when available, E.g. export/import from excel files, generation of reports in word, etc.)

8 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Conclusions: Tools and methods for social evaluation Selection of the method/tool should vary depending on the approach to be undertaken, and the data availability foreseen: For simplified and rather estimative approaches, AHP and BSC can be adequate, although the user will have little support in the evaluation. They are simple tools, without database, and the methods may be difficult to integrate in usual LCA software. For calculations based on existing methodologies, SEEbalance and GaBi are more suitable, especially because the user is supported with a database of indicators necessary for calculations. However, SEEbalance has very strict conditions of use, while the GaBi methodology focuses on the working environment. If new indicators are going to be defined several LCA software can be used (Regis, Umberto, SimaPro or the GaBi family of tools). These then imply the need for data collection.

9 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Conclusions: Tools and methods for economic evaluation Selection of the method/tool should vary depending on the approach to be undertaken, and the data availability foreseen: For simplified rather estimative approaches: AHP and BSC can be adequate, although the user will have little support in the evaluation. They are simple tools, without database, and the methods may be difficult to integrate in usual LCA software. MFA and SFA provide the possibility to support economic evaluation based on mass/substance flow. However, they are not properly tools for economic evaluation. Although they enable focusing in waste related issues (key for ZeroWIN project) other relevant costs elements are not considered.

10 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Conclusions: Tools and methods for economic evaluation Selection of the method/tool should vary depending on the approach to be undertaken, and the data availability foreseen: Certain tools provide specific methods for cost calculations: GaBi and Facton apply more conventional cost calculations. Facton (tool dedicated to cost calculations) provides good support for standardization of tools. Both tools provided support with economic data in their databases. Team and SEEbalance provide specific economic calculations. Team provides CBA and ecoefficiency indicators (related with environmental issues), and SEEbalance has its own cost calculations, which in principle are rather fixed. Umberto enables cost accounting based on the material and energy flows in a company, and supports cost calculations with a well established but flexible cost structure. However, the lack of cost databases is important. EIOLCA provides LCA method, combined with economic data. This method is available in other LCA software, and therefore, the tool provides little advantage.

11 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Conclusions: Tools and methods for environmental evaluation Tools/MethodsStrong pointsWeak points Professional tools for LCA enabling different methodologies -GaBi family -Kcl-eco 4.0 -SimaPro 7 -Team TM 4.5 -Umberto -Regis 2.3 -Possibility to measure different LCA indicators, based on different methodologies, according to the needs of the project. -Most software offers broad-ranging LCA databases, including mass and energy flows, etc. -The scope of the data varies. E.g. GaBi, Team, Umberto present very wide database. -Additional features like possibilities to perform sensitivity analysis vary among software. E.g. Monte Carlo is available in GaBi, SimaPro, Team and Umberto. -Some software like Kcl-eco 4.0 present limited availability of information and access to software features. Tools focused on a single LCA methodology -EIOLCAEnables LCA evaluation, and provides broad ranging databases for the European region. -Less user-friendly -Requires expert knowledge of input/output methodology -Support is more limited than in the professional LCA tools (no hotline, no possibility to individual support) -No possibility to use other LCA methodologies. This method is also incorporated in other tools (GaBi, SimaPro, Umberto…)

12 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Conclusions SocialEconomicEnvironmental Simplified rather approximate approaches AHP and BSC can be adequate, although the user will have little support in the evaluation. They are simple tools, without database, and the methods may be difficult to integrate in usual LCA software. MFA and SFA enable the economic evaluation based on mass/ substance flow. They are not proper tools for economic evaluation. Although they enable focusing in waste related issues, other relevant costs elements are not considered. Established methods, supported by with databases SEEbalance provides methodology and support for performing social and economic assessment, but it has limited conditions for use, Facton (tool dedicated to cost calculations) provides good support for conventional cost calculations methods. Broad cost database available. GaBi LCWE method and database, although it is limited to working environment. LCC and ABC method. Market price data partly available. Professional LCA software, with extensive databases and additional support features. Provides databases extended for assessment of construction, electric & electronic, and automotive sector. Includes most used databases for the ZeroWIN target sectors (among them also the ECOINVENT database). Team Provides CBA and ecoefficiency indicators (related with environmental issues). No cost database. Professional LCA software, with extensive databases and additional support features. Includes most used databases for the ZeroWIN target sectors (among them also the ECOINVENT database).

13 Task 4.1 Second characterization step Conclusions SocialEconomicEnvironmental Established methods, supported by with databases (continuation) EIOLCA provides LCA method, combined with economic data. In general terms, the use of EIOLCA does not present special advantages, since the method it offers is also integrated in other tools. At the same time, this method presents less transparency, and requires more expertise for use and interpretation of results. Enables performing cost accounting based on the material and energy flows in a company. Cost input from user. Umberto Professional LCA software, with extensive databases and additional support features. Includes most used databases for the ZeroWIN sectors (among them also the ECOINVENT database). Kcl-eco 4.0 Professional LCA software, with extensive databases and additional support features. Presents limited availability of information and access to software. Includes most used databases for the ZeroWIN sectors (among them also the ECOINVENT database). SimaPro 7 Professional LCA software, with extensive databases and additional support features. Includes most used databases for the ZeroWIN sectors (among them also the ECOINVENT database). Regis 2.3 Professional LCA software, with extensive databases and additional support features. Includes most used databases for the ZeroWIN sectors (among them also the ECOINVENT database). Tools enabling the incorporation/adapt ation of methods. Regis Umberto SimaPro GaBi family of tools Team

14 Introduction WP 4 Tasks Task 4.2: Interaction with ELCD/ILCD The methods, which will be applied for the case studies, see list under objectives of WP4, require close interaction with ELCD/ILCD. This will be ensured by taking ELCD data for all case studies. In case of missing data this task (in close cooperation with WP6 and 7) will be responsible to ensure proper implementation of external data or collection of new data and creation of datasets, which are compatible with ELCD format and ILCD philosophy (see and handbooks at This task also supports the procedure to feed the ELCD/ILCD database with results from the assessments of WP7 (based on case studies WP6). It will proceeded in regard to the philosophy and requirements of ELCD/ILCD.

15 Introduction WP 4 Deliverables and interactions with other tasks D4.1: Matrix in place with tools and possible classification, characterization and application options - Month 12 D4.2: Interaction with ELCD/ILCD - Month 24 and 60 The analysis of existing tools will also be regarding to applicability on the case studies (WP6). Gained data and results from WP6 (case study outline) and WP7 (assessment of case studies) will be provided to the ELCD/ILCD network adequately in regard of the ELCD/ILCD philosophy ( Thus WP 4 is interlinked with WP3, considers the requirements as identified from the case studies in WP6 and provides the necessary tools for the assessment in WP7.

16 PE INTERNATIONAL GmbH Hauptstraße 111 - 113 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany Phone+49 [0] 711 341817-0 Fax+49 [0] 711 341817-25

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