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Lamarck · Born in Paris (1774- 1829) · Biólogo French · Fue the first to use the term biology · Murió blind and destitute.

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Presentation on theme: "Lamarck · Born in Paris (1774- 1829) · Biólogo French · Fue the first to use the term biology · Murió blind and destitute."— Presentation transcript:

1 lamarck · Born in Paris (1774- 1829) · Biólogo French · Fue the first to use the term biology · Murió blind and destitute

2 Some characteristics ●Up to 17 years followed by ecclesiastical career will of his father ● His father died in the infantry in a delicate health ● It then moved to Paris to study medicine and botany ● In 1778 a disciple of Bernard de Jussieu published (Flora French) in the that plant is classified systematically using a dichotomous key

3 * Member of the French Academy of Sciences, worked as a botanical garden du Roi until the institution was converted during the Revolution, the National Museum of Natural History * Director of the department of animals without skeleton, who later called invertebrates, which was the first subdivision of the groups today (arachnids, insects, crustaceans and echinoderms)

4 Situación presente His studies ˖ Seven volumes of his masterpiece (History of invertebrates) ˖ Treaty published on subjects as diverse as meteorology, geology, paleontology, chemistry, research on the organization of living beings....

5 The three laws of Lamarck The influence of environment on the development of organs The change in body structure based on the use or non use of different body parts Inheritance of acquired characteristics The inheritance of acquired characteristics

6 Alternativas posibles Theory is a complex proposal in the nineteenth century by Lamarck This explains the evolution of species Is based on three main areas: use and disuse; spontaneous generation and the inherent tendency to greater complexity

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