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STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING Complete C++ Program. Content 2  Main Function  Preprocessor directives  User comments  Escape characters  cout statement.

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2 Content 2  Main Function  Preprocessor directives  User comments  Escape characters  cout statement  String literals  C++ keywords  General C++ syntax rules

3 Objectives 3  By the end you should be able to:  Identify the main function, Preprocessor directives, and user comments in a C++ program  Recognize some of the C++ keywords  Apply C++ syntax rules in producing output messages using cout stream and iostream library  Use Escape characters properly in a cout statement

4 Complete Program 4 commentsstatement main function preprocessor directive braces string literal output on screen

5 C++ Program Structure  Comments: remarks that are ignored by the compiler  Compiler directives: commands for compiler, which are needed to compile and run program effectively  Main function: where every program begins  Braces: mark the beginning and ending code blocks  Statement: a line of C++ code 5

6 Comments  Explain programs, their purpose, authors names and future modification notes to other programmers  Improve program readability  Ignored by compiler  Single-line comment  Begin with //  Multi-line comment  Start with /*  End with */ 6 // Fig. 2.1: fig02_01.cpp // Text-printing program /* Fig. 2.1: fig02_01.cpp Text-printing program */ // Fig. 2.1: fig02_01.cpp // Text-printing program /* Fig. 2.1: fig02_01.cpp Text-printing program */

7 Preprocessor Directives  Instructions to the compiler rather than part of C++ language  Processed by preprocessor before compilation  Tells preprocessor to include the input/output stream header file  Begin with #  It tells the compiler to put code from iostream into the program before actually creating the executable  Forgetting to include the file will result in a compilation error 7 #include name of header file

8 main Function  Block of codes carries out a specific task  Part of every C++ program  ONLY one function in a program must be main  Can or can’t be “return” a value  Returns an integer; once return  Body is delimited by braces { }  return statement  The value 0 indicates the program terminated successfully 8 int main() { return 0; } int main() { return 0; }

9 Using cout  Namespace  std:: Specifies using a name that belongs to “namespace” std Can be removed through use of using statements  Standard output stream object  std::cout “Connected” to screen Defined in input/output stream header file 9

10 Using cout (cont.)  Stream insertion operator <<  Value to right (right operand) inserted into left operand  Example std::cout << "Hello"; Inserts the string "Hello" into the standard output then displays to the screen  Escape characters  A character preceded by "\" Indicates “special” character output  Example "\n“  Cursor moves to beginning of next line on the screen 10

11 Escape Sequences 11

12 Modifying First Program - 1 12 Multiple stream insertion statements produce one line of output

13 Modifying First Program - 2 13 Use newline characters to print on multiple lines

14 Syntax Rules 14  Must include for cout to work properly  You must use the namespace std for cout to work properly  C++ is case sensitive  Make sure you don’t capitalize any of the letters in C++ keywords  Every statement ends with a statement terminator ( ; )  except for function header, function braces and preprocessor directives  String literals must be enclosed in “ ”  Main function must return a value to the OS  Every opening brace { must have an enclosing brace }

15 Exercise - 1 15 Write a program that display your name, ID, and section in our course. Then, save the source code file as yourName.cpp

16 Exercise - 2 16 Write a program that print the message of your choice to the screen. Make the message at least four lines long. Save the source file as myMessage.cpp

17 Included Sections 17 Chapter 2: from section 1 to 3

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